The Bible Project 2020

Episode 47 // Acts // Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr.

Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Season 1 Episode 47

On this week’s episode, Jill Krantz and our senior pastor, the Rev. Magrey deVega sit down with Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. to discuss the book of Acts.

Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. is resident bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. He came to the Florida Conference in 2012. Bishop Carter oversees almost 800 congregations, fresh expressions, campus ministries, and other parts of the United Methodist Church in Florida. 

Bishop Carter came to Florida from North Carolina where he was a local pastor for 29 years. He and his wife Pam have become beloved members of the Florida Methodist connection and we are grateful that he could join us in the Bible Project 2020.


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