Your Life in the Now

Facing Your Fears

March 24, 2020 David Greenwood

What fears do you have that keep you from living a life of joy and fulfillment?

Read the free report "7 Huge Mistakes You Probably Make That Diminish Your Self Confidence and Create..." by visiting my website at   I also offer these episodes on video from my YouTube Channel at this address:  If you wish to read more you can find them on my blog at

Here are the main points in this episode.  

  • Discover how your individual fears sabotage your happiness
  • Learn how your Guardian uses these fears to control you
  • What you can do right now to break it's hold on you
  • Be inspired by others who have overcome their negative conditioned beliefs
  • You are meant to stay self aware, dynamic and healthier
  • Take steps now to change your life, your relationships, your world

I offer personal sessions and programs to help you overcome your Guardian and release old fears, worries and habits.  Visit my website at to schedule your phone or in-office session.  All initial Consultations are free.