Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Elevate your self-image through these simple modalities you can implement today

Jaclyn Steele Season 3 Episode 111

A positive, high vibe self-image is clutch for a healthy level of self-worth, and so far this month, we've chatted a lot about how to elevate self-image from the inside out. Today though, we are going to chat on elevating your self worth from the outside in - through movement, style, and surroundings.

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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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Jaclyn Steele:

Hi, I am Jaclyn Steele. And welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive? And go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That my friends is what self discovery is all where that man Ah, all right friends, as I said that I just put my arms out and did a little stretch. What, what a time we are living in. I meant to record these podcasts episodes yesterday. But I have a newborn, I have a husband who also works from home. And we're just, we're juggling a lot right now such as the life of new parents. We are loving it. We are sleep deprived, we are all the things and I am just figuring out my new normal. I'm sure so many of you can relate whether your parents or not. Life is just throwing a lot at us right now. If you're new here, I want to welcome you. My name is Jaclyn Steele. I am married to love of my life. I have a newborn I have three dogs. And today, I want to talk about in episode 111 111. How to elevate your self image through these simple modalities you can start to implement right now. today. You guys who have been listening for a long time know I love examples. I love tangible things. I love blueprints for how you can get started to get going immediately. That was kind of redundant, but you get the idea. I like keeping things simple. Before I begin today, I want to draw a card. And just a little warning. If you hear background noises. It may be my husband on the phone. It may be car noises of Scottsdale, Arizona where we live. There's just a lot going on right now we're about to leave for a little family vacation to Colorado. So there's a lot of hubbub. But I want to take the next few minutes. center myself and hopefully in that process, you will feel a centering as well. I recently purchased the rose Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell and artwork by Katie Louise. It's a brand new deck. It's absolutely beautiful. And I have done this several times on this podcast where I pick a card from an Oracle deck. And it always happens to be just the message I need at the time. And I think so often the message that we need, collectively all the listeners who are listening in on this podcast. So I am going to do that right now. And the card I picked is held sureness of the soil unseen help support community. In the booklet for this card. It says when times are turbulent to keep ourselves steady. We need something to hold on to. When things are crumbling around us we must find something we can count on that won't budge. deep roots to hold a steady when the winds of change come blowing a supportive community around us. When we leave home, we must find something to hold us. When our lover leaves, we must find something to hold us. When the job ends. We must find something to hold us. When our parents die we must find something to hold us. When we think there's nothing holding us. It's an invitation to find new, supportive ground. This is where we can discover the sureness of the soil, the holding of the roots and the reach out to our community for extra holding. We were never meant to grow on this earth alone. Sometimes life reps from us what we cling to the most or perhaps we cling to it for we can feel the cycles of change coming. Yet in the darkness of our longest darkest night. We discover that it's in the empty spaces. We can be reached and held most. It's in knees that we discover a holding that we didn't know before. And we discover that what we thought was a tomb is actually a womb, you are being called to trust that the Great Mother has got you to trust in the sureness of our soil to trust the process of what's unfolding, and that you're not going through this alone. The sole inquiry here is how can you call in more support in your life? What's holding you right now. And as always, this card is so beautifully drawn, because in today's episode, we're talking about creating shifts in your life. And change, as we all know, can be intimidating. It often is accompanied by fear. I was taking a walk with my son earlier today. And I have an opportunity this afternoon, one that I've been calling in for a while. But as I was tuning into my own feelings, I realized I was feeling all these feelings of fear and doubt. And I thought to myself, so what? I have a tendency, just like I'm sure you have a tendency to rise to the occasion, I have a track record of meeting challenges and exceeding them. And I'm sure you do, too. But that doesn't mean when we're doing something, whether it be new, or something we've done over and over and over again, that we aren't going to experience fear around it. And the beauty of this card, a message that I'm weaving right now, is that we do need support, we need friendships, we need to be able to see people and have conversations and process things out loud. We need community. So as you embark on this path of elevating and empowering yourself worth with me, I want to encourage you to call in support that will hold you this podcast is a modality of support to encourage you and keep you on the path. And then who in your life. Can you depend on can you call on and if you don't have anybody at the moment. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can manifest that that's something that you intend. Join some community groups go to different classes reach out ask people to coffee. Your life is precious and you deserve support and you deserve community. And it is one of the most rewarding, challenging, wonderful things we can ever experience in this lifetime. It's my belief that we are meant to live in community. Alright, so that was the card. Let me know if you guys like when I pull cards I'm not going to do it for every episode because it does add on some length but it's just a way to inject some spirituality into this podcast that I believe is already pretty spiritual, but it feels good to call it outside sources this episode of self discovery is supported by Parker clay Parker clay creates premium leather bags and goods that provides stable and dignified work for at risk women in Ethiopia. Every item on their site shows how many hours of empowerment your purchase will create freakin love this company as evidenced by all the items I have from them, which I'm going to share right now. I own the Mercado signature tote the Miramar backpack the Eden carry all the squares up wallet cord tacos for organizing the Toba mini bucket bag the Abby drawstring backpack the ring pan tote the Adaro and my friends the list goes on. I've also purchased many gifts from their site for my friends and family. My husband wears the A zash bandana and mask combo which has been great during this pandemic. And he loves it because it's stylish and also provides protection. Every single thing I have from them I'm impressed by you know the quality as soon as you touch the leather it's so buttery soft and thick and gorgeous. I wear my Parker clay pieces with pride knowing they are stylish and providing dignified employment for some incredible and deserving people in Ethiopia. And as a side note, these items just get better with time because of the way that they are made. Visit Parker clay calm to purchase your next favorite bag. I'm telling you you'll be hooked and use code PC dash Jacqueline s 24 20% off your order again. That's PC dash Jaclyn s 20 for 20% off your order. You can find the link in the details in the show notes below. Okay, Now back to the episode. Okay, let's get into the contents of today's episode. It is already the end of March. I don't know how that happened, the first quarter of the year is almost over. And it has flown by, I feel like the first part of 2022 was me waiting for my baby to arrive and nesting. And then the last seven weeks have been all about caring for a newborn. And the learning curve that comes along with it getting used to a new schedule and waking up three times a night. I'm certainly tired. But I feel like I've never been happier. However, that's not what I'm here to chat on today. I'm so excited about the contents of today's episode because it feels light to me. And so much of what I share in this podcast is really deep, and it's super important. But it's also really fun to write and share things that are airy. I'm such a lover of light and high vibe, and creative things. And today, I'm going to talk about some stuff that are all those things. They're light in high vibe and creative. So before I begin, though, I want to say, Let's summarize why I think it's important to talk about elevating your self image through these simple modalities that I'm going to share with you. First, they're easy to start implementing today. And they are sure to be a catalyst for changing how you feel in your own skin instantly. Second, we've already chatted this month on why your self image determined your trajectory in life, rewriting your limiting beliefs around how you see yourself, and why self forgiveness will transform your life. I did podcast episodes on all of those topics, check them out. But these things are huge. And they're absolutely true. But we haven't really touched on a big part of what self image is. And that is dot dot dot image, who you are on the inside is without a doubt the most important thing. But how you see yourself on the outside plays a big part in how you see yourself on the inside. It also plays a big part in how you feel on the inside. Does that make sense? And so often, the things I'm going to talk about today are catalyst for addressing the self image topics I've already addressed this month, they are the gateway to a healthy self image. And on the days you are feeling low, which we all have those days. They are an instant pick me up. And the first one is movement. I talk about this in Episode 104. And why it's such a vital part of self worth. It's also a vital part of self image. movement isn't about achieving a certain look or a certain weight. It's about honoring your body and feeling great in your own skin. You know how you feel after moving your body? Have you ever regretted it? I would venture to guess no. And that's because we were born to move. That's why we get stiff and tight if we sit too long. That's why our muscles atrophy if they aren't being utilized. We were born to move our bodies. And movement makes us feel good, universally. And when we feel good in our own skin, it changes the way we see ourselves in the mirror and the way that we show up in the world. Think about the last time you really felt confident in your body. How did you carry yourself? How did you show up in conversations differently? How did the way you thought about yourself that day feel? I know for me, and I wrote about this in my ebook didn't break me. That movement is so healing. There's something about feeling at home in your body that creates a ripple effect. And it's a catalyst for so much more, including a really stellar self image. The second modality that I want to talk about today is style. I haven't talked a whole lot about style on this podcast yet but it's something that I really value. Style is how we present physically to the world. It's what we wear. It's our hairstyles, our makeup, our accessories, and our attitude while we're sporting all of these things. Essentially, style to me is self expression. I remember a conversation I had with my husband a few years ago, we were at this vegetarian restaurant in Athens, Georgia. And I was talking about fashion. And he was like, you know, I've just never really been that interested in fashion. I feel like it's kind of futile and unnecessary. And I looked at them, and I was like, Have you ever viewed fashion as a way to express yourself? Because really, fashion isn't about achieving a certain look. It's about aligning your insides to your outsides. All it is, is self expression. And I could see even in all of his ex football player masculinity, a light bulb went off. And he was like, Oh, that's really interesting. It's an opportunity to be creative, and to show the world who I am without saying anything. It's so much more than putting on clothes, my friends to chance, like I just mentioned, to show the world who you are, without saying a word. And while style doesn't make us who we are, it can sure make us feel awesome. Think about the last time you wore something that just felt right. Like it fit. It represented how you wanted to look. And the energy you had wearing, it was freaking high vibe. That's what style is all about. To me, my favorite fashion people to follow for style aren't the ones who are following every trend. They are the people who use fashion and hair and accessories etc. To express who they are on the inside. Maybe it's vintage, maybe it's classic, maybe it's trendy, maybe it's minimalistic, whatever it is, their style feels unique to them. Because they are unique. We are all unique. They wear their clothes, their accessories with confidence. And you can tell it plays a big part in how they show up for their lives. We'll definitely definitely chat more about style this season of the podcast. But for now, I want to say play around. I know for me since being pregnant and having a baby. My style has had to be pretty flexible. But I look so forward to getting back into the clothes I have that I love. Alright, so I'm starting a new segment of the self discovery podcast called these are a few of my favorite things. And these are me highlighting brands that I absolutely love that are sustainable and ethical. And yes, I am an affiliate for them. So when you purchase, I get a little kickback. But that is what allows me to keep making this podcast and pay my bills. So that being said, I want to introduce you to one of my favorite brands of all time ever lane. They stand for exceptional quality ethical factories and radically transparent pricing. Essentially, because they are direct to consumer they cut out the middleman so you can get cashmere and silk and high quality cotton apparel at a price that will not break the bank. And this is what they have to say about their process. At Everlane. We want the right choice to be as easy as putting on a great t shirt. That's why we partner with the best ethical factories around the world. Source only the finest materials and share those stories with you down to the true cost of every product we make. It's a new way of doing things and we call it radical transparency. I remember when I purchased my first Everlane sweater, taking it out of the packaging, I immediately thought oh this is what a sweater is supposed to feel like the quality is truly exceptional. And I know I will have the items I have purchased from them for years to come. When I need a seasonal refresh in my wardrobe everlean is consistently one of the first places that I visit. I shop there for my husband as well because he loves their T shirts and button downs. Anyway you get the picture. I absolutely love this brand. That's why they are one of my favorite things. And I have some of my favorite pics of the season at the ready for you to view on Jaclyn Steele calm slash Everlane. Again, that's Jaclyn Steele comm slash Everlane. And you can also get 10% off your first order by going there. So all the links are in the show notes. Now back to the episode. Personally, I like simple. I vacillate between like a classic American jeans and T shirt with cool shoes look and a Parisian Laird lived in look and then like a 70 style slightly disheveled rocker vibe. Those are my favorites. Those are my go twos. I like the classic American for every day. I love the Parisian look when I'm doing anything professional, and the 70s, disheveled for evenings and nights on the town, although I haven't had any nights on the town in a while since having a baby. I've tried so many styles over the years. So many. That's why experimenting is part of the process. And it's an important part of the process. You can find what you like, but these are the styles that I keep coming back to. And maybe you like more feminine, flowery, trendy, athletic, cool, whatever you dig is the right look for you. And if you feel lost in this area, here a couple tips, scour Pinterest and start saving fashion vibes you feel drawn to add pieces as you can afford them and see how you feel in them. And telling you this form of self expression has the power to make you feel like a million bucks. The same goes for our hairstyles, and makeup and choose look for inspo try different looks out and see what you feel like fits. Like for me I love 60s and 70s style shoes. I love a great leather boot and pretty much anything made in Italy. Yeah, I know kind of expensive, but for me, I always say less is more I'd rather have less but high quality, then a lot of not a very high quality. Anyway, with hair. I've tried all kinds of hair colors and I keep coming back to a warm golden barley ash because it works best with my golden undertone skin in my green eyes. The last few years, I also keep going back to a layered 70 style cut that I can let air dry. I do not like styling my hair. Standing in front of the mirror with a blow dryer or curling iron or whatever is just not how I like to spend my time. And my best friend who is also my hairstylist knows this so she cuts my hair in a way that allows it to air dry and still look a little bit like it's been styled. That is a tip my friends. Don't try to be anything you're not. If you like comfortable clothing. Don't wear clothing that's fussy, or go for styles that are fussy, whatever your lifestyle is, lean into it. And for instance with hair. Don't be afraid to tell your stylist I don't like styling my hair I want to cut that's going to look cool when it's air dried. Whoever you are, let that be enough because it is enough. Like so with makeup. I've also tried a lot of different stuff. YouTube has everything on there so many different makeup tutorials and I've even done a few myself. I've also done some on Instagram because I love makeup. In general though, I like earthy tones and nudes and a less is more kind of look. Maybe you like more glam look, maybe you like even less makeup than I do. And I'm all about the glam on occasion. But for every day, I just I am French by blood. And I like a French minimalistic approach. Anyway, you get the idea. Whatever feels right to you is what's right. Style is all about self expression. And the more deeply you know yourself, the easier it will be to have that come out in your style because you will know instantly what you like and what you don't. Okay, the third thing you can start playing with to elevate your self image is your surroundings. And spoiler alert, April's theme of the month is surroundings. The opportunity I have this afternoon that I alluded to, is going over to a potential client's home that they want to redo their entire house and renovate. And so I may be doing some design work for them. For now, let's paint the picture of what I mean by surroundings. This is the space you inhabit, the office you work in etc. I'm the kind of person that is deeply affected by the space that I live in work in. When my spaces are beautiful. I feel different. When my spaces are clean, I feel peaceful. When my spaces are organized, I feel like it clears my head. Oh my gosh you guys in January. I did so much nesting and organizing and they still have more to do. But I was able to bring my son home to a clean In mostly organized house, your space also doesn't need to cost you an arm and a leg. I'm going to give a lot of tips for designing on a budget in an upcoming episode. There's so much you can do with a tight budget, which, like I said, we'll chat more about. But just like with style, your surroundings need to represent you. How do you want to feel in your space, energized, peaceful, inspired, relaxed, whatever you want to feel, there is a design for that. And when you hit that design note in a way that feels representative of you. There's something that happens inside, it feels like alignment, like something is clicking like you just had a chiropractic adjustment for your soul, like you want to be in your space, like your space gives you energy instead of taking it away. Does that make sense? Again, I'll talk design a lot more. But for now, you can start instantly by simply cleaning and organizing your space, and did a YouTube video on this couple of years ago. And I went through each room in my old house before we sold it. Before I even knew we were going to be selling it one section at a time. And I got rid of things that no longer brought joy, or served a purpose and organized pretty much my whole house. It took a while. But the feeling you get when you're space is how you want it and clean and organized. It's like a whole body piece. It just feels so so good. And it's not hard to do either. It just takes some time I made this is just my method, I made a super simple list. And it went something like this, a page for each room. And then a section for each area of the room. So for instance, in my office, I had the page office, and then a section, desk, bookshelf closet. And I just went through each thing as I had time over a period of a couple of months. And as I did them, I highlighted them and colored them in like a little kid but it made me so good to feel like I'm making progress organizing everything. I also love going through stuff and asking the Marie Kondo question, Does this bring me joy. And if it doesn't, by I'm not super attached to many material belongings. A few years ago, I heard a quote and it went something like this. If it doesn't have a heartbeat, it can be replaced. So for me, there are a few pieces of art photos and a few books that are really important to me. But again, if it doesn't have a heartbeat, it can be replaced. So as you're going through your stuff, keep that in mind. If it's not bringing you joy, it doesn't need to take up space in your precious, precious living area. Anyway, like I said, I'll discuss design a lot more next month. But for now, you can start transforming your space by putting one thing you love in it. Maybe it's a framed photo, or a piece of art you found at a flea market. Maybe it's a vase full of fresh flowers. Maybe it's a stack of books with a candle on top, maybe it's a diffuser with yummy essential oils. I love diffuser so much. Maybe it's some incense, maybe it's a hand me down rug, whatever it is display things that you love. Utilize pieces that bring you joy. Your life is precious, and those pieces will bring in a new, higher vibe energy. Your space is important because it will affect how you feel inside. And when it comes to your self image. elevating your space, even in the smallest of ways will make a huge difference. So in some, if you want to elevate your self image starting today, consider playing with movement, style and surroundings. The more I do this, the more at home I feel in my skin and in my space, and the more aligned and confident I feel in who I am. And that's self worth my friends.