Let's Talk Death! ... a HealGrief® program

Let's Talk Death with John Abraham

John Abraham

In this episode, John talks about his work with Choice and Dignity, a right to die nonprofit organization offering end-of-life advocacy to enable everyone to have a "good death."

John Abraham, Episcopal Priest, and Certified Fellow in Thanatology has 40+ years working in death education as a counselor, therapist, patient-care advocate, and health care administrator. He is the author of How To Get the Death You Want: A Practical And Moral Guide (2017) and of many articles in OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying and numerous journals, newsletters, magazines, and newspapers, reflecting his commitment to the disciplines of death, dying, and bereavement. Mr. Abraham approaches these topics with a holistic perspective, taking into account the physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of these challenging issues. He speaks and presents to doctors, nurses, general medical staff, assisted-living workers, educators, hospices, community and religious groups, emergency caregivers, etc.

John is the founder and president of Choice and Dignity, Inc. Their website provides support and information about life’s end and how to avoid the “bad death” that many people experience, enabling everyone to obtain a “good death.” He is a graduate of The Peddie School, Colgate University, and Virginia Theological Seminary, committed to continuing education through various venues. He has taught Death Education to undergraduates and presently teaches adults through the University of Arizona’s Adult Education Program.

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