Prosperity Through Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Raising Equity Through Retirement Accounts with Josh Plave

Cody Laughlin Episode 45

Generally speaking, for most, the second largest percentage of an individual’s wealth is derived from their retirement accounts. The unfortunate circumstance is that one really can’t do much to control their retirement account, or so you may think...

Our special guest on today’s episode is Josh Plave, Founder of Wall to Main. Josh is an expert in understanding how to take control of and leverage retirement accounts to invest in real assets like real estate. By structuring Self Directed IRA’s (SDIRA) and Checkbook Control, Josh has found his niche in maximizing the potential of his retirement accounts and educating others to do the same. Josh also specializes in helping investors use their retirement funds to passively invest in real estate.

At a young age of 16, he opened his first Roth IRA due to the influence of his grandfather and mother who were both CPAs. He founded his company, Wall to Main, after the unfortunate passing of his grandfather and mother and funded it from the IRA’s he inherited from them. After forming his company, he pioneered the creation of the industry’s first UBIT calculator aimed to assist investors in calculating the expected taxation from using a Self-Directed IRA to invest. 

Josh provides all of the tips and tricks needed to invest quickly, safely and inexpensively with an existing retirement account.

In this episode, we cover:

What is a SDIRA and what are its limitations?

When is the right time to utilize your self-directed IRAs and how to properly utilize it? 

What is UBIT and how does it impact our returns?

How does the UBIT Calculator work and what benefits will it provide you as an investor?

What strategies did Josh use to build his portfolio?

What are some of Josh's success stories?

Tune in to the entire episode as Josh covers these informative points and so much more!

Final Four Questions:

1.     What are the things that you do for your continued education to help further your investing?

Josh: “For my continued education, it's interesting, it's kind of evolved. I've gone from, I started with podcasts. And, you know, I got all the basics. But once you become an operator, I don't listen to podcasts as much that kind of when I see an operator or someone with a special skill set that I want to listen to, I jump in, but I've really moved towards books, and specific, you know, topics that I'm really interested in at the time. And I found that it really is, it's a nice opportunity to expand my mind. I was never really into books early on and I've now read a couple hundred.”

2.     What have been some of the most impactful lessons that you've learned along the way?

Josh: “People may have heard of before, but it's been really impactful for me is really focused on one thing. People get a lot of shiny object syndrome, especially when they have this entrepreneurial spirit and they want to build something for themselves or for their family. I talked to one guy, he does multifamily, he does office space, he does industrial he does this night and like he you know, he's got his finger in his hands and a lot of different pies and which is great. But I like to really master one specific topic. 

3.     What advice would you give to the listeners to help them grow their businesses?

Josh: “It sounds so cliche, but really just educate yourself and stay curious. And so, just don't sit on your laurels, always make sure that you're learning.  Stay curious as it makes you become a more well-rounded individual.”

4.     Tell the listeners how they can learn more about and get connected with you.
