A Lifetime of Happiness: Movies, TV, and Video Games

Grease (1978)

Steve Bennet-Martin, Stephen Martin-Bennet Season 1 Episode 94

The Steves discuss the 1978 'family' classic, Grease, along with what's making them happy.

What's Making Us Happy?

  • The Eternals (in theatres)
  • Queen Sugar (Hulu and OWN)

Grease Topics

  • We discuss the cast and crew and where else we might know them
  • Grease was the highest grossing musical of the time- what are the the top 5 today?
  • The two different versions of Sandy and Danny's 'Summer Lovin'
  • How Grease is actually pretty filthy for what was a PG movie at the time
  • Is Danny the problem? Spoiler alert- yes
  • The problematic aspects of the ending and how Stephen would fix them
  • How Grease went on to become a franchise

Ending- Any music or audio clips were borrowed from the original source material.

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Hello returning happies and new listeners. This is Steve Bennet-Martin


and this is Stephen Martin-Bennet. And welcome to


a lifetime of. The podcast where we take you on our journey through some of the movies, TV shows, and other bits of pop culture that are helping to keep us happy while hopefully bring a smile to your face along the way. And today


we're born to hand jive baby because we're exploring some, Summer loving hand me up blast and telling him. There are worse things I could do as we discussed the bam boom of Greece.


Yes. And that was quite the mouthful of a plus. Thank you very much. So before we get into all that jazz, what's been making


you happy. Okay. So. You know, there are some shows that I watch that you don't watch. And one of those is the truly magnificent queen sugar, which you have trouble remembering the name of sometimes sugar bear,


honey mama. Yeah. Honeymoon


queen sugar. And it's only owned network and I've been watching it on Hulu. And so this is one thing that's making me happy. And one thing not making me happy. I finally got caught up. Seasons one through five and we're on season six, which is Erin. Currently. We don't have own on our cable and. Season six is not on Hulu, so I'm all caught up and I can't see what happens to the amazing board alone family. So it's very sad right now.


Well, I'm sure that there's a way to watch own, but we can also hope that it comes to Hulu very


soon. Cause there's only like one or two more episodes before the season


six finishes. And if anyone with an own subscription wants to share their password with that dude, that. Meanwhile as something that you can catch in theaters is the internals, which we really enjoyed as well. Yes. The latest Marvel release.


And it was definitely a. Intellectual property from Marvel that I was not familiar with


at all, not at all. And I feel like while we were open to some of the concepts from just reading comics in general, they did a great job of making it accessible to non comics fans, even though it is pretty out there with its themes and it's set up and its history and,


and it's about two to two and a half hours long. And so there was a lot of heavy lifting with world-building and mythology. And character set up as well as character arcs that happen. And I believe that it was done magnificently.


Yes, I would agree. And so far while it's received some mixed reviews it is performing well. It's been the second highest released grossing film of since COVID it grows$118.8 million in the U S and Canada as of today and 162.6 million and other territories for worldwide, total of$281.4 million.


And it has been the number one movie in the world two weeks in a row.


Yes. And so if you haven't checked it out, I would say it definitely makes us happy. It also makes me happy with what's to come because John Snow is going to be, to be returning likely. Yeah.


And also there was a voice at the end that I didn't recognize the voice right off, but it is leading into allayed. Yes. It's leading into blade, which we knew. With coming to the MCU. So it's interesting that it's coming out of this, so that's fun. And


and for those one direction fans, I won't spoil who, but you might see a familiar face at the end as well for a tease for the upcoming movie. So more than ever, definitely watch it through to the end


credits. Yeah. And what was kind of interesting is this had a larger cast?


Yes, it did, but it did a pretty good job of flushing them all out. It


did. And what I enjoyed were kind of the. Supporting of the cast members between Festus thinking which was Angelina Jolie. And then like Druid and Maccari. Yes. And those four were kind of the supporting players, but they were actually my four favorite. Of the eternal characters.


Yes. I would say meanwhile, yeah, I was surprised with how Angelina Jolie did so well on the ride. I was very impressed and her when she got the role, but she did great. And I mean, Gemma Chan is, CRC was also just brilliant. So, oh, she


was, she was really great. There was just something I enjoyed about Makari and Druids relationship. Yeah. And Festus. Queer representation in Marvel films. And finally, yeah. And it was done extraordinarily well,


but getting into a film with no homosexual characters because you actually have to dance. Opposite sex, dance partners, rule number one, rule number one is Greece. Yeah.


So Greece is a 1978 American musical comedy film based on the 1971 musical of the same name. Now here's a fun fact. Yes. Before last week. I had never seen Greece all the way through. Yes. Which


is interesting because you're familiar enough about it. You've seen grease live you've I've seen grease on Broadway. You've seen grace on Broadway, but you have not seen this movie. And I've


seen like all of the music clips. Yeah. But I had never seen the entire movie all the way through.


And what were your thoughts on it? Well, we will get there. Okay. Yes. And the film was written by Bronte Woodard adapted by Alan Carr and directed by Randal Kleiser. Do we know any of these people?


Not really. And you, and at first I was like, oh, Alan Carr from drag race, UK different


from Ellen. Yeah, Bronte also co-wrote the screenplay for the 1980 village people film. Can't stop. Along with Alan Carr. He did not do much else. While car did come back to produce grease.


And Clauser went on to direct honey. I blew up the kid and some other stuff hunting. I blew up the kid is the sequel to honey. I shrunk the kids. Yes, yes it


is. And it does start John Travolta's did to Danny Zuko and Olivia Newton-John is Sandy. Do we know them?


Justice it's a little bit bolt a is known for roles in pulp fiction. Get shorty look, who's talking hairspray and Saturday night fever. Olivia Newton, John, she was a fitness icon, but we also know her from her music as well as playing Kira in Xanadu and bitsy may Harling in sort of lives the series. And she was fantastic in that. And Olivia Newton. John is the one that told everyone in the eighties that let's get physical.


Yeah. Physical, physical. Yes. And it also stars a stocker Channing as Rizzo, Dina Umanoff as Marty. Jeff Conaway is Kentucky and D Kong con as Frenchie. Yep.


And everyone knows stocker Channing. Anybody that has seen the golden girls spinoff empty nest. No. Diana May off and Jeff Conaway you've actually seen him in a ton of things. You just probably didn't realize it.


Yes. And DD Khan was the only one who returned for Greece, two of the original class, right?


Yeah. Because even though she enrolled in school, she did miss a semester and was not able to graduate with her friends. So she had to come back for the next.


Yes. Now the movie had a budget of$6 million and it has an astounding box office of$366.2 million became the highest grossing musical film at the time.


It's honestly incredible. The top three musicals in general. Now are the 2019 depressing lion king followed by frozen two and frozen then beauty and the beast. And


yes, and I've found a couple of things. Fascinating. First, the number one was the 2019 lion king, because like we said, it wasn't our favorite. I love the original cartoon version, much better had the lighthearted aspects. And I was also surprised that frozen two. Did better than frozen,


right? Because frozen, I thought was a superior film to frozen too, but I'm guessing all the people that became obsessed with came back for a number two that maybe some of those people didn't see the first one in the theater and only saw it on video, possibly.


Yes. So getting into the plot it starts with a montage of summer Levin at the beach before Sandy laments about having to go back home to us. Well, Danny promises her that it's just the beginning and he always wanted to pressure her to take things further, but she kept saying,


no, he was like, yeah, we can make it really special. And she's like, no, thanks. Yes, no, thank you. And then. We get a cartoon credits to the song Greece, you know, that people will know is Greece is through the word and it was done by the BGS and the cartoon credits are where all the main characters get a caricature and someone did really evil by Stockard Channing.


Yes, they did. Stocker is a very pretty well. And the thing was just a really jacked up version of her. Yeah,


it's sad. But then we get into the first day of school and Danny and his friends, the T-Bird, they start the school day talking about the new girl. That Danny hasn't seen yet. And then we switch over to Sandy's point of view and she is the new girl in school. And she makes friends with Frenchie who introduces her to the pink ladies.


Yes. And so what were your first impressions of Danny and his friends? My love it. Yes. Toxic macula masculinity at its best.


Oh, I mean, it was just foul where you're not actually sure why these guys are friends because they're all. Ragging on each other and they don't seem to really be kind to each other and they followed Danny, just because, so this first introduction, isn't really a thing of, I don't see why your friends,


I don't get much of a clearer picture as the movie goes on either. No,


only one of them actually has really good character growth.


Yes. Meanwhile, what were your first impressions that the pink ladies?


So it was. A nice change for that time period where you know, the time that they're setting it up, where the girls were supposed to be dressing a certain way and your skirts had to be a certain link. And you had these women that were kind of bucking the rules and these would have been some of your first like some people's first Version of feminists on film. Now these aren't the first feminists on film, but some people watched Greece as a child. So this is their first time seeing women stand up for themselves in certain


aspects. Yeah. Yes. I was like, this is the nicest girl gang ever. Cause they, you know, they're not rough around the edges or everything. They're very polished. They're very pretty. But they definitely are also not conforming to the societal norms of the time. Now both groups reflect on their summer together at, with Danny and Sandy singing summer loving some


and had me up last summer, loving


that just made me wonder if they each had two different summers altogether, by the way that they were narrating it. Well,


so that was an interesting thing. So Sandy's telling the version that we saw. And the opening segments of the movie, and Danny is telling a version that he needs to tell his friends to look cool. Yes,


certainly we can see one of them. And one of these stories is not like the other, he never flat out lies, but he insinuates left and right. How much sex they were having, even though they didn't. Right. And


it was. I dunno, Danny is already problematic at the beginning of the movie and people are like, oh, Danny and Sandy. And I'm like, I don't think so.


Yes. Meanwhile, this song reminds me of my senior year of high school. We did a musical review play and I had to sing part of summer loving the identity loss Danny's lions, of course, but I am not a naturally born.


That's okay, because singing is fun and we do it in any


way. Yes, I did. And you had your own version of fun with this?


Yes, the summer before I moved away from Cincinnati, I start in my big gay wedding with sharing my family who was on our little shop before his episode. She was our director and she's one of the best people in the universe. I love her to death. Yeah. So sharing and I, and the rest of the cast got up on stage on a Thursday night at below zero in Cincinnati for karaoke night. And we did summer 11 and it was just a really, really good


time. Yes. Now, after the song, Sandy shares Danny's name with the pink ladies. And since then he used to have a thing with Rizzo. They don't let Sandy know. Danny goes to school with them. We then fast forward to a pep rally bonfire. We're sending. The cheerleading squad and Rizzo has a surprise for Sandy. What's the surprise. And I love


it's Danny. And so what's really interesting is as soon as he sees her, you see the Danny from the opening montage of sweet and, oh my gosh. It's so good to see you. I didn't think you were going to be here and she's so excited to see him. And then all of a sudden he realizes, oh, the guys are behind me and he starts, you know, quote unquote, playing at cool. Yeah. Yeah. He's not a good person here. And like he pretty much is very aloof, nonchalant, and it hurts her feelings.


Yes. So fringy might served for a sleepover to help share up and her feelings won't get hurt there at all. Right.


They, no, because. In movies, all girls sleepovers always go really well with no bullying, exactly.


Or serial killer murders. Well, there is that one can go one of two ways. It goes to the bullying right here, because at the summer party that girls are smoking and they were drinking wine. And


they tried to peer Sandy's ears, which causes her to throw up when she sees the blood.


And while she's throwing up in the bathroom, Rizzo sings, look at me, I'm saying. Making fun of Sandy for being uptight and pure. Yup.


And then there's also the cartoon about brushing your teeth and the one girl sits in front of the TV. She does that bashed up, brushed up bra, which I actually sing for Remy. Whenever I have to brush his teeth, I grab it. He doesn't care to get his teeth brushed. And so, but I, I get there and I hold him and I singing, brushed up, brushed up, brush I don't know if it makes it any easier for him, but I enjoy it. Yes.


So what do you think of the song? Look at me. I'm Sandra date. So bully song, it's actually pretty cute.


It is pretty cute. And and it fits in well with what we know of Rizzo at this point. And, you know, Rizzo probably has never been around anybody. That's so Ernest as Sandy is, and. I think


she's jealous. I think she's here already and earnestness


that she can just, you know, be who she is, where Rizzo feels that she either has to have boys like her, or she has to put up the hard exterior. To keep people away hiding what's actually inside. And I think that it is you know, I'm jealous that you are just you and people like you for that. Yes.


So when the boys come by, Rizzo takes off with Kentucky and they ended up having sex without


condom. Yeah, because Kentucky had the condom that he had on him broke because it was about four years old. Which tells me that Kentucky is actually a Virgin or he likes to bear. No, I think that in this movie, he's a Virgin. I think he's a Virgin, which as you start watching this, you realize, well, damn, Kentucky's a good guy.


Yes. Meanwhile, I had also, during that time in the car with all the other guys went to kick Sinatra goes, what do you think this is a gang bang. And I'm like, this is America's family musical. Isn't it. Right.


And Danny Haven has a comment about, yeah, don't go in for sloppy seconds and she tells Danny to go flog your log. And I'm like, and yeah, this is America's family musical and it's


pretty raunchy. And I didn't, I mean, of course it all went over my head when I first watched it. But


yeah, but I mean, fuck gang bang.


Yes. Sounds good to me. Yes. Now back at the house, Sandy goes out once they. To sing hopelessly devoted to


you. Okay. So I have like, I love the TV show, pushing daisies, really. I haven't told you that before. And Kristin Chenoweth does a performance of hopelessly devoted to you on there and it just made my heart melt. So anytime I hear the song, I think of that scene with. And I'm in the shop while the guy is buffing the floors. And it's just so good. And it's interesting because you know, the song is about Sandy saying, you know, even though you treated me like shit, the night of the bonfire, I still remember the Danny from the summer. And even though you're being all weird, I'm still hopelessly devoted to you with. That's understandable for her right now, because she has this one picture of him. And then for one night, it's the total opposite. And she just doesn't know where it is, but her heart is still saying it was a whole summer. Yeah, we had all saw a whole summer together. So this one night camp.


You? Yes. Meanwhile, the next day, the boys unveil a used car that they're going to restore for a drag race with their rivals, the scorpions, and this drag race is not the type of drag race that we prefer. This is drag race, car racing. Yeah. And they sing grease, lightening, another family-friendly song,


grease lightening, dah, dah, dah, dah. You are Supreme. The chicks are cream for grease Lakin, plus the wagon. Yeah, the chick so cream. Yes. And. There is a family for friendly version of the song where it's, the chicks will scream. That is


a little bit better, but yes, you watched the original and it's cream.


Yeah. And using the phrase pussy wagon, which like I can understand, like, so only that


was ever okay.


It just is so gross. So I love kill bill. Yes. And whenever the bride kills the guy and steals his car, And because he was going to rape her while she was paralyzed in the hospital and his cars called the pussy wagon. So that's what I always think of when I hear


that. Yes. Now


Sandy decides that she's going to date the captain of the football team because he's actually showing her attention and doesn't seem to be. Too bad of a guy and they go to the diner slash ice cream shop.


Yep. And Danny tries to apologize, but Sandy turns him down because he still won't drop that tough kayaked.


And she challenges him to You know, be something more than what you're pretending to be. And he's like, oh look your guy. And she's like, yeah, try to be something like that. And he goes, I could run circles around the jocks. And what does that lead us to says? Prove


it. Yeah. It leads us to a montage of Danny trying sports balls,


basketball, wrestling, baseball, none of them work. And and then, because he's not good in team sports. No, he's not


a team


player. Turns out track might be for him, though.


All you need to do is run. Yup. And will you have pointed out something watching it for such big athletics programs in so many sports going on at once? They only have one coach? Yep.


Just the one. Like it would. Interesting for like, cause they have a gymnastics program and you know, you had to be a pretty decent school to have a gymnastics program. That was the same coach. I, I, it would take a very impressive coach to know basketball, wrestling, baseball, track football, all of those things. And to be as good as you would need to be. Yes. I don't


know whether this one cut. Cut it, but it works out for Danny as he's now a runner. Yes. Sandy sees him running and gives him a chance at a date, which their friends ended up crashing. Yup. Danny's machismo makes it awkward again. They leave then Rizzo and Kentucky fight over the cheque and break up leaving Frenchie alone to be serenaded by a teen angel to beauty school drops. Because she had a mishap and beauty scope for her. She turned her hair pink. So she decided to re-enroll in high school. Yeah.


And a lot of people really like the beauty school dropout whole song. I don't care for it. Like I feel like it just takes a lot of time and I know it's great for a Frenchie moment and stuff. I feel like it does not really move the plot along. Well,


not at all. Meanwhile, you Rizzo is avoiding Kentucky. Yeah,


because he has lines like you know, a Hickey from Kentucky is like a hallmark card when you care enough to send the very best.


Yeah, exactly. But well we don't know at the time and it's revealed later on is that's because she missed her period and she's afraid she's pregnant with his baby


and she's not giving him the opportunity. To potentially be a standup guy. So she's pushing him away before she can get yes.


Now at the dance Rizzo brings Leo the rival from the scorpions while Kentucky brings Chacha. A girl, Danny clearly has a past with as 30th despite each other. How does that.


It does not go well because you know, everybody in this movie seems to be about 10 seconds from getting into a fist fight. Anyway. Yes. And Danny and Sandy ended up going to the dance together and they sing and everybody dances to Bon, to ham


bay ch


everything. And but then it ends with Sonny pulling Sandy off to the side of the dance floor. And cha-cha cuts in with Dan. And Dan Sandy is upset at this because Danny


doesn't come and get her. He just lets her be thrown off. And then he has a new partner and he's like, oh, I don't care. I'm just going to dance with this girl. I have history with.


And so she runs out and you're like, well, that's understandable. Like Danny should have immediately left anywhere


in a dance competition. As someone pulls you away, I would run and get you. Cause you're my dance partner for life, babe deal.


That's like exactly how it goes now, but we would not be


able to do


that because rule number one for this American band stand now. Is no same-sex couples. And



you think that this is because they were homophobic or because they were worried that two men dancing together would be able to have more endurance than two females dancing together homophobic


for the time


period? For sure. I just tried to give it the benefit of the doubt there. Homophobia and it's fair in its rarest form in the family-friendly musical. Yep. So


this is actually the third time. Now that Danny has kind of the villain in the whole thing from the bonfire to one of the times that the ice cream and now with this, and you're like, how much is Sandy, like gonna put up with, from this guy who. Saying all these words, but his actions are completely off. Well,


hold your breath. Cause we're about to find out yes. At the drive-thru Sandy forgives Danny again again, and gives her is because he gives her his ring, which she feels means he respects her, but then he tries to grab her breasts without her consent. Ruining it again, leaving Danny to sing Sandy.


And like, I don't get it like this time. None of the friends were around. Like this was just him. Like some of the other times it's, he's trying to pull for his friend. Cool. For his friends, they weren't around, they weren't watching this time now. That was just being


a Dick. Yeah. This was like him feeling it because he gave her his rank. She owed him. Yeah. No,


and that's not how gifts work. No guys and girls out. You never owe anybody your body for anything? Yes.


Meanwhile at the drive-thru Rizzo confesses to one of her friends that she missed her period and the new spreads like wildfire that she's pregnant. Shane, the cyst is not connected. He's leading her to sing their worst things I could do


then go with boy on


to yes. And you love the song, don't you?


I do. I think this is. A fantastic song. It is emotionally raw and you have this character who has had this bravado, the whole movie. And it turns out that it's all an act because she would rather have the people think poorly of her then for people to feel sorry for her, she would, she would. Rather be looked down upon then to be thought of as fragile and people do that all the time. Like that's totally a thing. Like when people come off as aloof or a cold there's a lot of times they're just creating walls to keep people out because they're afraid of getting hurt. And this is just a fantastic song. She does an incredible performance with. And it gets me every time. Yes.


Then they get to the car race, which was one of the boring of seats for me. Cause you bring in cars, I'm like ma you can, Nicki asked Danny to be a second at thunder road in the drag race where Kentucky Dre knocks himself out with the card or picking up a lucky penny, which isn't so lucky. And so Danny has to race. He wins while Sandy watches and sings. Look at me. I'm Sandra. The reprise deciding to have Frenchy helped change her look. So Danny will like her and she'll have be a better match. Yeah.


Cause at this one, it was good behind just Sandra D and like, I have so many problems with this song, like so many


But I think we're about to get into it because it just gets worse and worse.


He does. There's a, yeah, there's a sound coming up where it all comes to a head and yeah. There are certain issues of this movie I have problems with and we'll get, yes.


But on the last day of school, they have a giant carnival on the football field, which totally happens for every high school


because it wouldn't because do you know what the damage that would be done to the football field? The coach would never allow


no, it was done on my playground in elementary school, which is okay. Yes. Rizzo shares with Kentucky that she wasn't pregnant, which makes everything all about. Because he wants to make an honest woman out


of her. And I think that Kentucky is actually one of the honest to goodness, good guys in this movie. And I think he would have stood by her, even if she were pregnant.


I was going to say, what do you think would have happened? How would the plot have gone if she was pregnant, he would have


married her. Yeah. And I actually think that they're a good match for each other because he sees past.


Her facade. Yes. Speaking of another great match between two people who totally belong together, Danny dresses preppy in his varsity sweater and is ready to go jock. When Sandy comes dressed as a hooker and they sing, you're the one that I want together. You're the one that I want. Ooh, Ooh, Ooh. And it is a great song.


It is a great song and it's great that they choose each other. Yes.


And it is great that like, after being an asshole for the entire movie, he finally does try. It's like say he's going to quit the, his group. He's going to be the sports jock guy that Sandy wants.


And now she's like, but I can be a bad girl. And you know, there are people that say well she made a drastic change for him. And then did he make a big enough change for her? And I say, Neither was required because


they could have just accepted each other the way that they were like they did


last summer. Like if Danny had not been such a Dick, trying to be all cool for his friends, he and Sandy wouldn't have had the drama that they had the whole time wouldn't have made her think that there was something wrong with the way she was. You know, for a musical was such fun songs and the songs are fantastic. The main plot line is so bad at the end and it could easily, easily been fixed. How so? So I really do think it's one of those things that instead of her doing the whole, tell me about it stud that it could have been a. Him standing up to his friends and just being like, Hey, this is the girl I like, and I like her as he is. And all of this, it's an act for you guys. Yeah. Like he's the only thing that needed to change. And the only thing he needed to change was the act he was putting on because there's nothing wrong with the Danny that was with Sandy all summer long. And there's nothing wrong with.


Sandy being earnest and pure. Yeah. At all. Yes. So the class then celebrates their graduation singing. We go to, yeah, they're


like Remy. Lemme, lemme have a dip. Did it, did it


before Sandy and Danny depart in a revamped grease lightening, which takes flight like Wiley, Y


like the whole movie is grounded enough in reality. And then the car flies off at the end. Why? There was no point in that at all. Okay. No, not intentionally. It was not intentional camp. Like the movie was not set up that way. No,


I agree. It was Derrick definitely very random. But what are your final thoughts on the movie?


The movie has fantastic songs. Great performances. Yes. Problematic, main storyline.


Yeah. Yes. I agree. It was not probably problematic enough though for it to not become a French. Because it is one grease to was released in 1982 and stars, Maxwell, Caulfield, and Michelle Pfeiffer, Michelle Pfeiffer. Yes. Most of the adult characters returned, but none of the students except Frenchie because it was the



class. Yep. It received a lot of negative reviews and it tanked and had a budget of 11.2 mils. And it had a box office of 15.2. Now this is a movie that over time has actually developed a cult following with some people, preferring it over the.


Yes, we have not seen that. So honestly we can't, we cannot judge. Meanwhile, we can compare it to Greece live. Yes.


That aired on Fox on January 31st, 2016 with Julianne Hough is Sandy errand vet. As Danny, Vanessa Hudgens is Rizzo. It was well received by critics and it was the most watched TV show with them. It was fantastic.


It was, it was very well done in the age of musicals being adapted for TV. This was probably one of my favorite ones that they did.


And Vanessa Hudgens dad had actually passed away that day. And so she decided to still perform. And when she did, there are worst things like. It was the best performance song. Yeah. Chills,


best part of the movie was her performance there and


the best performance of that song I've ever, ever heard. So, I mean, Vanessa Hudgens is actually quite, quite talented. People put her in a little box because of high school musical,


but she's done so much since


then. Like, this is a girl that's going to have a lifelong.


Yes. Meanwhile, it was also announced in 2019 that a prequel titled summer Levin is currently in development by Paramount's. So hopefully we'll get to see and non asshole, Danny.


Yeah. And so that's going to be interesting of who are all the side characters going to be in this because nobody saw Danny all summer


long. Maybe he has like really nice preppy friends


or maybe like, we don't know his family. Wouldn't it be really interesting if he comes from. Like a really nice family and his mom cooks like big Sunday meals and


we will see any final thoughts on Greece, the franchise, then my love.


I'm glad that it exists there. The songs are wonderful. And I'm glad that I know them. As for the movie, I don't think that it's going to be something. That I rewatch a lot or for a while. But, and that's okay, but the music itself.


Yes, I agree. And you know what? I also love our listeners, our listeners. Yes. And so listeners, we would love to hear from you and what you thought of this episode and whether you find grace problematic or not by emailing us@happylifepodatgmail.com.


Yeah, you can also get in touch with us on all the socials, whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and now. Yes.


And they're all at


happy life pod as well. Yes


they are. And also make sure you tune in next week because Ghostface is coming back,


ghosts his face. You mean we're returning to scream?


Yes, we are for a screen three. Oh, what's your favorite? Scary. Scream for my life. Yes. Well, we'll get to all the screams as we gear up for. Scream


five, just also called


scream. Yes. And we figured we'd give you a nice little palette cleanser hard before we get into the holiday season with our Christmas movie month. Cause it's


going to be all Christmas all month


long. Exactly. So before we get to that, we'll watch a couple of gruesome, horrible stabby murders as we return to.


Well, it's, they're not actually in Woodsboro this time. It's all in Hollywood. So we'll go


to Hollywood to watch scream three next week with you all. And


until next time everybody stay happy.