EcoNews Report

Broadway: Dangerous by Design?

The Green Gang Season 2021 Episode 101

Eureka's Broadway is one the most dangerous streets in California for pedestrians. In the last decade alone, at least 10 people have been killed and at least 14 people severely injured while walking or biking on Broadway. What is being done about it? Colin Fiske of the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities joins Gang Green to talk about what fixes can and should be undertaken immediately to make the roadway safer for all road users. Want to take action? Sign the petition to Caltrans to demand immediate improvements here. Have you felt unsafe as a pedestrian? Mark the location to help drive improvements

Required Reading:

Eureka May Propose New Roads Through Wetlands to Improve Broadway Corridor; Opponents Say Plans Aren’t Feasible

Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities Holding Memorial on Friday for People Killed By Cars

Previously on EcoNews Report:

Building Cities for People, Not Cars

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