Let's Talk Death! ... a HealGrief® program

Let's Talk Death with Julie Ryan

Julie Ryan

In this episode, Julie shares how her career as a medical device industry inventor sparked her interest in energetic healing and how that led her into the psychic world.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and author who learned to be a psychic and medical intuitive more than 25 years ago.

Julie can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can tell how close someone is to death and can communicate with spirits, both alive and deceased. Julie can communicate with and medically scan animals, access people's past lives and remove spirits from homes and buildings.

Julie has authored Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, Angel Messages For Kids, and Angel Messages For Dogs. She is a podcast host for, Ask Julie Ryan, with listeners from all over the world, many of whom call in to partake in Julie's "buffet of psychicness."

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