Your Life in the Now

What's Blocking You From Creating Passionate, Healthier Relationships?

February 12, 2020 David Greenwood Episode 4

 Read the free report "7 Huge Mistakes You Probably Make That Diminish Your Self Confidence and Create..." by visiting my website at   I also offer these episodes on video from my YouTube Channel at this address:  If you wish to read more you can find them on my blog at

Here are the main points in this episode

  • Is it possible that something is keeping you from opening up and trusting in your relationships?  We're going to explore some of these possibilities and what could be holding you back. 
  • When we start this internal search for the truth of our relationships can you be open to seeing them in a new light?  With new possibilities?
  • These are the two alternate beliefs that sometimes war within your mind and create the cognitive beliefs that can drive you crazy with self-doubt and inner conflict. 
  • Co-dependent sizzle draws you into difficult relationships when wounded parts of you feel like they have found their soul mate.  More correctly they are your wound mates - and this isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • Drawing someone with the energy of opposites attract will lead to difficult challenges.   Just remember that you can’t absorb another person's emotional or controlling nature.