The Here and Now Podcast

The Social Contract

The Here and Now Podcast with Dave Monds Episode 73

What is the role of government? Should it exist to provide safety and security for its citizens or to maintain order because humans are fundamentally selfish? Is an equitable society possible? What would such a society look like? Episode 73 is the first of a mini-series on social justice in which we consider the social contract that exists between a state and its people according to the divergent views of four political philosophers.

We Explore
The United States Declaration of Independence
The natural state and natural law
Social Contract Theory according to Hobbes and Leviathan
Locke's second treatise of government
The Social Contract according to Rousseau
A theory of justice by Rawls

Show Notes

Episode 45 - Moral relativism
Leviathan – Thomas Hobbes
Two Treatises of Government – John Locke
The Social Contract – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rosseau and Locke on Property and the State – Matt Schrage
A Theory of Justice – John Rawls

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