Your Life in the Now

Thoughts from Zion on Life Coaching, the Origin of Anxiety and Magic of Life in the Now

April 08, 2020 David Greenwood Episode 8

Reflect upon these thoughts from spectacular Zion National Park, Utah

Read the free report "7 Huge Mistakes You Probably Make That Diminish Your Self Confidence and Create..." by visiting my website at   I also offer these episodes on video from my YouTube Channel at this address:  If you wish to read more you can find them on my blog at

Here are the main points in this episode:

  • Life Coaching is very different than therapy
  • What are the three most important questions in life?   
  • Does anxiety really arise from your subconscious mind?
  • Living life in the now is always possible for everyone.
  • Imagine experiencing your daily life with new senses.

I always offer free consultations for you to breakthrough the old conditioning. You will find that I have several programs available for you to achieve your goals that integrate Life Coaching, Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Guided Meditation, Emotional Growth Work and Practical Spirituality.

Sessions are available by phone/Zoom as well as in my Bellevue, WA, office.  Check out this website to schedule your free consultation.