How Not To Think

How Not To Think about...Weight Loss

Howard/ Barbara Cady Season 1 Episode 4

There's probably few areas in contemporary life that are as beset by myths, stereotypes, binary thinking and fake news than weight loss. With the majority of people in the US and most of the western world (not to mention some of the poorer countries) struggling with excessive weight and the associated co-morbid conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke and dementia, we desperately need to view this issue critically and with clarity.

Barbara Cady is a former President of the non-profit weight loss support group Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) and currently an advisor with tears of experience and wisdom on this topic. TOPS is a non-profit organization that focuses on the why and how of  weight loss, not just the what. Uncontaminated by the need for profits and driven entirely by efficacy and the goal of providing support, TOPS, and Barb in particular, can tell us a lot about how not to think about weight loss. 

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