Kink Kloset

Episode 9 - Pup Panther

Thomas Seggie / Pup Panther Season 1 Episode 9

Get ready for the ninth episode of the Kink Kloset!

Pouncing into the Kink Kloset is none other than the slippery Pup Panther. Panther is another Queensland kinkster who resides in Sydney. Panther spent most of his young adulthood being involved in sports and took his time in discovering his kinkself. Throughout his kink journey, he has since become an active member within the BDSM community, especially with the pup and handler community. Panther has represented the community as the Queensland Leather Puppy 2017, Australian Puppy 2017 was the first non North American to compete at IPAHW in 2018 and was Secondary Head Judge at IPAHW 2019.

Throughout his kink journey, Panther has linked his ability to achieve a focused head space in sport to his kinks. This has been very fundamental in developing his pup head space. In this episode we unpack what role a head space has in kink play. We also talk about how he has managed his kink relationships functioning remotely from different states.