Let's Talk Death! ... a HealGrief® program

Let's Talk Death with Amanda Alvarez

September 15, 2021 Amanda Alvarez

In this episode, Amanda addresses the vital need to care for lactating mothers whose child did not survive.

Amanda Alvarez, a graduate of the University of South Alabama and Spring Hill College, is an IBCLC, International Board of Lactation Consultant dedicated to helping families achieve informed, safe, and comfortable lactation and infant feeding goals.

Amanda currently works at Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas as an Education and Enrichment Manager. She provides clinical lactation care, manages a multi-site Baby Cafe Cluster, and directs other educational programming for the organization.

She represents Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas and Tarrant County Breastfeeding Coalition through leadership and participation in multiple local reproductive health coalitions, including Texas Breastfeeding Coalition, United States Breastfeeding Committee, and the United States Lactation Consultant Association.

Amanda lives with her husband, their three children, and a menagerie of pets. She enjoys running, cooking, travel, and volunteer work in social justice.

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