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(ep7) Escalating Crime Rates in St. Louis.

July 14, 2023 Not Ready Season 6 Episode 1
(ep7) Escalating Crime Rates in St. Louis.
NO, You name it!
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NO, You name it!
(ep7) Escalating Crime Rates in St. Louis.
Jul 14, 2023 Season 6 Episode 1
Not Ready

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Our conversation takes a turn as we focus on potential solutions to the rampant crime in San Louis. The idea of increasing taxes to fund prison construction might not sit well with everyone, but we argue that desperate times call for desperate measures. We paint a chilling picture of life in a city plagued by violence, where the fear of falling victim to crime is a constant companion. We also discuss the devastating impact on local businesses, with a staggering number of them forced to close down in recent years. The situation is bleak.

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Our conversation takes a turn as we focus on potential solutions to the rampant crime in San Louis. The idea of increasing taxes to fund prison construction might not sit well with everyone, but we argue that desperate times call for desperate measures. We paint a chilling picture of life in a city plagued by violence, where the fear of falling victim to crime is a constant companion. We also discuss the devastating impact on local businesses, with a staggering number of them forced to close down in recent years. The situation is bleak.

Speaker 1:

Okay, today we're going to talk about crime, specifically San Luis crime, because, really okay, I'll talk about the incident that happened today, today when to go see the Mission Impossible movie and the place that I went is Probably the closest theater to the city that I'm subscribed to, like I'm with AMC theater, but anyway. So going to the parking lot, literally all you see is Windows like window, car windows have been broken all over the place and it's not like one or two, it's literally like lanes of it. Especially, the funny thing was one person left All the windows. He put all the windows down on his car. I Guess he left the one window you know clothes and he broke that window. So, and this is a place where I think it's been happening for the past, I'm gonna say the past three years, okay, and they I think last year they got a police, you know a guide, to just scan out, but Sometimes he's not all. They're not paying him 24-7. I guess, and when he's not there they're destroying things.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but anyway, and the main reason all this stuff has been, you know, going on is Kim Garner, okay, and I think she's definitely to be blamed, and I don't know if anybody was keeping up with the whole NASA. She was going through where first she was like saying I'm not leaving, and eventually she said I'm gonna leave after they're like, we're gonna prosecute you, we're gonna make sure you never run for any office ever again. And she's like alright, you know what? I Will, I will, I will leave, I'll leave, okay. And so she left and she left with the just crazy mess and the new guy who came. He seems, he seems okay.

Speaker 1:

But the fact that they try to get a guy who fits the profile to be in this position, not, it just seems so affirmative action. You know, you know nothing to say against this guy, because we don't know how good he is or how good he's not going to be at doing this job, but just getting a black guy who's a Democrat to and basically police, to, you know, the same community. He's from right, that's how you're looking at it, and not really People like me from the outside looking in. It kind of seems like you picked him for that reason. You know, I'm saying and I thought he was pretty rich that when they asked the governor hey, did you, when you picked him, did you know that he was a Democrat? And he's like, actually this is the first time I'm hearing you saying it. Yeah, I'm hearing it from you, okay, and I thought I was just extremely just. It's so disgenuous because Obviously he knows he was a Democrat.

Speaker 1:

How did he not help? Would you not know that? Okay, and just be honest about it. I'll be like, yeah, man, you know, and you know I don't want to.

Speaker 1:

You could have just been like I don't want to stir things up, you know. I mean, this is what they're used to, this is what they want, and if I do anything different, you know there's gonna be a whole lot of nonsense. I'm almost retiring, I'm almost done with this job. If this is the last thing I do, I'm not gonna make this like I think that's gonna capture my whole career. I'm just gonna go along, just to go along. And he just got this guy. He could have said that and I think that would have been a lot better than him saying I had no idea that this guy was affiliated with the Democrat Party and, like, I didn't even think about that. That's just a lie. There's less. That's a lie, bro, okay, but you know, politician gonna lie.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, he came in and, like I said, I'm hoping the best for him. He seemed like a legit. His record so far looks clean because he actually is a prosecutor guy who you know prosecutor Kim Garner for when she was trying to get Eric Geiner. So technically the guy has a good rep. When he comes to just being, you know, he knows what we were dealing with. Like he understand the problem that's going on. But is he gonna fix it? We don't know. We haven't seen anything yet because Since I mean since he came to office, yes, he had like over 4,000 cases that he has to deal with. We, you know. Luckily he has people from different counties to try to help him, trying to get it really going.

Speaker 1:

But but, you know, keeping not. Nothing has changed. I feel like everything has gotten worse. The neighborhood I live in for the past I've been almost 10 years since I've been living here and Really not much crimes happens here at all. Okay, and I am pretty much in a thick of fix, all right, you know what I'm saying and there's not not much, not much crime happened here, and the last year it's just been crazy. Okay, cars has been breaking into everywhere in my neighborhood. One time I got up in the morning. Okay, this is maybe Three months ago I got up in the morning and I got up pretty early and I come outside I literally see every two or three cars the windows are broken into. I Mean like the whole street. You know it's. It's literally out of control. It's to the point that we have, in British, people come to us and lecture us about our crime. Okay, it's getting out of control, that's all I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I, so this new guy needs to like, really move it. You got to really move it, bro, cuz it's getting ridiculous. I, we are considering moving. I've never thought I had to be forced to move out of here, but I Gotta get out here. You know. I mean and this is cool. So it goes to a bigger picture. You know we have over 500, you know businesses closed down in the last two years because of this crime situation. Like, who really benefits from this? You know.

Speaker 1:

You know this idea that we are putting too many certain kind of people in prison, therefore we should relax our criminal laws, was just a bad idea. I mean, that's just bad to treat people who break the laws and give them any kind of break Like, that's alright, just slap on the wrist, that's eventually is gonna bite you in the butt. I mean, even as a parent. I mean, I'm not a parent. We've seen this. Kids who Behaved ridiculously and their parents just give them, instead of like punishing them for being, you know, a terrible child at the moment, and they just reward him. That usually never goes well like that. I, in the history of parents being a parent, you know when a kid is being a spoiled brat and the parent just kind of Nudges onto the nonsense. The kid doesn't always turn out great. Okay, maybe once in a while, but most of the time it doesn't turn out great. And the time the two does turn out great, the parents have to change. I have to change how they interact with their child or this child. I have to realize the fact that like these behavior is just not gonna get you anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I'm going too far off coming back, but 500 businesses just closed down and you know that takes a lot of money off the whole state, okay, if not to say, but the city, just the whole city. They lose money, we're losing business, okay, and then? And then what happens? So, like, right me, like me, I'm saying I'm gonna leave out of the neighborhood. I personally think I'm a good, good neighbor. You know I'm okay neighbor, like I don't cause any trouble. You know I don't. I don't even be out that much. I go out, get in my car and get back in my house. You know that's. That's kind of neighbor I am, you don't? You don't hear nothing for me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, if I move away, is the next person that moves into this place gonna be that good of a neighbor? What are the chances? The chances not great. Anyway, let's just say, the guy who moves in next or the girl that moves in next is Just painting the ass. And then he causes the lady next to me who she also been here as long as I've been here, and eventually she talks about the crime that happens here and she feels that nobody's listening her as well. So if she moves out as well, the quality Dramatically goes down. And then what happens to the managing of this building? I mean, this is literally. You know people talk about the Delmore divide a lot. Okay, but it's the crime, bro, it's just a crime. Is just the people who have you know we're committing crime who are not being punished, just simply. Is that okay? Now, the past few months We've been seeing kids literally waving guns in the air in downtown, like every night there's like gunshots, to the point of people are being shot just standing by. Less than 300,000 people live here, okay, and the crime it's just ridiculous. It's every night where I live You'll hear a gunshot. Okay, again.

Speaker 1:

Going back, going back to the mayor, so our city is run by the demacra party, basically, okay, the state is pretty much a republican place and that's kind of the thing as well. Living here it's kind of a quagmire, as I would say, because when he comes to the like general election, like voting for president 100% Missouri is like going for the red side of the party, like 100%. It doesn't matter how you vote, okay, it's eventually going to go to the red side of the party. And if you live in a San Luis city, it doesn't matter how you vote, it's always going to go on the blue side of the party. So it's just like it's pretty. So, as you can see, the state and the city are not in a Good place. They don't like each other and nothing is being accomplished.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so now there's talk about how we can restrict all these kids from having all these guns, and the San Luis election is trying to put a bill that would restrict certain certain age kids from just waving guns around and that has a merit. But apparently there's the mayor. You know some of her text got leaked and in her, in those texts, she's basically saying oh man, this gun stuff it's not gonna work. Like I, we know the problem and nobody's trying to solve it. That's basically what she's saying. She's basically saying, like I'm, I'm gonna advocate this bill, but I know this bill is not gonna work, and but I know the problem and I'm not gonna say anything about it.

Speaker 1:

Higher cops hot, listen, I, I actually am perfectly okay with paying cops. I wouldn't say double. Like pay these cop, double. Okay, just get people in centum, buys, more people to Be cops. Like that's, that's what we need. We need a lot of cops, like a lot of cops right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, too many vacate spots. You know the relationship is still being built from this new guy, I understand, but we have to move it. I mean it's getting dire. Like I feel like If I go out I could be next. That's that's how I feel at this point. Like I could be next or I might get a call or someone close to me might be next. It's.

Speaker 1:

It's a little scary to be honest with you, okay, and I just wish we get our shit together and I think more people need to realize that If you commit the crime, you should get punished, like that's, that's it. You shouldn't be around people who obey the law, like that's just not fair, okay. And I just feel like sometimes certain people we only care about being fair to certain people, it seems, not to anybody else we need to get back to Following the goddamn law. Okay, and there might be times where Cops are like absolutely terrible. I mean, there's stories coming out that, like these cops are just being ridiculous. But this is the sacrifice we must make, do when we want to live in a situation where we don't have any cops, because this crazy stuff that our cops are doing, that's happening all the time in society. Okay, and I'm not obviously advertising these cops to be crazy, okay, but I'm saying with just number wise, I would assume one or two cops are gonna be crazy. That's just.

Speaker 1:

It comes with the numbers and we just have to be comfortable with that, okay, like if you ask somebody how many, how many people the cops killed, you know, in a year, it's like around a thousand people, and out of those thousand people is like 20 of them or 25 of them Are the ones that are being killed unarmed. And out of those 25, like the day, that just gets deeper and deeper and nobody's breaking it down. Like that, you know. I mean, people are just looking the bigger picture and it's immediately getting emotional. How many, how many things people have gotten emotional about when the information first came out and Maybe a month, a week, a year Later, people are like, you know, the truth comes out and people change their tune. Do you hear that? Do you hear that? Right now? That's what I'm talking about At this. I'm thinking like just putting my windows down to whenever I park. Now, let's get to that level. And I'm seeing the same.

Speaker 1:

Charles is trying to curve it in a way by having Bring in, bring in traffic camera back. You know, I mean and at this point, you know it's the same argument I was like how much our freedom do we have to give to get security? And I'm here to tell you I'm gonna give a little bit of freedom to get a lot of security, because I will, I'm always gonna be inside of security Because, remember this, you cannot have a civilization if there's crime everywhere, because you need people to go outside and create their relationship, to create a civilization, okay, but if you just have John out here stealing people's stuff, you know, killing people, you know. Just think about all the worst things these guys are doing, breaking laws, and how that affects how many. Okay, think about it.

Speaker 1:

How many car accidents have been happening in the last two years? Every day someone's getting shot or someone is like in a horrific accident every day in San Luis. At this point, it's a numb. I go to the comedy store and that's what everybody starts with. Like everybody has a joke about how much people are getting shot every day here. Kids are getting shot and like everybody is getting shot. Okay, and we all know the problem. You know the problem. For a while we knew it was Kim Garner or saying we should be arresting people, but now we gotta speed this up. You know what I mean. I'm willing to increase my tax, okay. Yes, I'm willing to increase tax to build more prison so we have more space to put these people who are breaking the laws. Okay, that's it, that's my. That's all I got today. All right, I'll see you next week. I might not. I might get killed. Honestly.

Crime and Concerns in San Luis
Crime Rates and Need for Prisons