You are techY - A Podcast for Moms New to Tech

Ep. 152 - Finding Confidence to Build the Knowledge

December 07, 2022 Ellen Twomey Episode 152
Ep. 152 - Finding Confidence to Build the Knowledge
You are techY - A Podcast for Moms New to Tech
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You are techY - A Podcast for Moms New to Tech
Ep. 152 - Finding Confidence to Build the Knowledge
Dec 07, 2022 Episode 152
Ellen Twomey

How important is confidence in the journey to getting hired in the tech job of your dreams? It’s everything! Before you enroll in another course, tune in as I break down the steps you should take to gain the confidence you need to get hired faster for more money.

Show Notes Transcript

How important is confidence in the journey to getting hired in the tech job of your dreams? It’s everything! Before you enroll in another course, tune in as I break down the steps you should take to gain the confidence you need to get hired faster for more money.

Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Ur Techy podcast, episode number 152.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the UR Techy podcast where it's all about growing in your techies so you can find the tech job of your dreams. And now your host technology learning coach, Ellen Tomi.

Speaker 1:

Hey moms, are you trying to break into tech? Are you wondering what skills you really need to get hired and how those skills can be worth$45 an hour instead of the$25 an hour you thought when you first started thinking about going back to work? If so, then the, your techie membership is for you. Our combination of courses, coaching and community come with the mentor support you need to keep moving forward in your tech career. It's like no other membership program available. We have the exact skills employers are looking for you learn how to maximize your income with portfolio ready skills that hiring managers are seeking. Not to mention the steps you can skip so you don't find yourself down that endless tech learning rabbit hole. Join me as I walk you step by step through the getting hired process and tech Sign That's Y O U A R E T E C A I can't wait to see you in our membership.

Speaker 3:

Hello and welcome to the podcast. This is take two of finding confidence to build your knowledge because the last line got lost in the 10 million universe. That's a thing. And so, and that's, and I shared it with you because it's important to know that things don't always go well and they don't always go perfectly. And I'm sure that this episode is going to be even better. So today, finding confidence to build the knowledge right to, to build what you need are the skills to get hired in your tech dream job. And the thing is that you can, so I new student go to today and she took a course, right? Talking about taking a course a good first, right? It's a good first step to say, Hey, I want, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna take a course. But taking a course and building the knowledge that you need to get hired are not totally aligned. They're not. It's like in the, in the sphere, this is three dimensional world we're hanging, they're thinking out the better course. I guess just creating all these first things. So it's in the circle of getting hired. Course could be in it, not necessarily. It could be. And you're like, Helen, no. You have to take courses to get hired. Actually, most of my students do not. Well, what about your course? Okay, well my course, but here's the thing. Here's what my course is gonna do. It's gonna walk you through two projects. And yes, you're going to learn along the way, but it's not a situation where it's content receiving. You're not consuming the content. I mean, Canada doesn't do anything for you. You have to do the work, you have to be a producer. So that's kind of, that's where the component of coaching came into our membership is that we wanted to make sure that people were actually producing. And that is a very effective thing. So I'll talk a little bit more about coaching<inaudible> here, but I wanna talk about, you know, my new students. So she's talking about lack the confidence to know her selected project is gonna be good, is gonna work, is one you should stick with. And I'm sure that many of you listening, if you're like in a long or, or your current student, you're on your portfolio, you're thinking, oh yeah, remember that time, right? So we feel really bad, like why don't they have more confidence to do this in my idea? But you don't have more confidence to do one say. It's helpful to really just lay out and say, what am I going to commit to? Don't you understand the engines like what it takes to just decide and confine a project? Then you can just decide that it's gonna be great because the reality is most projects can be great. And as you go along the UX design process, it kind of self-corrects to where you'll find you have too many ideas. We all do. We have to narrow it down. You'll find that some things are not really feasible for np, for version one, and that's part of the process. So when you're trying to do all of that at the beginning, it really is just better to say, let try this. Let me try this and move forward with it. Now what's hard is you really wanna commit to it because the thing that will slow you down a lot to getting hired is switching projects. But it requires confidence just to build the knowledge. So selecting project, the self-selected project, which is a great one. This really, it really just takes your brain. It's not even getting a freelance client. You don't have to even go to networking. There's just your brain and it's like what I didn't have. And so you need to find confidence to build that knowledge. And then as you build the knowledge to build confidence, it's very cyclical. You need to get enough knowledge, you need to find, I mean, find enough confidence so that you can build your knowledge. You need to find enough confidence to say, this is going to be a good project. I'm going to decide on it and I'm going to keep going as I acquire the knowledge. And then what happens is you hit roadblocks along the way. It's never like smooth Figma doesn't work out the way that you want. It's always a little tricky when you're going through it. Get out please. That's never, does never behave the way that you that that you, you're is gonna this work the way that you wanna do initially here. You know, you have to figure these things out. And it's great to learn how to ask the right questions and how that really is a skill. That really is a skill to ask the right questions. But in order to do that, you have to have problems so that you go through and ask the questions and it, it feels like somebody should just tell us what to do. But part of this navigation of going through the designer development process is that you come up against a hurdle, there's a roadblock, and then you figure out how to navigate that roadblock and how you navigate is part of that process. But what happens is, and we'll talk about Whitney Johnson's ssur, when you're at the bottom of the ssur, your brain is overwhelmed. It's spinning with all the information that is really hard to gain clarity. And that's why when I, when I go back to this concept of a course, it's a tricky thing because you don't even know if you're taking the right course. I mean, you can look at the title and then people are telling you that's the right title, but you don't just take course and then apply'em a bunch of jobs and they get hired. I know that when I say that, it probably sounds like, well, of course not. And yeah, that is what I see all the time. Let me just take a course. I was gonna take another course and was need to apply to another job. And when in reality, if you were to focus on these two things, building a community and building a portfolio, which aren't very hard, but if you focus on those two things and you continue to work on your confidence, the rule that which we're gonna talk about, that is the work that you need. That is the work that you need to do to get hired. And that is why some people come in and they get hired in weeks and some people get hired after one. Okay? That's the reason and higher experience. So you need to build the knowledge. If you already have existing knowledge that's gonna help you, it's going to help you so much. So this is why comparing is just really harmful, very harmful thing. So just a quick warning on comparing someone else's journey. I know I didn't, I liked to do that. Comparing my journey to others and it was super ineffective. It was effective in being harmful. Okay? So I love talking to great coaches and think I'm a great coach. I love coaching. I've been coached, but I've had some great coaches. And today I was just, I was fitting coach, but I just had a conversation with a great coach and she was, she works with entrepreneurs and she said, question I like to ask is, what do you want? Whatever your company is XYZ to be when it grows up. And I just wanted in that, I love that, I love that. And it feels very kin to the dream job description. So shout out for this three B that is just life changing. Go grab this free. You are job. It helps you to visualize what it will be. And then you're like, I don't know what I want my dream job to look like. I just don't want it to look like that big, that old thing that I used to do, fill in the blank. But I've seen, I wanna say I've seen every profession. I've seen variety of professions, right? Teaching, preschool, teaching fit kids, ot, nursing, pt, I dunno, I can't even think of all of them, right? Science, social, work. I'm sorry, I'm forgetting at a lot of different jobs. Marketing, just a lot of different jobs. And then you break into tech, it's nutrition. It's really not, your background is only relevant in that you need to acquire a few more skills, but it's usually not nearly as important as just getting started and moving forward. So in thinking about what this friend of mine coach said and about the dream job description, one of the things that I think, and this ties back to the confidence piece, if all you ever do is think about the roadblock that you're on, the portal that you're on, and you don't take time to really dream a little, that's what I call it, the dream job description. If you don't take time to dream about what life will be like down the road, you are very unlikely to have the motivation to continue. You're very unlikely to have the confidence to build the knowledge. You'll just think, oh, I don't know what's going on right now. It let just take a minute. I also coached today, maybe that's why this Courtney is happening and my coach, oh, she's so sweet. I just love her. I just love her. She's so sweet. And she was just really moved to tears. It was our last coaching session and she has her dream job and it's like, she's like wants to pinch herself. She's like, is this for real? Like this really happen to me and I am sure that life will not be perfect. Things will happen down the road, but like a month in, I'm like, you haven't had a bad day yet. I told you week two or three, essentially a bad day. She's living her dream job. And I just, I think if you spoke to the women that I spoke that I speak to and get to interact with, and you saw how they were changing their lives, you would wanna be a part of that. And that's what, what my new students said today. She's like, oh, you guys are so nice. They're so nice. White students are so nice because they know how hard it is and they wanna support other people through it. It is definitely hard also possible. But if along the way you're beating yourself up and saying how you're never gonna do it and it's not gonna be worth it, and you were never gonna do this anyway, that is harming exactly what you need to move forward, which is confidence. So you, if you're like, I promise me I need a pep talk every time I go to my computer and work on Figma or code. Yep, that's normal. You're gonna need a pep talk. So give yourself a pep talk, but I'm the can do it. What am I so sure you can do it because talk to women and like you every day who are doing it. So what I'm gonna offer you today as my coaching nugget for you, here are some thoughts that will help you build your confidence. There are thought that will serve you as you come across the inevitable mode blocks that are just part and personal of technology and don't see anything about your intelligence, your abilities, or what you can or cannot do. Here's some thought. I am totally capable of this. I will figure this out. What have I already tried? What else can I try? What else can I try? Who else can I ask? How else can I word this question in a time to step away, look at how much progress I've made. I love that I continue to learn and grow. One more for you. I am such a great example to my kids and to girls everywhere. What? Hop those for you.

Speaker 4:

Hey, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, you have to sign up for the UR techie email list. Imagine being in the tech job of your dreams. Join me to get the strategies, training and neverending support to get hired. Sign That's Y O U A R E T E C H I'll see you next time.