Yoga In My School
Yoga In My School
Insight into Writing a Kids Yoga Book
Are you interested in writing a kids yoga book? Yes? You need to listen to this episode of the Yoga In My School podcast as Susan Rose, newly published author, shares her experience and insight from diving into the process during the Covid pandemic. Fifteen months later she has published two books with a plan for a series. It's been a learning curve from which you can benefit.
Note: There are some audio lags in this recording due to wifi connection during the live interview. Thank you for your patience.
Highlights include:
1:15 Who is Susan Rose
3:05 Inspiration to become an author
4:46 Finding an illustrator
7:05 Steps to writing a kids yoga picture book
9:00 The publishing process
12:01 Biggest surprise in writing a kids yoga book
17:16 Everybody is Good at Something
19:00 How it feels to hold your book in your hands
20:30 Essentials of marketing your book
23:20 Investment (time & money) to write a book
26:47 Advice for new authors
CONNECT with Susan
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