Your Life in the Now

Mystical UFOs and Your Reality

David Greenwood

Have you ever seen a UFO? Of course you have!  How about a Sasquatch?  I doubt it!  Have you ever wondered how your reality is shaped by your own conditioned mind and might be stopping you from experiencing not just seemingly magical, mystical occurrences, but also more fully appreciating your daily life?  How does your subconscious denial mechanism rob you of these experiences? 

In this podcast we explore how your beliefs affect your ability to perceive reality.  How it can block and stop you from even considering options beyond your current limited, controlling subconscious mind.  

Does your mind go into denial as self protection?  Does it change the way you see yourself and your place in the universe?

Here are the main points in this episode:

* Perhaps like me, you are reconsidering the reality of UFOs
* Why would such a change in perspective cause your subconscious to control you?
* Learn how one pilot who encountered UFOs deny a change in his reality
* Decide for yourself how your own mind might deride others when faced with challenges
* What happens when you open your mind up to new realities?

Learn how having the mind of a Modern Mystic moves you beyond your old conditioned beliefs and behaviors and opens up to new experiences.

I always offer free consultations for you to breakthrough the old conditioning. You will find that I have several programs available for you to achieve your goals that integrate Life Coaching, Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Guided Meditation, Emotional Growth Work and Practical Spirituality. Learn how to become a Modern Mystic.  Sessions are available by phone/Zoom as well as in my Bellevue, WA, office. Check out this website to schedule your free consultation.

On my other website,, you can download for free the training, "3 Huge Mistakes That Your Probably Make" that diminish your self confidence and create stress, anxiety and failure in your daily life.  This will free you to focus upon deeper issues for transformation.