Let's Talk Death! ... a HealGrief® program

Let's Talk Death with Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker

In this episode, Barbara shares how she witnessed her friend, after being diagnosed with a terminal illness, living her fullest life. It was that experience that Barbara began to learn how to live with the end in mind.

Barbara Becker is the founder of EqualShot, a strategic communications consultancy specializing in strengthening the voice of the non-profit community, a writer, and an interfaith minister who has dedicated over 25 years to partnering with human rights advocates around the world in pursuit of peace, spirituality, and everyday mindfulness. 

She has worked with the United Nations, Human Rights First, the Ms. Foundation for Women, and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh. She has participated in a delegation of Zen Peacemakers and Lakota elders in the sacred Black Hills of South Dakota.

Barbara lives in New York City with her interfaith family and is the author of Heartwood, the Art of Living with the End in Mind.

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