Prosperity Through Multifamily Real Estate Investing

The 80-20 Mindset Rule with Mindset Ninja Mandy McAllister

Cody Laughlin Episode 54

“The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.”-Tony Robbins

Are you searching for the secret formula to achieving success? Have you read every book or listened to every podcast about real estate investing and still haven’t found the answer? Look no further. The answer is much closer than you think. That’s right! Take a good look in the mirror. Your own headspace is the one variable that is the difference between achievement or disappointment.

Our guest on today’s episode is Mandy McAllister, an entrepreneur, multifamily real estate investor, mindset ninja, eternal learner, coach, and dot connector. Her passion is to help others define their path to financial freedom through syndications, coaching, and her empowering platform, Aspiring Women Achieving More. 80% of what we do as entrepreneurs is mindset driven; the other 20% is the mechanics. Focusing on the mindset is the real work!

Mandy has a master’s degree in Economics and began her professional career at the Chicago Board of trade before transitioning to Medical Device Sales. After many years of “chasing commission” she has made it her mission to secure financial freedom for her family and others through syndications and coaching individuals to realize their personal potential. Her real estate expertise includes repositioning underperforming assets to increase cashflow and value. Her portfolio is currently comprised of 205doors, primarily B-class workforce housing. Mandy has found success in college towns with student housing as well as urban centers

In this episode, we discuss:

Working efficiently via time blocking.

The importance of defining and tracking goals.

The 80-20 mindset rule.

How to feed your mindset.

Why the disparity between men and women in the commercial real estate space.

Empowering women entrepreneurs through Aspiring Women Achieving More.

Mandy addresses each of these important topics and so much more in this inspiring episode! Your biggest competition is you!

 The Final Four:

1. What do you do for your continued education to further your investing?

Mandy: “I love full immersion events, going away to seminars and surrounding myself with people who do what I do for a few days. Those don’t really happen currently, but that’s my vacation of choice.”

2. What have been the lasting lessons you've learned along your journey?

Mandy: “The biggest one is managing the fear muscle that keeps a lot of people, especially women, from making moves in the real estate space. All taking a risk is, is whatever that downside is. You’re not risking death, you’re risking whatever the downside is. If you can figure out and get comfortable with the worst-case scenario, you should be moving forward. That will mitigate some fear.”

3. What advice would you give to the listeners to help them grow their businesses?

Mandy: “You’ve got to get started. Until you’re in it, you’re not really doing the real learning. I’m a huge proponent of walking before you run. If what’s stopping you is a dollar value that’s too scary, you can figure that out. Figure out what it’s going to take to get comfortable with the downside so you can move forward.”

4. How can the listeners learn more about and connect with you? 

Mandy: “I’d love to connect with everybody on my website.

 Resources mentioned:

The Road Less Stupid by Keith J. Cunningham

Wrestling with Real Estate Podcast (with Barri Griffiths & Mandy McAllister)

Aspiring Women Achieving More
