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Airgraphics Entertainment Season 2 Episode 8

Went from 150 Miles per hour....Traveling from Vegas to Home to Tampa to Vegas back to what we thought would be March Madness!!! Instead we are in March Sadness...This is going to be the most challenging time in my freelance career. We chat it up on how the Corona Virus has devastated the event industry this spring and our trips to WPPI and The photobooth Expo. Plus being on Michael Cerbelli's The Hot List TM 2020 for our creative Event photography concepts (Spot My Photo)  Anyway, It is time for us to come together and figure out how as event pros can get through this tough time and help each other all out! Stay safe my friends....wash hands..stay clear from people... and Take this time to recharge, be creative, be productive and lets get ready for the best summer ever!