Prosperity Through Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Becoming Financially Independent at Age 35 with Todd Miller

Cody Laughlin Episode 42

How do we achieve financial independence? Real estate investing has afforded that very opportunity for many however for most, the consumer mindset impedes the ability to invest.

Our guest on today’s episode is self-proclaimed “Tightwad” Todd Miller. Todd began his professional career working for a Fortune global 500 company in 2008 and after discovering the books “Rich Dad/Poor Dad” and “The 4 Hour Work Week,” he quickly committed to the pursuit of living life on his terms and becoming financially independent. For the next 11 years, while working in financial services, Todd committed to taking control of his finances, budgeting, and saving investment capital to invest in real estate.  

Through his disciplined approach to controlling his personal finances and commitment to building a portfolio of passive income, Todd, at the age of 35, accomplished his goal and became financially independent. Now, Todd teaches financial education to others to help them achieve their goals faster, live free, and have a more fulfilled life. Tune in to hear Todd share his journey and how can you achieve your own financial independence.

How did Todd take control of his personal finances?

How did he learn about multifamily?

What was the inspiration for Todd becoming financially independent?

Why mindset is relevant to taking control of your personal finances? 

Todd covers each of these points and so much more in this information-packed episode!

Final Four Questions: 

1.     What are you doing for your continuing education to the further you’re investing?

Todd: “I guess for me, I don’t ever really plan on stopping the education process. I think there’s always going to be more that I can learn or there’s going to be ways that I’m going to be able to do things better. This is an infinite process for me. I’m always going to be wanting to learn. I’m always going to be wanting to push forward and see what else is out there. Being that I have a lot more time on my hands, that involves a lot of reading and listening to podcasts when I am out for a run or in the gym. There’s also great courses out there like LinkedIn learning and” 

2.      What have been some of the lasting lessons that you’ve kind of learned along this entrepreneurship journey for you? 

Todd: “I guess you know a lot of it is comes down to mindset. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, whatever you convince yourself that you are or you are not, they’re going to be right. So, for me, I always looked at myself as far as what I wanted and what I wanted to accomplish and stayed the course on my goals. You know, having the goals is a huge part and a huge motivator. Understanding why you’re chasing whatever it is that you’re chasing that’s going to help you kind of get through those tough periods of the journey."

3.   What would be some of the advice that you would give to the listeners to help them grow their business?

Todd: “Growing a business starts with your personal business. And what I mean by that is your personal finances. If you’re struggling to run your household and your personal finances, that’s probably going to translate into how you run your business. Getting you personal finances inline and in order is going to set you up for success when it transitions over to the business your working in.”

4.     Tell the listeners how the can learn more about and get connected with you:

Todd: “Best way is through my website:”

References Mentioned in today’s episode:


Rich Dad/Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

Courses: through LinkedIn Learning