Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast

30: Are You An Intercessor?

May 13, 2021 LBrooks/ Juin Killingsworth Season 2021 Episode 30

This episodes opens your eyes to another myth that we need to let go. The belief that intercessory prayer warriors can get a prayer through because that is their ministry and not yours. Time to put this myth down. We are all called to be intercessors. Listen as Lyvita clarifies, give examples, and provides time for, intercessory praying with the Maryland National Day of Prayer Co-Chairperson Juin Killingsworth. www.lyvitabrooks.com for more resources.

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Go to lyvitabrooks.com for the show notes with timestamps

List of Resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles: 

Calls to Action: 

Upcoming Bible Study Event:  The Forgotten God: Who Is He? Tuesday, June 8, 2021, a Webinar learning about who is the Forgotten God and 5 things we need to know about Him. For more information: Click Here 

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