Everyday Dancers

Karla Mathieson - Part 1

Everyday Dancers Season 2 Episode 6

Karla Mathieson is a wonderful human being and dancer. She is super creative and channels her creative energy in lots of different areas from graphic design and art through to popping and roller dance. Her adventures in dance has taken her from a small town in the south of NZ through to Melbourne and even all the way to Korea. Karla had what some might call a traditional start in dance by learning styles like ballet and tap and even flamenco at a young age but where’s she’s taken her dance is vastly different from where she started. Am grateful to have Karla on this episode of everyday dancers to share her story with us. Hope you find it as interesting, inspiring and humbling as I did. 

Note: Due to some technical issues, the interview got cut halfway and have had to post this in two seperate parts. Here's part 1, go to the next episode to hear the continuation of Karla's story in part 2.