Meritain Health® - In the Booth


Meritain Health - Regenexx CEO, Jason Hellickson Season 1 Episode 2

Regenexx provides innovative, non-invasive, orthopedic procedures that save corporate clients up to 70 percent of their elective orthopedic surgical spend and provide their employees better patient outcomes. 

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Thank you to Meritain for bringing our Regenexx Corporate Model to you and your self-funded employers. Thank you for taking five minutes to learn about the Regenexx innovative, non-invasive, orthopedic procedures that are saving our corporate clients up to 70% of their elective orthopedic surgical spend and providing their employees better patient outcomes. I'm Jason Hellickson, CEO of Regenexx.Regenexx was founded in 2005 and is the world's leader and inventor in the use of orthobiologics to treat most orthopedic surgical conditions non-invasively. We are now transforming the orthopedic care continuum with our self-funded employer partners using the Regenexx patented procedures. Before I dive into the corporate program we have unveiled to the marketplace, I want to give you a brief background of the unique value proposition we have and the detail behind the program that has been designed for your industry. The inception of Regenexx is based on the need to help patients that are living with chronic and acute pain and help them avoid surgery for orthopedic conditions such as shoulder rotator cuff tears, knee surgeries, spinal fusion, hip laboral tears and other common muscle-skeletal conditions. The Regenexx procedures are a specialized, patented process of concentrating a patient's own healing cells and placing them directly back into the area of most need in a highly orchestrated chain of protocols exclusive to Regenexx. This field of care we call interventional orthopedics.Our goal is to reduce the cost, risk, down time and pain associated with orthopedic surgeries on a self-funded health plan. Adding the Regenexx procedures to a health care plan can save employers up to 70% of their elective orthopedic surgical spend, while offering a valued alternative to orthopedic surgery for their employees. We have been helping professional athletes and people who can afford this kind of proprietary medical innovation for years. We are now bringing it to the mainstream to help the masses, much like the inception of interventional cardiology did to open heart surgery many years ago.Regenexx is the most progressive science-based interventional orthopedic company, not only in the United States, but world-wide. We conduct the most research happening in this field of stem cells and blood platelets for orthopedic healing. The Regenexx patients are part of the world's largest stem cell database. This allows us to monitor the outcomes and regularly improve upon the original protocols and keeps us at the forefront of this technology.As background, I was the chief operating officer of a large insurance brokerage for over 25 years. Virtually every intervention strategy required an employer's investment up-front with a promised return on investment. Now let me share why addressing orthopedic surgical spend is a critical step to lowering a company's overall healthcare spend. We now know that orthopedic issues are the number one or number two reason for doctor visits, depending upon the year. This is higher than heart disease, cancer and even higher than diabetes. Get this, there are over 10.5 million orthopedic surgeries done every year, costing the public over 850 billion dollars annually. So it is a major cost driver for every health plan in America. Now let's consider the effectiveness of these traditional orthopedic surgeries. Today the data shows that well over 50% of orthopedic surgeries have been proven to be ineffective or unnecessary in randomized control trials. What that means is over 5 million orthopedic surgeries done per year, should have never been performed. Regenexx has brought to the market an approach that allows self-funded employers to transform the traditional orthopedic care continuum so that surgery is only used when necessary. The Regenexx patented procedures can intervene on 70% of orthopedic surgeries. When we intervene, we not only reduce the surgical spend by up to 70%, but we significantly reduce the risk to the patient. We decrease absenteeism and we reduce the need for opioids. So how do the Regenexx procedures work? Let me first start with the fact that our bodies are generally built to repair on their own. In fact, we are in a constant state of cells breaking down and rebuilding every day. So to start the understanding, why doesn't ACL tear traditionally need surgery and not a broken bone? Let me explain how the bone heals on its own without surgery. Because it has direct access to two main healing cells, blood platelets and bone marrow derived stem cells.  Inside the bone is bone marrow and inside the bone marrow are nucleated mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells differentiate into orthopedic tissue, like bone, ligaments, tendons and cartilage. So when the bone breaks, these cells are immediately on site to begin the repair process, and outside the bones, is our vascular system. Inside our blood are red blood cells, white blood cells and blood platelets. Blood platelets are what coagulate when you cut your finger, and they begin the healing process.Blood platelets are cellular growth factors and act like a fertilizer to the stem cells. These cells combine together are why the bone heals on its own. So why doesn't the ACL? First, ligaments, cartilage, tendons do not have bone marrow and therefore no direct access to mesenchymal stem cells. Secondly, our joints are avascular, meaning little to no blood flow. The reason orthopedic surgery was invented in the first place is because our bodies are not built to heal on their own at the joint level. The Regenexx treatments are a patented process where we extract these healing cells, concentrate them to the right levels based on the injured tissue and the type of joint, and then we re-inject these cells using precision image guidance so that the body can heal on its own. The use of our cells in this manner is called ortho-biologics. So what makes Regenexx different? Regenexx develops and delivers ortho-biologics in a way that is different, because we are a company based on research that has been monitoring our outcomes since we started this field in 2005. When we founded Regenexx we did so with a mindset of improving outcomes for orthopedic cases. We began by tracking outcomes, because it is extremely important to us that we are helping our patients short-term and long-term. Now we have the largest database of its kind from patients treated since 2005.  This allows us to monitor the outcomes and regularly improve upon our original protocols that keep us on the forefront of this technology. Our network of physicians have an unprecedented expertise in muscle-skeletal diagnostics and image guided, non-invasive needle-based injections. In fact, they are all trained in over 80 kinds of injection procedures and protocols, so that we treat each joint and each pathology with the correct ortho-biologics protocol based on the outcome we continually monitor. This value-based care model is performed at over 60 clinics across the United States.This kind of standardized care is beneficial for all employers, including those with a large geographical footprint. As traditionally in orthopedic treatment has very greatly, by treatment and cost across geographics. The next key question to consider is, why can Regenexx be added to a self-funded health plan when stem cell therapy is considered investigational by traditional health insurance carriers or companies? Regenexx is being added to self-funded health plans across the country, because it passes five main tests for the self-funded employer.Number one, Regenexx has the world's largest safety paper that concludes our patented procedures to be safe and much safer than the elective orthopedic surgery option. Number two, Regenexx has published approximately 50% of the world's research in this field. And our randomized control trial for knee-osteo arthritis, published December of 2018, concludes the Regenexx patented procedures to be an effective treatment alternative. In addition, we have three more randomized control trials that are in the process of being published, that come to the same type of conclusion. Number three, we are the only clinical network in the United States that's worked directly with the FDA to conclude, in a court stipulated order, that the Regenexx procedures are a medical procedure. No different than a knee meniscectomy or a shoulder rotator cuff tear. Number four, Regenexx has approximately 60 clinics across the country, with 20 more clinics coming on board in the next 6 to 9 months. So we have enough clinical capacity to serve our self-funded partners across the country.The Regenexx corporate program adds great value to employers by conservatively developing the best care pathway to orthopedic conditions. We are reducing the risk for employers and their employees, allowing them to get back to work faster and reducing the need for addictive pain medication by providing a non-invasive option in care for covered employees. We are reducing the burden of expense for our employer partners, who report that when given an equal choice between orthopedic surgery and Regenexx, their employees are choosing Regenexx over 90% of the time. That tells you your employees want this option. We also understand that any program that adds work for the HR and benefits team is generally a non-starter. Therefore, we have built a turn-key, on boarding implementation and utilization process for our partners. This includes an analysis of orthopedic care trends within their plan, showing how and where our services can be most impactful. For example, we have several national employers that we conducted a geo-map analysis to overlay our clinical footprint with their footprint, to help determine planned design incentives.We lead the utilization effort by providing the model and components that include, announcement materials, video introduction, benefits card, email education series, step therapy programs, along with many other incentive tools. Our utilization models work with virtually all planned designs. In summary, employers are looking for innovations that help them reduce the trajectory of health care costs. And employees are looking for better care options. Knowing that orthopedic surgical costs are a top five major diagnostic category, with an average expense load to the health plan of 20%. Adding Regenexx at no cost, is simply wise. Adding that this is a non-invasive option that employees choose over 90% of the time, in addition with Regenexx, reducing the risks within the plan and providing those employees with something they want, also is simply wise.