The Derm Vet Podcast

83. Antihistamines delay relief from acute allergic flares

Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD Season 2 Episode 83

With veterinary clinics being so busy, it seems helpful to hand out an antihistamine dose
over the phone when a client calls about their itchy pet. However, the more we learn
about the pathomechanism of pruritus in dogs, histamine doesn’t play as big of a role as
originally thought. Pruritus from canine atopic dermatitis is actually driven by various
proinflammatory and pruritogenic cytokines such as interleukin-31.

In the veterinary profession, we have so many amazing therapies that provide fast
effective pruritus relief. We want to establish trust with our clients by helping their dog’s
allergic symptoms quickly. Check out this episode to learn more!