Three:16 Church Podcast

A Parent's Guide To Depression & Anxiety

December 18, 2020 Fortress Church San Antonio

This episode is a reading from a resource by Axis ministries called "A Parents Guide to Depression & Anxiety". You can read the PDF by clicking HERE.

Discussion Questions:

  • Have you or has anyone you know ever struggled with depression? Anxiety? What did you or they do to deal with it?
  • How do your friends talk about mental health issues? Do you have
    someone besides me that you can talk to if you’re struggling?
  • How do you feel when talking about mental health?
  • Do you wish our church/pastors talked about mental health more or
    differently? If so, how and why?
  • What can I do differently to show you that I care about your mental
    health and do not think less of you if you struggle?
  • What does the Bible say about dealing with sorrows and worries? How
    can that help us when we’re in the midst of depression or anxiety?
  • Has anyone ever given you unhelpful advice for dealing with mental
    health? Why did you find it unhelpful? What would be better?
  • How can you and I be more aware of other people’s mental and
    emotional struggles? How can we help them mentally, physically, and

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