Let's Talk Death! ... a HealGrief® program

Let's Talk Death with Bryan Jung

Bryan Jung

In this episode, Bryan shares his story remembering back to nine when his father was shot and then confusion over his death just before his 11th birthday.

Bryan Jung is the Founder of 'This is Why,' a creative platform for individuals who have lost a parent as a child or teenager. His goal is to provide a safe space for individuals of all ages to share emotions, thoughts, and experiences with the option of anonymity. In turn, a community can be built with others who've undergone similar experiences. 

Bryan was born & raised around the Seattle area. He graduated from the University of Washington with a focus in Information Systems at the Michael G. Foster School of Business. He continues to live and work in Seattle.

In his free time, Bryan likes to produce and perform music. He also enjoys playing a variety of different sports, especially golf.

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