Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Chapter 43: Increasing Faith

Narrated by Chris Allen Season 4 Episode 13

Fellowship:  The True Nature of Fellowship with God

In this series of 14 sermons, the good Doctor (as Dr. Jones’ was affectionately known) relays, “This is the fundamental thing, the most serious thing of all, that we are always in the presence of God.” He again carefully explains several guiding principles for how to live given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

  1. Consider “the delicate nature of the Christian life. The Christian life is always a matter of balance and poise. It is a life that gives the impression of being self-contradictory....” 
  2. The next “...principle is that the ultimate choice is always the choice between pleasing self and pleasing God.”
  3. “...The supreme matter in this life and world for all of us is to realize our relationship to God.
  4. Additionally, “ is quite right to seek the reward which God gives. He says, `Otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.' If you do the right thing, then `thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.' “

Throughout this series he will give guidance on prayer, fasting, alms-giving, and how to comprehend the depth of the Father’s love for his children which leads to “increasing faith” and freedom from worry.  He also describes how the “Lord shows us the danger of the impact of the life of this world upon us, the danger of worldliness, the danger of living for the things of this life and this world, whether we have too much or too little, and especially the subtlety of that danger.”