Your Life in the Now

Do You Believe In Psychic Phenomena?

David Greenwood

Have you had psychic experiences?  How did it affect your life?  Did it alter your beliefs? Could it lead to something even more amazing and transformational?

In this podcast we explore how your beliefs are affected by an encounter with psychic phenomena.  I will describe my own earlier experiences with this process and the puzzling, often frightening results of these encounters.

Equally important is how you respond to such encounters.  Does your mind go into denial as self protection?  Does it change the way you see yourself and your place in the universe?

Here are the main points in this episode:

* Learn how this type of experience can alter the course of your life
* Why you have to avoid jumping to conclusions about your encounters
* Be open to the opportunity such experiences may present
* Decide for yourself what my experiences may have meant
* Experience for yourself another level of being

Learn how having the mind of a Modern Mystic moves you beyond your old conditioned beliefs and behaviors and will open up for you to these experiences.

I always offer free consultations for you to breakthrough the old conditioning. You will find that I have several programs available for you to achieve your goals that integrate Life Coaching, Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Guided Meditation, Emotional Growth Work and Practical Spirituality. Learn how to become a Modern Mystic.  Sessions are available by phone/Zoom as well as in my Bellevue, WA, office. Check out this website to schedule your free consultation.

On my other website,, you can download for free the training, "3 Huge Mistakes That Your Probably Make" that diminish your self confidence and create stress, anxiety and failure in your daily life.  This will free you to focus upon deeper issues for transformation.