Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Taking swift action, Botox, & all things skin with master aesthetician, Tunde Nessan

Jaclyn Steele Season 3 Episode 117

If you like no-nonsense talk about all things beauty, then you will love this conversation with master aesthetician and owner of Nourish Skin Studio, Tunde Nessan. We chat personal power, moving from Canada to the US, clean skincare, added fragrance, Botox, filler, skin microbiome, and some of our all time favorite clean beauty brands and products.



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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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The skin is your largest organ, it absorbs a lot of things. We do not live in a pristine, clean, untouched environment anymore. And I think when you can bring in products from your oral care, to your vaginal care to your shampoo to your face, it makes an overall impact on your mood, your hormones the way things function. And I do believe there are phenomenal results that come out of the cleaner, I guess healthier skincare.

Jaclyn Steele:

Hi, I am Jaclyn Steele, and welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That my friends is what self discovery is all where that man's All right. Today on the podcast, we have tuned de Mason. She is the founder of nourish skin studio in Arizona. She is a master esthetician and she uses which I love so much only clean beauty products to end. Thank you so much for being here.


Thank you Jaclyn for having me on. It's a pleasure. Oh, it's

Jaclyn Steele:

such a pleasure. I had a facial with you recently. And I left nourish. And I feel like my skin was so simple, so soft and literally glowing. I took a picture of it and shared it. And I was like yeah, I'm so impressed with my own skin right now. It


was beautifully doing. Yes, it was. It was it

Jaclyn Steele:

was so beautifully doing.



Jaclyn Steele:

can you give us a little bit of your background and how you found yourself in Arizona just recently?


Sure. I've been in the industry for over 18 years, started with like luxury department stores in Canada, then obviously, as a young student did my post secondary and more like nursing science stuff. And then always kept coming back to skincare and then did the drugstore stuff a bit and went back to luxury stuff for bed and then left it alone for a bit had my kids right, which caused another awakening, I guess which led me more towards down this natural path of skincare and babies and while you're coding them in and found the brand living libations which is Canadian, something we both fondly love. So that brand has been part of my personal regiment and my family care like home care for about 16 years now. Wow. Yeah, and meeting our guys truly is a gem. She is a very talented Alchemist and kind of you know, watch that brand grow. And then when my kids were a little bit older off into school, I decided to get into the skincare realm but I started off very slow and organic from home and only with her line that Boond literally in six months to a year I was out of the house into a bike and mortar that boomed within another six months I couldn't keep up I took the top floor of like a heritage building. In like a local little town I lived in more rural southwestern Ontario, I guess. And then I outgrew that and then boomed again and then COVID hit and then it's kind of like oh my gosh, it restricted the game for services. Definitely. Canada brought in a lot of restrictions. So I you know, left the brick and mortar and brought it back home again and took some time off with my kids as everybody went kind of virtual. Everyone was working from home. And then really I was stuck with so much product. I was working with 15 brands. I hadn't really in a pocket theory style approach. It was an inner outer approach to healing skin I found like I was attracting people with like psoriasis and eczema and dermatitis and all kinds of weird hormonal acne. So what I tried creating and curating was this experience for people could come in and I would tap into the local like functional medicine doctors or like acupuncturist or, you know, go to this farm for that. And then I guess when all that kinda sadly died or got restricted and I couldn't operate at that level anymore. I was stuck at home with all this product. And I was like, I like I'm a creator, I love people I love, you know, touching people and giving them beautiful experiences. And with a facial, it's a great transitional way to start with natural beauty. Especially if, you know, people are like, Oh, I go to facials, and I go to these places. And I'm like, Yeah, but have you really tried like, green beauty, clean beauty, whatever word you really want to use for it. The umbrella is very vast. And I try to watch the language around that. But the facial was really a starting point to getting people's toes wet to like, I call it adorably clean beauty. Like, as you know, living libations holds very high standard. But I also did have to bring on other brands that were you know, more maybe herbal infused, not necessarily central oil, blended and things like that. So, yeah. And then, oh my gosh, where am I going with this? I'm going to the fact that my husband has tons of family in Canada, not in Canada, obviously in Canada, but the US as well. So we took some time off to travel while you know, stuff was kind of shut down for specially the service sector in Canada. And I went, I gotta get back into this game. Like, I want to bring this to women. We had never visited Arizona before over a year ago. We did for the first time and I just fell in love. Okay, number one with the heat. I do. I love it. And the people in the community. And people were just like bustling and going out and getting services done. And it's like, Yes, pretty much summer all year round here. And I find that a lot of your skin's exposed. People are aware they're attentive, they care,

Jaclyn Steele:

but didn't really find a place that was kind of like what my offerings were. So I just jumped right in. Yeah, well, there's a huge hole in the market for what you do. So I want to talk so much about skincare. But before we do that, the theme of this month for my podcast is personal power. And I find the fact that you moved from where you were super well connected in Canada and you had this booming business, and you just uprooted everything and moved to Arizona that requires such gumption and guts and courage. Yes. What do you attribute that to? Like? Where does your personal power come from? That, that ability to take action and take action quickly?


My children are definitely my biggest motivators. They are very wild, free spirits. I never take them. I always open heartedly listen to their needs. And when things were shut down, it wasn't really resonating anymore. It didn't feel like this is where we want it to flourish. So it was a lot of like daydreaming while we were traveling. We traveled through multiple states and the vibes I was really listening to like, Where can I connect with people? Right? Arizona definitely had a strong draw. We visited Texas, Florida. We're also we did come back to Arizona one more time, just to be totally sure this is where we wanted to plant roots. It wasn't just like a one off thing. And then always just having a really strong drive to try new things. I love getting uncomfortable, um, forces you to learn. Yeah, it forces you to adapt. And I take these like, bold characteristics that I have. And I I I just think, okay, you know, what, how can I make this a teaching experience for the entire family? My husband and I are both zero entrepreneurs. And it's taught our kids a lot of business skills. I'm sure you know, owning you know, your own business or working for yourself. You were like, multitude

Jaclyn Steele:

of 18,000 Yeah, and especially when you're a mom too.


Exactly. And it you know, and it's like, our situation is uncomfortable and tight. Do days go sloppy and stressful. 100% Oh, yeah. And I'm not perfect. And I think no modern woman is but we do the best that we can. And for me, it's always about it's lifestyle driven. Like I look for a key fob.

Jaclyn Steele:

It's such a huge thing to talk about. It's lifestyle driven. And it's something that really popped out that you said is you were in Canada and it just wasn't working for you and your family anymore. And I think something can go and pull out of this for the listeners is If we don't always have to try and dig our heels in and make something work, if we're intuitively and physically and spiritually feeling like it's just not cutting it, we can make a decision to do something else. And guess what? We can also retract and go back. I think people are so afraid of making the wrong decision that often they don't make a decision. Yeah. Because they feel like if it's not perfect, they can't do it. Yeah. Or deny who they are. Yes. But the reality is, there are very few decisions that we can't undo most things. I mean, it'll take some judging and may take some time and money. But most things can be undone.


Yes, I agree. And I always say people have freewill. People like to make a lot of excuses for the most simplest things that can make, like, the biggest difference in their lives, right? And you can look at that any way from the way you cook, to the way you treat your spouse to you know, how you apply your face oil? I don't know. But yeah, you just sometimes you gotta go with it. And then people go, Oh, you're so courageous. And I'm like, Yeah, you know, I have my moments of doubt, too. But I keep propelling forward, because I love growth. And I honestly, after a while, you get used to like that uncomfortable is no longer like a negative association. It's almost like I'm growing in other ways people might see it as a struggle, you know, or, like, I often I'm very close with my parents, and my, you know, my mother's like, you know, if it's, it's not working, you can always come back home. And it's not that I don't want to, but it's like, no, I feel like I'm working towards something really good. And the women that I come across have been amazing. And I mean, like you really do, what you put out is what you attract. It's so true, I never believed it until it actually truly starts happening. And then you and then I realized another thing, too, is like, the people that I've come across here are more vibing with my lifestyle and my approach than the ones that were at home. And I don't mean that in a negative way, or like, I'm talking bad about the Canadian women. It's just like, I find like I'm finding my people faster

Jaclyn Steele:

here. Yes, I experienced the same thing. When I moved to Arizona the exact same thing. And I think, you know, it has to do with frequency, like we shift the frequency on which we live. And so then we weren't in the right frequency where we were living before I was living in Georgia, I have nothing against Georgia, I just wasn't vibing anymore. But here, like you said, you attract the level that you at your trust the frequency that you're at. So I want to talk to you about one of my favorite subjects of all time, which is clean skincare, and taking care of ourselves. Yes. Why clean skincare? Why do you think it's important? And why do we need to carry this baton and share it with the world?


Number one, it is just overall healthier for you. I mean, I don't really push one angle on not like you have to love this brand that I love that brand. Some people actually bring really cool brands to my attention that I'm not aware of. But genuinely, I think it the skin is your largest organ, it absorbs a lot of things. We do not live in a pristine, clean, untouched environment anymore. And I think when you can bring in products from your oral care, to your vaginal care to your shampoo to your face, it makes an overall impact on your mood, your hormones the way things function. And I do believe there are phenomenal results that come out of the cleaner, I guess healthier skincare. I just hate synthetic shit and I've never been anywhere. It's annoying to me. Even sometimes when clients come in and they're like, heavy on some kind of perfume. I'm always like, it's just me, it's just who I am. And I love this smell of nature like natural things

Jaclyn Steele:

I like I gravitate toward natural things to like lavender and Jasmine and peppermint and bright Bergamot like I really like earthy smells. Which leads me into a really important question to Why is clean fragrance versus synthetic fragrance so important? Because I think people are starting to understand that all of these added fragrances that have been added to our products for how many decades are really dangerous.


Yes, they are and the standards in the North American market are vastly looser than the European market for example. And I think people are not fully aware of like how these things like bio accumulate or compound on one another. And then it's like, Well, you got migraines and headaches and mood swings, and you know, like uncomfortable PMS. Like, it doesn't all just happen by fluke, like this is invoked by your lifestyle. And it's an accumulation like some people will go for like 20 years feeling fantastic. And all of a sudden hit a wall when they hit pre menopause or perimenopause, right. So I'm kind of like, I like to, like, leave breadcrumbs and guide them to look at things. But without turning them off or pushing off the cliff right away. Like I don't I'm not like go home, throw everything out. You know, try?

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, because I mean, skincare is an investment. And if people have been investing in products that are not necessarily clean for a long time, it can be really hard to transition. Speaking of that transition, if there's one product that you would recommend to start that transition with, what would it be?


It would 100% Being oil cleanser.

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm laughing because I tell people the same thing, I tend to


roll their eyes and people are still conditioned by like the big brands that things need to be oil free. And when you got oily skin or acne, you stay clear the oils on it is the flip opposite the good oils. Obviously, there's a vast different type of oils that can be used in skincare. But the oils are really rebalancing your natural oils, and are always out of harmony in some way or another because we've been kind of brainwashed to how Yeah,

Jaclyn Steele:

and things can make for skin and to use it feel free. And to use these super harsh chemicals. I had really bad acne when I was a teenager and my parents were going through a divorce. It was like part hormonal, but a lot of stress. And I started using proactive and I went to the dermatologist and they gave me an oral pill that gave me a yeast infection. And I was like when that happened, I was like, Whoa, right? I was a wake up call. For me, this is not normal. I'm trying to heal something on my face. And it gave me a yeast infection. And I'm like, What the heck. And certainly, that started my journey into like, alternative ways of healing my skin and it wasn't until I started oil cleansing that my acne went away.


Exactly. And you know, I get a lot of like, people kind of look in and go and I go one of the things I pride myself in and I always have from like the Canadian brick and mortar to the one here as I say to people, just try a facial start with a facial experience the tangible aspect of what these oils feel like, we don't have to talk throughout the facial but if you're like what's that smell? Or what's that texture asked me? Oh, you know, I'll go into a bit of an educating kind of verse and then I'll shut up because it's your tongue to relax but I always encourage people to go home with samples and samples that can last them three to five days so they can actually have a good experience with it and and really rule out which one is the right oil for them looking they all carry different levels of moisture you know like you can cook with leaky or an olive oil or whatever the heck you want. It's the same for face oils they all deliver something very different and I think not anyone like walking into Sephora and going to their clean section buying a face oil it's like Yang getting them education their salary system but right now those brands are already mass they don't give a shit really they're they're about their numbers, their sales and their accounts. Like I'm really into like indie beauty. Like with names brand lacks enough with a shelf life. Yeah, exactly. I've had women with you know, with like some funky health situations arrive. And I've emailed her and she's emailed like a custom protocol back. And I think it's so unique. And it's so important to have these connections with the founders or the formulators because I don't want to just be a customer to any brand. No, I want no,

Jaclyn Steele:

not No, not in a society where we are trained to be such consumers like I'm not against consumption. We've got to buy things but knowing where they're coming from and then supporting brands that are really supporting their customers. It's not just about numbers. This episode of self discovery is supported by living libations I was turned on to this company after my Hashimotos diagnosis. I've always always loved clean beauty products but living libations is clean on another level. Alex Explain a little bit about why their primary ingredients are plant oils and plant oils are botanical miracles. When oils are skillfully combined, the mosaic effect of 1000s of plant compounds burst forth with an intelligence and a life force that defines every single living libations creation. This not only makes their products extremely effective, and I can attest to that because the first night I started using them, I noticed a difference the next morning one freaking night, but it also makes these products smell amazing like heaven. In addition, living libations products are cruelty free, they're Fairtrade and almost all the products are raw, gluten free and vegan. I cannot say enough about this incredible company. I have so many of their products I have their best skin ever cleansing oil and sea buckthorn, I have their rose Renewal Serum, it's heaven, I have their soothsayer serum. If you feel like your skin is aging. This is a perfect serum for you the soothsayer serum, I have their happy gumdrops for healthy teeth, I have their shampoo and conditioner, I have their frankincense toothpaste, I have their deodorant, I have their love butter, I could go on and on and on about all the products that I have from them. And I am mindfully switching out all of my old products in exchange for living libations products because of the efficacy of their products, the mission behind them and the way that the company is run their commitment to diversity and environmental protection. Anyway, all that to say this is a company that I absolutely believe in and want to continue to support. If you are feeling at all overwhelmed by all of their high quality offerings like I was in the beginning, I recommend starting with the best skin ever. In seabuckthorn it smells amazing, and you can cleanse and moisturize with it. Visit living and use code Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase, living And Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase. Links are in the show notes. And now back to the episode. I had Nadine on the podcast last year. She was so generous with her time. She also was generous with her products and sent me a gift box of different things to try. So as far as oil cleansers go, would you recommend like if somebody were to say, Okay, I'm going to try oil cleansing? Would you recommend best skin ever from living? libations? I


represent Yes, yeah, I

Jaclyn Steele:

use it every day. My husband uses it every day. And then when I was done, I have this DJI baby oil. Yes. And that's what I use on my son after he has a bath. And not only do these products smell incredible, and they feel like a ritual like loving self care moment of an experience. But you your skin feels different. Like I'll use best skin ever on my hands at night before bed and I wake up in the morning and my hands are so soft.


And the reason is because there's no glycerin water, these two ingredients that are completely unnecessary for skincare in oils, right? And that's what I try to explain to people that are always conventionally using a cream like I'm like what sets a face oil apart whether it's the best game ever where you can oil cleanse and re moisturize with it. Versus your conventional cream is there aren't ingredients in there that your skin doesn't need. Everything is in there and it's completely used and absorbed and nourished. All the other stuff on the market. You know people like but I love the texture cream. Okay, great. We have something for that too. But without the glycerin in the water. The cells just don't need these ingredients. And then like you say, when you wake up, it's still supple, because all the other stuff that's in regular skincare. It's just like it's really not serving any purpose. Oh, there's just additives. Exactly. It's 10 I

Jaclyn Steele:

don't want additives in my food. I don't want additives in my skincare.


Exactly. So that's what I say to people. I'm like the best skin ever is literally the gold standard. It's almost the color of gold, right? The sea buckthorn one in particular. Because different Baskin Evers Yes, but I'm like it's so bloody clean. You could squirt it on your salad, eat it and be fine. Like,

Jaclyn Steele:

I cannot do that with a lot of the stuff on the market. No, no. And that's something you know, I geek out on skincare and I'm reading several books right now on clean skincare. And something that has really been a focus of mine is understanding that skincare should have a fairly short shelf life. It should not be able to be in your medicine cabinet for two or three years, if you think about like food that you can have in your pantry for two or three years. That's right. That's bad. That is not exactly what we should put our student body.


Yeah, totally. I 100% agree. And that's a really good point. Because a lot of people go, Well, how long is this oil good for if I don't go through the bottle, and I say, you know, 369 months smell it does it smell off? Does the color change. And if you're if you're having, for example, with living libations, the glass bottles are clear. They're not dark, some of them come in that dark glass, marine glass or whatever they call it from Germany, stored under the cupboard, where it's not getting sunlight or direct heat. And then you're preserving the longevity of that product.

Jaclyn Steele:

I have never had anything from living libations go bad because I use it. Like so regularly.


Yeah. So funny. Me and my daughter were talking about that they make perfume. Yeah. And it's obviously clean perfume she uses like grape alcohol as her base. I've had one with like the old old packaging from like, 810 years ago, and it still smells exactly the same. And it's a and it's not because there's preservatives in there. It's maybe the color has faded of the rose, right. But it really is a testament to needings formulating. And when you have someone that really understands ingredients, that's where they deliver. So I always tell people like you may love a brand. But do you understand the ethos and the philosophy or like the blending or where the sourcing comes from? There in this round that we're in there should be full transparency?

Jaclyn Steele:

Mm hmm. I mean, no putting it on our skin. That is our largest organ. Yeah, and there's no FDA regulation on any kind of beauty products, including makeup, which is really scary. I feel like there's gonna be a documentary on this and like 50 or 100 years, you know, probably. So at your studio at nourish. You don't do any harsh chemical peels or anything like that, which I think when people think of esthetician they think of all kinds of chemicals and peels and abrasive things. Yes, I love that you don't do that. But please tell the listener why you don't do anything harsh.


In most cases, most people need to rebuild the health of their skin. We are so conditioned again to stripping stripping stripping. As we age we naturally thin so I've noticed a trend in Scottsdale people love Derma planing and I understand the purpose and I see the benefit and yes some people are great candidates for it but not everyone is and I usually have like a more mature clientele or you have a woman that's got very buttery soft skin. And she's like well I would really like you to dermaplane me because it helps me absorb my products better and I'm kind of like oh my god, your face is like a rose petal it's so delicate and needs to be handled with care even the way I massage you I should never be tugging. And for me to like do that I usually talk people out of it before the service starts. And they're kind of like like disappointed in a way I'm like yes there's ways we can get rid of facial hair and sure certain areas we can dermaplane But I don't want to do the whole face. And then I I'm more inclined to using enzymatic kind of products or clays or honey. Love honey. Exactly. So there's so many things and you have like a like an enzymatic kind of date paste and there's cactus cooling jelly and sea plasma you can work with the kelps and the minerals from the ocean. There's a vast literally the range of other ingredients that will rebuild you and help you and I always find like if I'm layering different types of wells and I'm incorporating a lot of lymphatic massage, the skin is more pliable. I came in to decongest you so much better than throwing a peel on your face. So I'm not working against you I'm working with you and then the whole thing is less is more like a 10 step regimen. Literally if you can oil cleanse and if you can Reek moisturize with an oil but boom bada bang Have a nice day lady. Yeah, but I mean if you have like specific targeted issues, then maybe we'll bring in some key octaves, but yeah, no, I'm not gonna do anything abrasive, all the tools and are there, they're there like, I can't be like,

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm not only going to work with my hands. But again, you really have to customize it to the individual. Well, and I love that you do that when I had my facial with you, it was totally customized to my skin. And it was an experience, there are so many glorious smells, and then you steamed my face. And it was like this symphony of all kinds of different beautiful ingredients. So you talked about rebuilding the skin, because so many of us have been using harsh cleansers, moisturizers, peels, scrubs for so long, we need to repair our skin. And something that I think people don't consider or don't know a lot about is the skin microbiome. We're starting to understand our gut microbiome and how that is basically the brain of our body. Below our brain.


Yes, yeah. Very

Jaclyn Steele:

inarticulate Lee, but you know what I'm trying to say. But yes. Talk to us about the skin microbiome and why making our skin squeaky clean, actually isn't good for us?


Well, it's like that whole germ theory. Right, it's been debunked. So we're really here, there are always good and bad bacteria. It's just when they get out of balance, there's a problem. But when you bring in oils, and you're losing that soap cleanse, you're really rebuilding the good bacteria as well, the you'll find that the skin is less red, is less itchy, it's less dry, if the texture is more supple. And you're actually like sealing micro fine tears. A lot of people you know, maybe even with acne, or like you have rosacea as a prime example, the skin's always like irritated, right? You got the broken capillaries, you know, the texture is no good. This is where the microbiome on the skin is, I guess maybe broken or has deficiencies or need some support. And with the right oils, you can rebuild the health and obviously perfectly, I hate that word perfectly, like better build the good bacteria to support it. So that's the way I would look at it. And I think a lot of people don't even really know what that term means. So I kind of go well, you know, think of all your open orifices like they all have protective bacteria, wax sebum. It is part of our human survival to have like good balance, like when you think of children or like certain individuals, you have ear infections, or vaginal infections or sinus infections. You know, all these open orifices or close sealed pockets have bacteria in them. And it's the same for the outside of the skin, the scalp to right when people have like psoriasis in the hair or the eczema. There is an imbalance to these micro flora. And I think even like something like Nadine has amazing scalp tonics like oils for the hair. I roll those into my facials as well. I'll point out a few key ingredients like mustard seed, rosemary, things like that, that really helped the hair follicles this will actually heal patches on the scalp. And I think it goes back into balancing the microflora. People are using harsh hair products, like back to the lifestyle thing. It's not just about a pretty face oil, like what do you washing the hair with? By the way or Noni? I

Jaclyn Steele:

think we talked about this Oh, you did, which let's go


is like a lifesaver if you're dry. If you're itchy. If you've had, you know too much fun with your partner and things you're swollen and tender that saves your life ladies and it smells like amazing wine bouquet and it has a little bit of a cooling sensation. How could you not want that? Well,

Jaclyn Steele:

so let's talk about this. So living libations Nadine Artemis that's her brand. She has I think two Yoni serums. One is of cooling one and one is like general Yoni health. And yes, the Yoni ladies is another word for your vaginal area. I actually brought the Yoni serum to the hospital with me when I was giving birth to my son, and I ended up having to have a C section. But I went through labor and I pushed for 45 minutes. So during that process, the nurse was like, Can somebody bring me some mineral oil? And I was like, right, I literally was like, Stop. Wait, no I have oil. I do not want mineral oil going down there. Yeah, what mineral oil is. And she looked at me like I had a third eye. But she was like, Okay, this hippie woman is going to do with this hippie one is going to do. So I handed her the oil. And she was like, What is this? And are you sure it's safe? And I was like, you showed them? Boys safe? Yeah. And so she used it. She used it while I was in labor, like I trust needings products that much.


So good. You've had pz Artemi. Like if you've been cut down there, it just helps heal that scar tissue. I had a PCIT with my daughter at a home birth with my son tons of tearing because it was like in the tub. I didn't want to crawl out. I wasn't complying to their directions. I was just kind of like in my own headspace. Yeah, well, that happens when you're in labor. Oh, yeah. And I couldn't even sit properly for like a month because I had internal and external tearing. I literally sitz bath. And I use that oil. And I tell you ladies, it is a lifesaver. And then when your partner is like when you want to have intercourse again, I'm like you're someone but literally saves your life.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. And I like it as a self care ritual to like after I take a shower. I love to do this at night. Take a moment to do some body massage. And I oil up my whole body. And then I use that on the Yoni at the end. And I'm like, I'm fresh, I'm clean, I smell amazing. Everything is moisturize. And I've taken great care of my skin. Which also another reason we need to be more moisturizing our skin is because our skin is a barrier to bad bacteria coming in, like we write good bacteria. But our immune systems I didn't even realize this until I started researching. But our immune systems are so connected to our skin as well. So if our skin is dry, there's opening there for all kinds of microcarrier. Yes, micro tearing. And so that's another reason we need to make sure our skin is moisturized and well taken care of. It cannot be an afterthought.


That's right. And in living in Arizona, you cannot live without oils. Oh no people walk through my door. I'm like, How have you been living here for 25 years? I want to know because when I was literally acclimatized, and it was so dry, even so dry humidity. I have humidifiers running everywhere, like in college rooms and common spaces. And sometimes, sincerely when there's excess oil on my hands, I rub it into my nose. Yeah, just because you the nose gets so dry. Everything gets so dry. Speaking of humidifiers,

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm a huge, huge fan of humidifiers as well. But do you have a favorite brand? I noticed in your studio, you have a giant humidifier in the waiting area. So tell us about that. And like what kind of humidifiers you recommend.


Good old Costco. Really? Yeah, I found I found it in Costco and I thought this is great because it's actually really high off the ground. It's beautiful too. It's Sculptra. You could put oils in it. I choose not to I have like the little living libations when I put on countertops where I control the oils. But other than that, I'm trying to think I lately just like the ones where the top just opens up and you can just take a big jug and fill it up. I hate the ones where you can unscrew the bottom. Do you mean you got the little hole and then I'm like dumping it everywhere. So I've just found stuff that had like top openings. Amazing. Just like literally like, I like ones with big gas canisters where like water can fit in it. Think about it too, like it stops running. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, I love it. And I love diffusing oils too. Before I went to the hospital actually living libations sent me like a birth kit. And they sent me frankincense and lavender essential oils. And I brought that into the birthing suite with me as well and a diffuser. And every single nurse that came in to check on me through the like 40 hours I was in that frickin room. They were like, This is our favorite room. It smells so good would


probably calm down your neighbors too, right?

Jaclyn Steele:

We'll do so powerful. And so I understand why people want to wear a bunch of perfumes. I get it. I love scent. But what I'm finding is I appreciate clean scent so much more and I feel I feel like it's a self care practice but also a self worth practice knowing exactly what I'm putting on my skin. And I think I know we keep talking about living libations But that's also one of the reasons I love living libations so much is because I feel like anything she puts out, I trust it. So I'm not going through each ingredient or spending time researching X, Y and Z about it, you know?


Well the other thing too in my entire life I've been more of that headache prom woman. So yes, and every time I loved a fragrance like when I worked in a department store I would put it on and I kid you not within 20 minutes I always had a headache. Yeah, so I just knew maybe it was more of a sluggish liver. Maybe I wasn't you know the right type of candidate for perfume because of the synthetics who knows? Maybe it was my intuition saying stop using Yeah, yeah. And any type of perfume I put on that's like essential oil based or natural one of meetings, perfumes, zero issues. Euro and then that's when I know, like inherently I'm like, this is right for me. Like headaches are kind of like red flag.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. Oh, totally. Well, like, and that reminds me I I interviewed a skincare founder name is Jesse gold. And I think I told you about her products, the golden secrets, I love her. And one of the things she said in our interview was live close to nature. Were close to nature, eat close to nature. And that's so simple, but it's so true. Like what we put on and in our bodies. The closer it is to nature, the more in harmony we will be in every area of our lives, right? Yeah. Today's episode is powered by the golden secrets. This incredible skincare line was birthed from the heart and soul of Jessie golden, who if you don't know who she is yet, you should listen to episode 102 of this podcast because I interviewed her and you're going to absolutely fall in love with her I'm telling you. But this line the golden secrets is a holistic, sustainable, Fairtrade wild harvested and cruelty free skincare and wellness line that wants to inspire rituals of self love, and unveil a natural, ageless golden glow. It's rooted in nature, ancient wisdom and organic beauty. The Golden secrets is committed to giving back and providing tools for the conscious consumer to live a more balanced, fulfilled beautiful and purposeful life. Sounds like something you want to be a part of. Yep, me too. The Golden secrets thrives on making skincare and wellness products that benefit everybody. all ethnicities, sexual orientations, and specific skincare needs skincare that doesn't harm you or the environment but instead works in harmony to awaken it. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Also, every product comes with an affirmation and a QR code so you can quickly learn how to use the product. I love combining affirmations with things we do every day. It transforms something as mundane as putting on your moisturizer into a sacred moment. And if you've been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you know I'm all about that. This line is it's just next level. I have their youth beauty face oil, their aura beauty mist, Sorcerer's Stone guasha beauty tool, gold pulse firming face one and this sculpting stone guasha body tool. I've also heard rave reviews about the golden secrets heal all oil. So that's next on my list. I use these products pretty much daily. And my gosh, I could go on for days about the benefits of guasha which if you buy any of their guasha tools, you get a giant ebook chock full of info on how to use it, and why it's so transformative and why the stone specifically, the composition of the stone is so important. It's not like other guasha tools at all. I'm also so in awe of the Beuth beauty face oil it immediately absorbed into your skin. It plumps it up it gives you this Golden Globe and the aura mist penetrates your skin and locks in moisture five times better than hyaluronic acid. Guys, it's a total game changer, especially if you live in the desert like me. And in addition, this might be my favorite product. Although it's really hard to say the gold pulse firming face wand not only feels amazing, it helps a race the tiny Forehead Wrinkles I have I've watched in all multiple times in the mirror as those little bad boys disappear as I use this tool. I cannot recommend this slide enough it is next level on every level. So do yourself a favor and go to the Golden or follow the link in the show notes and use code Jack Lin 10 for 10% off your order, again, code, Jacqueline 10, we'll get you 10% off your order, all the information is in the show notes. You are going to love every product you try from the golden secrets, I just know it. Let's talk about Botox because I feel a lot of people, and I don't want this to be a judgmental thing. And I want people to feel like I'm judging


now. No, I had Botox and fillers so I can speak through a personal experience. In fact, my mom who's a registered nurse, was our injector nurse. And our and you know, I got a lot of like frown and hate on that kind of thing. But I said, you know, I really wanted to merge the beauty space with like a natural, subtle look, if you're gonna get a little bit of augmenting Yeah. arrayed hand, and she always, I would say like underfilled. Or she would be like, it's like cooking, you can't take the salt out once it's in, it's in, right. So she would always do less. And like you said, it's not about a judgmental thing. One person may have a fantastic lifestyle, and they just have this really strong pronounced frown on the forehead, and all they want is a little bit of Botox or die sport. And these are neuro modulators, what they do is they paralyze the muscles, so the muscles not contracting. I usually say to women, if you have a really good lifestyle, and you know, you've got a healthy functioning liver and kidney, and you sweat, you work out, you take care yourself, I'm sure you're not going to die from it. Right? It's in that regards. It's like, you're not doing it all the time, fine, whatever. Enjoy your life. I think people deserve to be happy. But I think when you have the frozen face, or the face where the mouth enters the room before the rest of the face, I think there are deeper rooted issues with that person, because they're starting to over augment who they really are. And then it's like, is there issues with yourself? You know, that's the way I look at it. People might go, Oh, that's not true. And I'm like, Well, I don't know. I've had the Botox before. I've had filler before. I'm very slim. Like I'm a petite individual. I'm, you know, we all kind of hollow as we age, we start to lose the voluptuous, collagen, elastin. But then as a wore off, I wasn't like, oh my god, I loved myself. I was like, Okay, that was a cool experience. But I still love my oils. And I kind of like wrinkles as I age because I'm like, I'm never gonna look like I'm 25 anymore. Fucking, I'm just getting embrace race. And you know, yes, man get better with age and wrinkles. And we're not we're just like a no,

Jaclyn Steele:

don't do it. It's such a double standard. And I agree with you, I think there's something to be said for embracing aging. And I know for me, I'm 35. And I'm like, what I want to be 25. Again, what I love my 25 year old skin, I mean, probably but at the same time, I wouldn't trade it to be 25. Again, because I'm so much happier now. So much more well rounded, better place, and also not that I have like millions of followers or anything like that. But as somebody who does have a following in a podcast. I also want to be an example for what it is like to be an empowered woman. Yes, you. Yeah. Thank you. But yes, I spend money on my skincare and my self care. And I don't have anything against Botox or fillers. I also want to embrace the realness of who I am in all aspects.


That's like the people in certain lifestyles that actually walk or is it talk the talk, walk the walk, you know what I mean? Like they're genuine in their actual practices, to what they preach? Like everything I sell in the store, in the front that you see is what's being used in the back bar. There's no secret ship that's coming out of a cupboard, right? And everything that's on the shelf is there for a reason, because I've used it and I've loved something about it. And it's part of my lifestyle.

Jaclyn Steele:

It's so important. It's so important.



Jaclyn Steele:

oh my gosh, I couldn't agree more, you know, as somebody who like has, I have some podcast ads for living libations and some of my other favorite companies. And I take that really seriously. I don't want to put my name next to a product that I haven't used or that I don't genuinely love.


Yes, 100% saying yes.

Jaclyn Steele:

Also with Botox. I have in my research what I understand and please correct me if I'm wrong, because I know you know more than I do, but because it paralyzes the muscles, doesn't it atrophy the muscles as well. So


if we have too much Botox over time, wouldn't that make us look older? While there's less blood flow to those certain bandwidths of muscles, you're also having other muscles engage that maybe weren't used. Because now this you got this bigger I guess more dominant, more pronounced muscle that would normally move when you make a facial expression. Now the tinier bandwidths are coming in, so other stuffs expressing so I'm always fine. Like it's a slippery slope. It's like once you start you're starting to notice other fine things that are expressing because normally wouldn't, so they keep the ripple effect. Yes. And then ever thought about feeling like when you get into fillers, which are hyaluronic acid, there's different size molecules based on the manufacturer that's making it you know, it's the same thing like breastfeeding once that breast tissue has overstretched never gonna live not gonna go. Yeah, well, you can minimize like the stretch marks and stuff. But for the mouth, for example, like once you've overstretched it, and then you let the product break down and you come back to the way the mouth was, that skins never going to be the same. And I'm talking about more extreme overfilling. And not the subtle stuff. Yeah, like a lot of times people would just like want to correct things because no one has symmetry in their face. You know, not everyone has perfect balance. So people would be like, well, this corner, my lips really goes down. And when I wear lip liner, like I just want it to be more symmetrical, I can understand that you're literally not putting in like, you know, a few ml of fillers correcting something that your eye goes to. I don't really think that's dangerous. But once you really over Augment, and I am very curious, like, fast forward, my biggest red flag is when we had we used to have clients that were in their early 20s. And they're like, I'm gonna do Botox as preventative, and I'm like, God, redflow red flag, I always left it to my mom, because she was the professional. You know, she was the one that would, you know, come in and brutally tell you her opinion, looking at your face. My thing is like, what's gonna happen to this beautiful face? By the time it turns 40? Like, how many things are you going to be dependent on? For you to look a certain way? That's the scary part.

Jaclyn Steele:

That is really scary. Well,


you haven't aged at 20. Yeah. 20 Oh, my gosh.

Jaclyn Steele:

The other part that's scary for me. And I definitely don't want to live in fear. And I don't want anybody listening to live in fear, have done a bunch of podcast episodes about not living in fear. But I want to understand the ramifications of our actions in every area of our life. And what I don't understand is the long term ramifications of something like Botox or something like filler, like what happens to our bodies when those chemicals are injected? repeatedly over a long period of time? And I don't know that we know that yet. Do we?


I don't know. Personally, I haven't really delved into the science of it. And I don't even know if they're doing science studies on that, because that would be a huge loss into their revenue, right? Because that would all all of a sudden open up women do oh my god, right. Like, what was I thinking? Or maybe I should slow down. But my whole thing is everything breaks down through the organ system, your elimination pathways, whether it's your kidneys, your liver, your blood, your stool, you know, your feces, everything's breaking down these synthetic chemically things, and even like prescription drugs, they all have side effects. I don't think they're being completely transparent with people. I think a lot of injectors also say, you know, they're very at a minimal risk level, but there's still something and again, it has to really resonate with you as an individual and your lifestyle. So, I mean, like, is it something you want to continue doing and then realize, you know, you all all of a sudden have other issues from it.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. Like, can you do it once a year and have good results? Or is it something that you need to get every three or four months Today's episode is powered by in bloom. This is one of my favorite supplement companies and they offer a holistic approach to nutrition centered on physical health, mental clarity, and beauty from the inside out. They have nutrition from nature, so it's plant based, vegan, gluten free, no synthetic ingredients, non GMO, sugar free. Are you with me? They have essential vitamins enhancing nutrients, multiplex blends, and most of their supplements are powders. Why? Because powders are more bio available, which means they enter your blood flow and digestive systems more efficiently. They're more readily available for your body to accept and digest. And they're easy to use, they can be shaken or whisked into a liquid or blended into wellness recipes and smoothies. And the website to be in bloom has many recipes, I highly recommend checking that out. Also, their ingredients are sustainably sourced, their packaging is earth friendly, including Omni degradable, they're reusable. And they have recycled options, which is so cool. I literally have every single supplement that they have on their website. But one of the supplements that I go to regularly is their plant protein and anti stress herbal blend. I drink this almost every day. As a new mom cooking lunch is just not really an option for me right now. So making a protein shake, knowing I have something healthy and something super quick is just totally what I'm into and their protein is delicious. It satisfies your hunger, it improves your glucose levels, and it feeds your body what it craves and helps combat the negative impacts of stress. It's got a green protein blend reishi mushroom, elderberry cinnamon bark, ginger, dandelion root, cocoa, I'm telling you this protein is so delicious. I mix it with almond milk and then call it a day. Again, I have every supplement that is on their website because I love to be curious and try different things. And I have enjoyed every single one also absolutely love the probiotic. All right to try out to be in bloom go to to be in and use code Jaclyn Steele 10 off for 10% off your order. Again, that is to be in and use code Jaclyn Steele 10 off for 10% off your order. I know you will absolutely love this supplement brand.


So the more rigorous you are in your lifestyle, for example, like if you work out, like if you're physically jumping, or sweating or your sauna person, the product breaks down with your metabolism faster. Okay, so you would have to keep up with a more regular schedule with injecting. If you're quite sedimentary, and you're not very active and you're like I don't do sauna I don't really like bounce around, you know, doing anything crazy athletic stuff, you'll probably have the product set a little bit better. But again, everyone's an individual, some people's metabolism will be like my Botox or Dysport or whatever only held up for like two or three months. Sometimes you can stretch it for six months. So it's very individual, very individual. And then it all depends on how they're reconstituting it, right, because what they do is they get a concentration of it, and then they reconstituted with saline. So it's a hands on the injector to exactly. That's another thing too.

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm learning so much about Botox right now. Yeah. Who


knows how honest the injectors are right? Because think about it if they die. Good. Yeah. Come back more. Yeah, no, you're well, that's all this year in the industry.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. And that's a good thing for people to understand, too. So when it comes to Botox, lean into your own intuition, but also proceed with caution. Would you say that that's a


good Yeah, totally. You know, what, if you really want to try it, try it. Yeah, see how it works for you. And if you're like, you know what, that experience wasn't for me. Don't go back and get it done again. Yeah, yeah, the brow lift. Everybody wants the brow lift, right? Because you're paralyzing certain muscles. And all of a sudden, if you have a droop your eyelid, it does kind of do wonders for people and it lifts I would say it's less invasive procedure than a facelift, right? Or I surgery or whatever. But again, like you, I don't know, have a good conversation with your nurse injector, or

Jaclyn Steele:

know who you're going to. And also, like the holistic part of me goes, I understand that that look is something that's very popular on Instagram. And all of these things are very popular on Instagram. But a picture is very different than reality. And I know for me, and again, I don't want this to come off as judgmental. But I feel like there is an invitation to realness when you sit down with a person and they look real and their actions are real and their speech is real. And I don't want to lose the I am I love beauty. Like, I love beauty products, I love makeup, I love all of the the care rituals that we can do for ourselves. But at some point, I also want to say I just love myself for who I am. And that doesn't necessarily mean that I have to look a certain way. My love for myself isn't dependent on my physical appearance.


I think you're grounded. Oh, well, thank you.

Jaclyn Steele:

I mean, but I get it, like I understand body modification. And like, I get it, I, I so get it. And I've participated in some of it myself. But I think it's so important to know your intentions. And your expectations. Like you said, if your face is not symmetrical, and you've got a little part of your lip that's drooping and you want it fixed. Great. But if you're like, hey, I need to look like Jennifer Lopez because I want to feel beautiful, then that's a different sort of conversation. And at some point, with or without body modification with or without Botox or fillers or whatever. We have to learn to love ourselves as we are. Because if we are lucky enough to age and get older and have life experience, we are going to have wrinkles and sagging and things that don't look like they said when we were 25. But how lucky are we that we get to experience life that


long? Totally. I'm with you. 100%. i Yeah, you really do just have to it's one of my favorite words is perspective. How do you choose to view you know that process? And if you embrace it and bear it with love, that whole perspective changes from the negative? So, but I understand what you mean, it could be just the people that you're around your community, right, who are your regular go twos family sometimes, right? So women get it hard?

Jaclyn Steele:

We do. It's so hard, and there's so much societal pressure, if we allow it. But I think that's the part that we need to lean into. We don't have to give in to that pressure. And people can make us feel anything


that we don't allow. Yeah. And just saying no. That, not for me. No, thank you. I'll sleep on it. Yeah, yeah. Nice or whatever. But yeah, I'm, I'm Ron blonde, you know, I swear, it's just one of my attributes. I think that's what people people gravitate towards me for? Because there's no bullshit. Yeah. And sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. I'm not mean or malicious or hurt people's intentions. But sometimes when people go, what do you think? And I go, Well, do you really want to know what I think I'm just gonna tell you the way I kind of see a black and white and, you know, they take it for face value. And if you don't like it, I'm sorry, but I'm being authentic to who I am. And my whole motto my entire life was Who gives a shit? Like the only person's approval I really need is my own.

Jaclyn Steele:

Hmm, yeah, period. Well, and that's like the definition of personal power, too. So I'm so glad I had you on this month.


All the power to the self. And it's not about being like selfish, or oh, about the I love people. And you know, my daughter works with me. And she's like, you just give them like too much of you. And I'm like, because I feel like, they're such great women at the soul level. No one else around them is saying those things. And it's not that I want to be everyone's friend. But sometimes even hearing it from like a random stranger. Like, you know, like when you're in a facial and your makeups off, there's a vulnerability to someone and with that, and I literally pause Sometimes I come over from behind them and I like put my hand on their like, hand or shoulder if I'm doing a hand and arm massage, and I go, you do know you're like, really fucking beautiful like you really are like, I don't get why you don't see it. And she's like, No one ever tells me that. And I'm like, what you are we Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

I love what you just touched on. I feel like women in general. Let this be a call to action for us to speak out loud, how beautiful we are, how strong we are, how intelligent we are. One thing that I enjoy doing and I try to do this regularly, regularly is when I see somebody doing something or they have like beautiful eyelashes or they did something really nice for somebody else. I call it out and bring attention to it because I feel like it exactly what you just said. So many people go through life and they aren't told those things or they aren't encouraged or empowered, and let us empower one another. Yes, length is about personal power. But it's also about empowering ourselves enough so that we can go out and empower other people to


Yes, you can't get from me. Totally, yes. Okay. Yes. So,

Jaclyn Steele:

as we wrap up, I want to know, like your three favorite skincare brands, and one hero product for each brand. I know you turned me on to monastery and that wax bomb stuff that night it smells. I, I look forward to putting it every night. I love it. So but


it's just different, right? It's just a category that living libations doesn't have and it's not right or wrong. It's just another brands found it. And what I always say to people is like, you may love one brand, but it's okay. If you don't use the whole thing. You can mix it. There's no right and wrong. So top three brands that I love living has always been a deep rooted love for multitude of reasons, right? Literally from the chocolate to the first aid kid droppers to whatever that woman makes the best shampoo ever I've been using in years. monastery May and I would say the last two years I've come across if being a Hewitt is the owner and that brand is an indie brand from San Francisco and I've had a facial from her. And what a beautiful soul. She actually does most of her facials with their eyes closed. That's how Intune she is with the person. Whoa, it's a magical facial. Whoa. And she has like I've almost like cried when she gave me a facial because it was so similar to my style of getting facial. And sometimes when you meet somebody very similar to the way you do your kind of funny things. You're almost like I'm not alone. I'm not we well. I'm

Jaclyn Steele:

the way that you do facials I've never had. I've had a lot of facials and I've never had a facial like the one you gave me. Oh, thank you it was such a sensory experience.


Thanks it's true. I appreciate that. I

Jaclyn Steele:

think my patients monastery yesterday made and


well I am currently working with Agent tour but why people with that brand is is just being picked up in too many places and when

Jaclyn Steele:

Okay, so it's the advocacy is really high then


yes, but that the the thing is it's no longer that indie thing right I kind of TV special like a gem like the underdog, you know that you just can't go everywhere for I'm always curating I really am. You know, I've been equate advocate use your vintners daughter. I'm sure you know who that is. And it's not all that it's chalked up to be sorry. Um, so I'm always trying new things. So right now those are my top two. I'll leave it with top two. Yeah, okay. And then a hero product for each of those. So

Jaclyn Steele:

if people were like, hey, I want to try that.


Hero product I would say is the best skin ever. Yep. Frankincense living versions. That is like a gold standard and a very universal product for the entire household. monastery made Montessori made and sorry, I would say the guitar bomb. Oh it's Montessori. Montessori sorry I'm okay Syria. I always mix those two up. It's mine.

Jaclyn Steele:

I said monastery I'm bad.


And what else I love her oil cleanser too. I really really do. It's just different. She doesn't use essential oils. The College Information tour is really good to the collagen Okay, as an internal like a like it's literally a baggie of collagen I put in my coffee every morning I'll be honest with you I can't really live without that. That's been kind of good. I've been growing you eyebrow hairs from it. Like those baby wispy hairs have been coming back. It's wild cod kosher marine collagen, so it's fish based it's not bovine and it's pearl in it like from TCM lineage Pearl curl is filled with minerals. Pearl is also the key to ushering calcium into the cell. So it's helping build a stronger tissue now hair, right yeah,

Jaclyn Steele:

so we don't need all of these extra like hair supplements and now we can just take collagen. Oh my gosh, okay. trendy, I could talk to you for like three days about cleaning skincare. So thank you so much for being here. But before I let you go, where can people a book a facial with you and then follow you online?


Book a facial through our website so in your seat In studio has are all of our booking links right to our scheduler. We are very active on our social platform predominantly Instagram nourish skin studio AZ we love educating people about oils and skincare and the alternative realm. Please DM us there if you have any funky questions or anything like you know, there's no such thing as a stupid question. And yeah, we're stopped by the studio. If you're in Scottsdale, just say hi. Or, you know, I heard this lovely podcast Can you sample me something I would be at most happy to because how do you know if you don't try right?

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. Oh tindy thank you so much. What a pleasure to have this conversation with you is my pleasure as well. Thank


you. I appreciate it.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, you are so welcome.