The Derm Vet Podcast
Tune in to make veterinary dermatology more fun than frustrating! This podcast features Dr. Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD sharing practical tips on dermatologic workups you can bring to clinical practice right away. Also, stories about navigating the messy (yet beautiful) journey of being a vet mom while building a career you love.
The Derm Vet Podcast
64. When to suspect an endocrinopathy in a derm case
Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD
Season 1
Episode 64
Traditional signs of hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism don't always occur in canine patients. We think of lethargy, weight gain, polydipsia, polyuria, etc. But, you can simply see patients that have recurring pyoderma and otitis as the predominant sign of an endocrinopathy. Learn what hints in the history and clinical symptoms can put hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism higher on your differential list for a derm patient.