The Role of A Freelance Music Supervisor with Emma Middleton
The Trailer Music Composer's Podcast
The Trailer Music Composer's Podcast
The Role of A Freelance Music Supervisor with Emma Middleton
Feb 15, 2022 Episode 83
Richard Schrieber

In this episode of the Trailer Music Composer’s Podcast I got to chat with the freelance music supervisor, Emma Middleton (@rubatomusic_uk). 

In our conversation, Emma was so wonderfully transparent about all the aspects of music supervision and how she came to be in that role. This is gonna be such a helpful interview to listen to togive you a better understanding of how the trailer music world works.

Emma is a trailer-specialist Music Supervisor. Off the back of in-house agency experience, she launched freelance (in the middle of the pandemic!) in 2021 and set up her company, ‘Rubato Music’ (with an ethos based around Rubato being her favourite musical term).

Emma was voted “Music Supervisor of the Year” in 2020 at AIM Sync and is both winner + nominee of Music & Sound Awards for her custom music supervision work on The Crown Season 3 trailer & Season 4 teaser. Also a composer, she occasionally jumps in and gets her hands dirty – recent work: a collaboration on “The Witcher” Season 2 Teaser Trailer. 

Besides music, she's a self-proclaimed 'cat lady', and an avid gamer who's very excited for the HBO adaptation of The Last of Us to come out...

Emma enjoys discovering and applying unusual or unexpected tracks to experiment and have fun with the trailer form, whilst keeping a firm handle on the necessary pacing and intensity required for these campaigns.

Links mentioned in the show: < Emma's website (includes instructions + a Disco inbox link for submitting music for consideration) < The Witcher Season 2 Teaser, a 'remix' of Fleet Foxes (composer collaboration between Emma & Kieran)

The Witcher Season 2 Teaser Trailer

URL: Music Supervisor with Emma Middleton

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