Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Hormone Replacement Therapy, Self Actualization, & Sobriety with RenewLifeRX founder Adam Lamb

October 21, 2020 Jaclyn Steele Season 1 Episode 44

Founder of RenewLifeRX, Adam Lamb is a pioneer in the field of hormone replacement therapy. Since my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I have been searching for alternate methods of healing, and after starting a protocol with Adam’s company, I have felt a distinct difference in my energy levels, ability to focus, mood, and overall health. In today’s episode, we chat hormones and who might be a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy, the vital importance of self actualization, and why self respect is a catalyst for lasting sobriety.

Links for Adam:
+ RenewLifeRX -
+ Adam's Book - "Better Than the Binge: Overcoming the Social Obligation of Alcohol"
+ Adam on Instagram - @adamlamb33

Additional Info:
Instagram: @jaclynsteele
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Hey guys. So I want to give you a little intro to this episode because I am so excited to share it. The founder of renew life RX Adam Lamb who is a pioneer in the field of hormone replacement therapy is on the show today. I found him after listening to a minimalist podcast is one of my favorite podcasts of all time and he is so impressive. I reached out to him on a whim on Instagram, he got back to me within like 15 minutes, and I signed up for the program that his company offers, I got my blood tested, etc. We're gonna go through all the details, but just wanted to share that since my hashimotos diagnosis, I have been searching for alternate methods of healing. And after starting the protocol with Adam's company, I have felt a distinct difference in my energy levels, my ability to focus my mood and my overall health. I am not sponsored by or paid by this company in any way, shape, or form. I just feel so much better that I want to share it from the rooftops and in today's episode, we're going to of course, chat hormones and who might be a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy. We're gonna chat the vital importance of self actualization, and why self respect is a catalyst for lasting sobriety. We are about to dive into today's episode, but first I want to do a self discovery spotlight on the lovely Jaclyn Harrington. She gave self discovery a five star review she said absolutely amazing. I don't know how I got so lucky as to have stumbled across Jacqueline's social media which led me to this podcast, but I never expected to find such a high caliber podcast by accident. Seriously, Everything about it is perfect. Jacqueline's profound insights, her vulnerability, beautiful singing and speaking voice, clarity of thought, wit, organization humor, candid feel. It just doesn't get much better than this. You simply must subscribe And listen, because it's absolutely amazing. Jaclyn, thank you so much. I am sending you so much love and a giant hug through the airwaves. I appreciate your time and your attention. And for those of you who haven't left a review, please do so. What are you doing? Take two minutes and write me a review. It makes such a difference in this podcast being searchable and findable, etc. So leave me a review. And without further ado, here is today's episode with Adam Lam where that man I am so excited because I am joined today by a proud father, husband, Christian sobriety advocate, author and the founder of renew life RX. That is a company that specializes in hormone optimization and hormone replacement therapy. Adam lamb thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. Oh, here, it is such a delight. So I want to talk to you a little bit about how we met because I think that this is an interesting story. I was earlier this year feeling like I was totally out of balance hormone wise. And I typed into my apple podcast search engine, you know, hormones and hormone health. And one of the first things that came up was your podcast with the minimalists. And the minimalists are that's one of my favorite podcasts of all time. And oh, they're amazing. And the way that you explained what you do was so enthralling to me because it felt like the missing link in what I've been searching for in my house. Great. Cool. And that's good. Because our goal originally starting the company was like, just being a little bit outside of that box to that standard, you know, doctor patient relationship that's like cold white coat dry, like as opposed to, you know, we want to be like, Hey, we're your friend. But we also have a solution, the medical solution, but yeah, just two people sharing, you get to dive deeper into like, what might actually be going on? inside a little comfort zone, a communication Bell? Yes. Well, and I have to commend you to, you know, in the podcast, there was a link to get in touch with you and I dm you on Instagram, and I think you responded to me within half an hour. And you were so kind and you said something to me that, oh, it just had such an impact. He said, You know, I want to be responsive in this type of situation because I can understand that you're feeling panicked and your health situation and so I want to be there to help and you did and then we got on Call within a few days. And so I just so appreciate your heart behind all of this because I feel like you're so genuine. Well, thank you. And I appreciate you noticing that it's just a, it's a good culture thing. And you've probably noticed that working with a couple different people in our company, is it's a culture thing. Like, even on my whiteboard back here, it says every patient every time no exceptions, no excuses. And it's, it's a mindset thing that like you're a priority. We're, we're here to serve, right. And so, and we know that you've probably reached us because you've not found what you're looking for somewhere else. And so we definitely want to stand out and be the industry we are right to, to to, to we are like I said, it's a culture thing. It's who I'm just geared to be is someone that's, like, excited to help excited to serve. And I'm glad that you got a chance to notice that. Oh, absolutely. And and one more thing, before I dive into some of the questions that I have for you, I feel like and again, I know I'm like tooting your horn so loud right now. But in my journey of being diagnosed with hashimotos, and my thyroid issues, it felt like all the doctors that I were going to had no real concrete solutions, it was just take a medication, and it should go away. And that did not sit well with me it didn't feel at all like what was true, because I believe that my body wants to be healthy. It just needs to have the nutrition and the other things that it needs to be able to be healthy and be optimized. And in talking with you. And in talking with Milo It was the first time on that journey after being diagnosed, that I actually felt a sense of hope and excitement to tackle my my health concerns. So again, I'm just so grateful. So so so grateful. Okay, excited to be part of that journey. Yeah, yeah, well, an integral part. So I want to chat with you about self discovery, since it's something that you're passionate about, too. And that's obviously something that I am very dedicated to, can you tell me why you think self actualization is important? And what you are doing for young people who are struggling with figuring out figuring out who they are, and where they want to go? Yeah, so you know, I've always had an outside of the box mindset, right. And the having an outside the box mindset is what helped create this company, because this was outside the box, telemedicine, we've been doing this for 10 years, right? nationwide, reaching people in hormone stuff, which is kind of goofy in the medical space. But having that mindset, and you know, I'm 40 now, but when I was young, you know, young people are kind of put this is what you need to do, this is what you should do. And they don't know any different their parents, you know, they're influenced by their parents or their peers are things like that. And so I work with young people kind of in a mentoring shift, like, through my church is one area, but just in general, you know, anywhere I can, like reach and impact somebody to help them reach that self actualization process, right? And it when it goes into, it's just having question, but I personally am obsessed with finding a better way, right? So in doing so, I always have to ask myself, is there a better way to do this, probably to a fault. Like, I can be a little annoying, probably with my wife or something like that with like, the best way or the best direction or like, what's the most efficient thing. But in doing that, too, is when you get through the process of thinking and asking questions, like asking yourself questions, and being really honest with yourself. And sometimes I think you need a second person, right? Because if we make excuses for ourselves, we allow ourselves to pursue paths that don't line up with the goals that we've put on our heart and that we've decided to do. And so what I like to do with young people is just spend some time just pulling that information out of them, and getting them to actually see like, Hey, I don't want to go be a lawyer, I don't want to go be a doctor. I don't whatever it is that my parents want me to do. I actually want to do this, this and this, right? In this day and age too. You can do anything, right? Like you can literally make millions of dollars a year making videos you can make traveling in an RV, like who would have thought, right? 20 years ago, you'd be like, that's crazy, right? You're doing it. But and so I love that. And I want to just embrace that mindset of like, you really can do anything you want, especially if it's for good. And then just help, you know, get that sync engine going for young people because you know, when you go through school, it's there's there's a process, there's a curriculum, everybody's got to get taught the same things. And so like, it is a box tunnel, we aren't taught to think for ourselves. Yeah, no, I don't think the school system facilitates that at all. Yeah, no, not at all. We're taught to like research the answer that's already there, not to create new thoughts and find new ways and new answers, right. We don't do that. And those, those are like the, you know, the entrepreneurs and the guys like me, I barely graduated high school, no college background, I just didn't find that structure. But when I met business owners and entrepreneurs and things like that, I was like, I like the way those guys Think and through that I was fortunate to have some good mentors that helped me, you know, kind of think through creating this initial company I started and, you know, you just learned stuff the hard way, right. And so I love the way to an opportunity to lead young people down that way. And even that young people, it doesn't matter anywhere you're at in life that you may want to find yourself, right. Yeah. I love to help. And sometimes it takes many years of living wrong, really, to actually push you to find what's right for you, and what's best for you. Because we only get one shot here. might as well make the most of it. Yeah. People First. Yeah, there's there's teaching people is fulfillment, besides money, and you know, stuff and things like that, like helping others and finding purpose. And like, what I've seen so many people that were so focused on, like, the things we like money and fame, or whatever popularity and stuff, and showing them how serving others can be a better pathway and more fulfilling also, they're like, wow, this doesn't cost a lot of money doesn't cost a lot of effort to help change someone else's life, like whether younger than me, or same thing, or they went through a hard time and I can help. And then it's like, now they have a whole new purpose. Right. So all of that stuff is it's the I've always joked and said, but serious, I'm in the life changing business, right? Literally, I'm in hormones died. Yes. Are there clinics where I'm sitting in right now as we do regenerative medicine and stem cells. But, you know, in my book we'll talk about in a second, but I just want to change as many lives as possible. And I think if I can help other people get motivated to change as many as possible. That's kind of a good ripple, right? Oh, sure. My friend tonight. Oh, absolutely. My friend. And I actually did a couple Meet Me too. I mean, that's why part of the reason I wanted to create this podcast was because I had questions myself. And I thought, if I have these questions, I know other people are going to be in the same boat as me. And so I felt a sense of responsibility. Like, if I'm getting all this amazing information, then it needs to be disseminated, but also piggybacking off of what you just said. And I think for somebody like me, who has a tendency to be very reflective, but also stuck in my own head and my own thoughts. There's something to be said, for having that mentorship relationship, but also, living in community and understanding, we all play off of each other. And getting that insight from somebody else outside of ourselves is so vital to our own growth. And I feel like that's the way we are meant to live. Yet our society's becoming more and more and more individualistic, which is kind of dangerous, in some ways. Very dangerous, because we are working people, right? We're human beings. And we're these beings that can share experiences, we share feelings, we share emotions, and being able to have a perspective from somebody that cares about you, right? Like I can inject my care about you if you have a challenge. I want to help you. Your TV doesn't care if Facebook doesn't like like these other things don't necessarily care what they influence, they may influence you more than the person that actually cares about you. Right? Like there's a stranger that could be down the hall in this building, I could find caring for me more than but an advertisement or something, right? Yeah, tell me something. And so yeah, being able to connect with each other and have that perspective, especially a good friend that just like, Hey, you know, you always go after that kind of guy. Maybe that you should change that, right? Where you might say that? That's my site. No, it's not. Because if if I failed a relationship, you know, and so yeah, I'm still in this like, knock, knock. No, let me help you out, right. Creating a comfort space, though, where it's not all about what you're doing wrong, but like a path of helping and support and those kind of things. And I think it's a good thing to teach people. And through that process, we learn ourselves every day, I'm learning to be better, more empathetic and find a better way. Yeah, we need not trying. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. And I think some, one of the things I think that I focus a lot on is loving people back into themselves. And I think that's the best thing we can do. We can hold space, we can listen, we can ask those tough questions. But if you whittle it down, it all comes back to this ethos of love. Loving somebody enough to tell them the truth, loving somebody enough to know when to be quiet, loving somebody a note F to know when to hold space and all of that. So I'm so glad that you know, you're right. ahead, thank you. I enjoyed it. I love it a lot. So, as part of that, you know, I kind of tell folks about myself is one day when I die. I hope that there's 10s of thousands of people that are like, that guy changed my life, right? As opposed to I don't care how big my house or cars I do. like garlic, I like some things, right? But I don't care about those things as much as impact, right? You focus on your impact and you focus on your purpose. The other the other small things or the the, you know, the surface things, they'll they'll help if they're if they're good and serving, I think they come along with it, but being super purpose driven and super impact driven, I think, yeah, absolutely. You know, I'm just thinking about my listeners, and with what you just said, Do you have any tips or a piece of advice? For somebody who is really struggling to find their purpose? Is there one thing that they could do, or a book that they could read, that you feel like would get that process started? And I never, you know, with books, it's different, because it's perspective. And, you know, people are different places, obviously, try to read a ton of books on thinking, right? Not a ton of books that justify your problem, where, you know, just because you have a challenge doesn't mean like, Oh, that's your crutch. That's your handicap. Well, hey, listen, if it's a crushing handicap, you can get through and work on that, right. But there's no books like, I read like 500 books in the course of like, two years, which, which started just on a crazy path of self actualization. And it started with I think, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Yes, you just have a reading. Yeah, like, Yeah, exactly. So I love books and accountability. Because if I'm accountable, there's a Jocko has got a great book that Extreme Ownership. I'm not a huge fan of like all the war stories and stuff, but but the mentality of owning everything first, before blaming everything first, is a good way to just stop and look at like, why do I do that? Or what, you know, how come when I'm late, I blame traffic, or how come when this like I've just learned, instead of, if I have to own that 100% it changes the way I think it changes the way I behave, it changes where speak it changes to a treat others. And so like that accountability stuff is I'm probably almost too far on that like everybody's the folks that work for me, they know that 90% of our conversations are going to be about how we can get better 10% of like that avoid Pat in the back. And it's just who I am I process that. So they know like, I'm a loving, supportive person. But we don't get better on celebrating yesterday's wins, we get better on like, how can we get better, right? And like I said earlier, I am obsessed with finding a better way, with all things. And I think the more we are doing that not obsessed with finding my way not obsessed with finding what I think is the right way. But this is finding a better way, right? And being able to just ask ourselves, like, Is this better, right? Whether it's better than yesterday or a better process. And I think if we have that mentality in ourselves, it will lead us to that self actualization path to be led or more individuals. Well, and I thought, what I'm hearing from that, too, is just the absolute vital importance of self responsibility. And I think in my life, that is one of the things that I value most, because no matter what you've been through, whether it's a health thing, or you know, family stuff, cultural stuff, whatever your trauma is, I think as harsh as it may sound, we are responsible for the way that we choose to think about it. And then the way that we choose to act moving forward, we can be victims to our circumstances, and our experiences, or we can take them and make them a fabric that you know, part of the fabric of who we are, and allow it to be a catalyst for something good. And so often, yeah, I mean, so often in our culture, it is about like, who can we find a place the blame? And when we take that out of the equation, it It also gives us the power back, which I think is a beautiful thing. Yeah, and I think if like, if you are ready to make changes in your life, you have to be prepared for low conviction, right? You're going to feel a little bit of like, Okay, I'm to blame for these things are the blame to holding on to the past. Like, I can't stand talking about the past. It's one of the things that I grew up in a house with people who talk about the past and also still live in the past, and they still talk about their hurt, and they still talk. And I'm like, Man, it's just, it's dangerous. It's part of life, like, yeah, sure, I look looking at pictures of my kids and their young little chubby babies and things like that. Those are cute. Those are uplifting and good things. But if you're always looking back at what happened, the problem with failure, you know, in business, I might look back and say, that was a bad idea, right. And so that's a good, that's a good reflection, that can help future But too often, we just really spend a lot of time I think in the past. And that brings back those feelings and those beats and those failures and that trauma and those kind of things. And it's hard to move forward. Right. But I think you hit the nail on the head with talking about just stopping and saying, Listen, I can't control the thing that happened to me, but I can't control how I let it control me after this moment. Yeah, I mean, and that's why I think it's really good to grow through those things as opposed to grow into those things, which sometimes we're taught like a two year old Are that your identity? No, it's that's such a lie. Yeah, that's one of the greatest lies of all time. And I think too, so often people want to go from Act One of a play to act three. And there is this act to that's messy, and it's uncomfortable. And it requires us to create some self responsibility to understand what happened and to do the work around it. And that is just part of life. We can't skip over it and we can't numb it out. Which I think is something that I want to segue into the next question with speaking of numbing out, I want to talk with you about sobriety. Because you wrote a book about addiction called better than the binge overcoming the social obligation of alcohol. Can you tell us a little bit about this, and how your life has changed since you became sober. And I also know that you coach people around removing alcohol from their lives. So where can they connect with you about this coaching as well? Yeah, it's, it's funny that the coaching thing just kind of I stumbled upon, because people just reach out and ask me, it also with what I do in the hormone side, and, and just, I work with a lot of like, influential kind of high powered individuals, male and female. And as they've gotten to learn about me and meet me, there's, there's people that struggle with alcohol, right? You don't see it, because they're crushing it life. But there's parts of their life that they're not. And so I've tried it with the book, really, just to create a comfort space to say, hey, let me tell you about my story. And if there's something you can relate to, let's talk about it right there. And that's the same even with with rahmat with space. Like, this is a judgment free zone. It's the truth zone. It's accountability zone. But it's the judgment free zone, meaning that we can talk about these things and a lot of just about every Goofy, stupid dumb failure mistake, you can think about done, right. So I can, I can embrace that piece of it with you and just talk about getting through it. So with the book, you know, it does segue into self actualization, because when I started reading a bunch of books, and learning about myself and learn about my behavior, and why I said insecurities and what were my triggers and all these things about myself, instead of just saying, like, that's trauma from my past. That's how I was raised. This is those kind of things. I was like, that's not how I want to live. You got to push those things out of your life, right. And I had a massive amount of growth, tons of growth, tons of growth, but there's this elephant in the room of alcohol. And my dad was an alcoholic. He laughs and we're young and as he chose alcohol or his family. It's crazy that you know, I started drinking in high school. Even my brother was a bit of a drinker later, I think you guys later 20s and both grandfathers had to quit drinking alcoholic headed. So there was alcohol was not good in our in our bloodline, right. And so it was my dad actually passed away like September 2015. And I always told myself as a kid when my dad dies, quit drinking, right? He literally drink himself to like dementia in his Oh my gosh. Yeah, this is crazy. So they sobered him up. Thank you, but they sobered him up. And then they realize like, Oh, he's there's no like getting through this. He just I mean, the people that he drank that's how bad and I say that cuz I kind of want to scare people a little bit. Like, I want to have this cognitive, I don't care if my but my my abs and my cell I don't care about that as much in my late years, because I care about my cognitive function. alcohol. It you're, you're speeding up that place if you have potential dementia, or potential Alzheimer's or you're just you're fast tracking that your life and if you enjoy life, and we live in, you know, I want to live to 150 and still kick right? Yeah, I can't do that if if I'm not taking care of my body, right the hormones or gender medicine in removing alcohol and trying to eat prop all those things. So it was like that elephant the room because I'm like this health fitness guy. I know all these things. But I'm still having a couple cocktails every night or a couple glasses of wine and you don't every now and then might even get after it right? concert or special occasion or something. And so I was coming off like that. I lived in Michigan at the time and we lived in the lakes. We were like a boat we'd like tie up drinking chips and like just like not healthy. Right? So right around Memorial Day is that September, Labor Day. labor. I always confuse them Always. Always. Always. I think it's September it's Labor Day. I agree. We'll go with that. We'll go with that either way. So after Labor a lot of times we would take like a dry 30 right like after the summer of like drinkin laying around and, and so I was like, God, I'm gonna take 30 days off no drinking. And, and the unique thing is, I couldn't remember the last time I didn't have a drink, right? It wasn't like I was getting after a bottle of vodka every night. I'd have a couple Cheetos on the rocks are a couple of glasses of red wine. But I was like, I'm gonna take a timeout. So 30 days and I'm like wow, with the Vegas and all these different things, social events, and I just found myself like You know, telling a story about why I wasn't drinking. It was like, Oh, wow. Okay. And then, like, I'm gonna try another 30 days. So I went 60 days. And then I went 90 days. I'm very, like, pushing myself discipline. So if you tell me to do something for 10 minutes, I'll probably do it for 11 just to like, see, yeah, overachiever? No, I get that. But it's pushed me to always, you know, obsessed with finding a better way, right? And so it pushes me further. I got to 90 days like past Thanksgiving, and I was like, I'll never drink again. I saw myself differently. The competence I had was crazy. My anxiety, like that is just massive anxiety, gone, just gone. It was unbelievable. sleeping better, looked better. I mean, after a few months to me out, like I literally looked younger, I looked healthier. I like to look at pictures. And I was like, Oh my gosh, that's what I looked like before. Yeah, just hydration, dehydration, just there's every level of it is hard to justify, right. And so I was so excited. I wanted to write a book, because I didn't want to be the guy that's like, Hey, Jaclyn, let's talk about your drink. You know, I didn't want to be that person that could make it. So I was like, I'll write a book. I'll tell people about me if they want to talk about it. Great. Right. And so I reached out to Scott Tucker max. I don't know if you know yet. Ironically, he's got a book called I hope they serve beer in hell. Yeah, no, I haven't heard it. And yes, I know that book. Yeah. So he, he helped me he's got a whole team that does that stuff. So he made it really, really easy. And helped me write the book and got the book out. Like I said, the book is just an opportunity to help other people because it's, it talks about the social obligation, because I felt like a lot of people that I talked to, they were they didn't need to drink at home, they're fine drink, and they just go out and have drinks and sweets, two drinks, three drinks, and then it leads to a problem you're hooking up with someone you work with, or like you want like this potential problems that could happen. Yeah. And or you just don't know that, you know, that couple drinks turns into a serious alcohol problem, right? And just so I'm not like, and my wife, she drinks a glass of wine or two, almost every night, I'll buy the wine. So I'm not like there's booze in my house. So you want to meet for a drink on the beach and have a drink. And I'll just drink iced tea and her Diet Coke is like my, my poison. And so, you know, I just because they want to create a safe space around it to tell people like if this is something you'd like to really learn about how it could be affecting your life. Let's talk about it. But it's also not weird. You know, I may not go like a buddy of mine. Actually, he's got a birthday party in Cabo this weekend for you. And I know it's going to be like a party crew. Okay, I'm not going right. I just don't condone that. But I'll do a 40th birthday party 2.0 with you. Let's go do a mountain trip where we hang out. We just talk about life and how we can be better fathers and hit the slopes or something like like I just like, yeah, that sounds so much more meaningful to you. No, I think so. 21. Yeah. Cabo partying for the weekend. Sounds great. Sure. No, no, that sounds terrible. I'm 34. And I feel very fortunate in that my personality is an addictive one, when it comes to like, more, articulate it. optimisation where I can sometimes go overboard and be like Orthorexic instead of, or anorexic versus like, you know, binge drinking or something like that. I kind of go overboard in other areas. And I've really struggled with that. But I think you brought up a really good point in that. Thinking is not always black and white. It doesn't have to be I decide to go to the birthday party, or I don't it can be, hey, we're gonna have a totally separate celebration, that will actually probably be far more memorable, because I still want to celebrate you. I just don't want to participate in this other thing that you're doing. And that's okay. Yeah. Right. For sure. They didn't know if he was okay. Like, dude, that's cool. I respect it. I look forward to the birthday party. 2.0. You know, it's we're just different places in life, and it's okay. I don't judge him. I don't look like whatever you know, in. And so when you the goal, I think is to create a comfortable space for somebody who's not judgmental, right. I'm a Christian too. And I don't think anyone would think I'm a judgmental Christian. I don't care. I love everybody coming to you are, right. And so I think that the goal of creating that comfortable space allows people to come to you to share and you can help them right or they just need to just need somebody to listen to them and things like that. And the other part I think that's important too, is just being in a mindset of position, seeking to understand instead of seeking to express your view or your opinion, like just trying to understand that would solve every conflict we've ever had. Right, because if you and I are just, you're one way and the other way, and we're like, You're an idiot, because you don't think like me, it doesn't solve anything, as opposed to me like taking a step back. And like, why does Jaclyn think that? Why Why does that? Why is it her perspective? Right? And, and having that open conversation without, like I said, like having that, you know, you have to have a little bit of emotional intelligence to do that. That whole foundation still is part of the alcohol piece, too, is Yeah, I've met people too, that they don't drink. And they are like, just annoying to be around. Because how bad they talk about it. And it's like, Listen, man, everybody's got to be there loving, supportive. You know, in that's kind of my, my view with, with just about everything. I was like, Oh, well. And I think again, I think you're hitting the nail on the head, the tagline of my podcast, and life gets easier when we know who we are. And I think that's so true in every area, whether you're talking about sobriety or hormone optimization, the more you ask the tough questions to figure out who you are, the easier your decision making process is moving forward in every area of your life. It's just so cool. And I love that you said that, because that's one of the things that came out of the removing alcohol is my decision making my problem solving was like lightspeed, right? And what I realize is how often we like, go home after a rough day and pour a drink. And you don't solve problems that way. You need to solve problems. And so it was forcing me to manage, you know, business things or whatever things and then I came out of it. Head and Shoulders better person than I was before. You know, it a better friend more empathetic, like all these, like there was zero negative things that came out of removing alcohol from my lab. And so and it's just, it's been just over four years now. And you know, sure, like, I love I'd love a scotch, like, you know, I think of those things like I love red wine, on about wine, but it isn't worth what I've accomplished, or what I've done and what I would like, like whatever. Yeah, and I think, you know, piggybacking off of what you just said, when we walk on this path of self discovery, I think that self respect is one of the byproducts. And when you start respecting yourself and valuing yourself, you don't want to do things that are going to damage you mentally or physically or spiritually, it makes those decisions so much easier, because you go, I don't want to feel like that in the morning. Or I don't want to have to go apologize to that person, or, you know, whatever the case is, that self respect, a huge, huge thing it is. And that's the most important thing, I think. And just with anything, even with goals, right is so even folks that I work with, from a coaching standpoint, like you tell me your goal is hey, I want to grow my podcast, I want to do whatever this thing might be. And then looking at things in your life and just saying like, Hey Jaclyn, you think this supports your goal? No. Well, then it, you know, doesn't serve. And so it's whether it's, hey, I want to have the best biggest financial year for a sales guy. And I'm like, but you're out at the bar at noon drinking or you're at a strip club like that. That wasn't in your goal conversation we had, right? No, you're not respecting yourself. And you know what, right? So then you start feeling bad, you feel guilty, feeling anxiety, and then negative reverse spiral of positive stuff, because it's awesome. Right? And that really boils down to what you just said, is that self respect of like, don't eat the cookie, don't have the drink. Go for that one mile walk. You said you're gonna do it like those little little agreements you make yourself. Yeah, the promises you make to yourself. Yeah, you fulfill those promises. It changes your life, right. And they don't have to be big ones. But they can be the little ones that help you win, that help motivate you. And then the big ones come and then you start having major mass of stuff, but you gotta crawl before you walk in. Sometimes we have, you know, high jump. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think we always and especially at this day and age where everything is at our fingertips constantly. We want the fast solution. But becoming better people is not an overnight process. It is a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day decision making thing. And it's not comfortable because in order to become better, you have to address where you're bad, right? You have to dress where you're wrong, your dress where you kind of some of your faults are some of your things are holding you back, and requires you to release things you know, and especially just this new This 2020 deal we've been dealing with, is it so many people, the people that are crushing it are the people that like, let go, or like, let's go figure it out and hold it like this is the way it is. Right? Like they're hurting, because they're just not able to do it. And everybody went through some part of that, right? I remember first year, I was just better person to be around because like, I didn't like to change the mask and this and this, but then I was like, how do I embrace this? How do I make this better? You know, I own a telemedicine platform, right? We're timing like, go nuts with that, yeah, we've grown and had a lot of success with it and help help a lot of other practitioners and other clinics do. So they can serve their people more just offering to pay, let me show you the way, this is how we do it, right. So that's been, it's been cool to be able to do that, too. And you guys are killing it. I mean, quite honestly, just to be totally forthright, I had three blood tests in August, with all within a week of each other. And the blood test that you guys ordered from me. And then the way Milo went over, it was leaps and bounds, better than the other two doctors that I spoke with. Milo went over every single detail and every single organ function in my body, and explained everything. To me, it's I think it took over an hour. And he was so like, joyfilled to do it. And so again, what you guys are doing in the midst of a pandemic, but beyond is incredible. So I want to talk to you about that in hormone replacement therapy. Um, can you give us an overview of what hormone replacement therapy is? For some of the listeners who may not be familiar with it? Yeah, it, I think is, the easiest way to explain it is really just your hormones have a huge function in your body, right? Whether it's weight loss mood, and we look at the psychological side and the physical side, right, like, everybody's sure that everybody wants to be in great shape, and have tons of energy and sleep perfect, and all those kind of things and some of those things we can help you get closer to but you know, there's certain things in your life that you may do that don't serve you that we can't, but we will talk about them. Right, if we can help you highlight something like that. But overall, you know, we're, we have a, we've discovered over the course, you know, been doing this for about a decade, what hormones we look at for male and female, to determine like an initial 30,000 foot view, probably a little bit closer than that, I'd say the end of what might be going on. And then we have like a second layer. But we've we've we just it we're tech companies, we have tons of statistics, crunching numbers, I could tell you the average testosterone of males between 50 and 52. Right, and like, crazy stuff, because that stuff's important to me. So we have that. So like, the data is backed up with some like science, right? We Yeah, we're not just like, Jacqueline, let's see what sticks. Okay, that's what you should, you know, we just, it's hundreds of women, thousands of men. And I say that the majority of our price, at similar price, 75 75% men 25% women, then only just because that was our wheelhouse our female client basis has grown significantly, but I'm sure because you know, what, it's women like you that talk about like, Whoa, this was the game changer for me. And then everybody else was like, Well, I'm sick of being unfulfilled with some of this other traditional stuff. So we're checking hormones to see where there's deficiencies, matching those deficiencies up with how you feel right, or just, sometimes it's, like I said, it's, it can be some mood mindset type things. It can be sleep, it can be energy, it can be libido. It can be all sorts of things. They're like, Hey, listen, I'm eating clean, I'm exercising regularly, things aren't adding up, my body's not changing, right. And so that's one of the surest sign. The number one thing that we say to folks is that if you're not paying attention to like your body and your health, you're probably not going to a good client, because you won't notice, right? But if you are paying attention, if you are, like, staying healthy, or trying to stay healthy and focused on your self improvement in your physical fitness, like you don't have to, like go to the other kinds of workouts, they just that they care about their overall, you know, yeah, well being health and well being right. Yeah. So if you don't care about that, you may not notice the benefits, right. Like I kind of jokingly say, if you're, if you 50 pounds overweight, drink six beers every night, eat fast food every day. Like, Oh, don't come to uni, yet. You need Tony Robbins first thing, because you won't notice. There's nothing we can do that's going to fix stuff first. Right? And so you'll you'll get more benefit of it. So we like to work with those kind of people that are paying attention to help the people that are paying attention to themselves and their health will know what's wrong with them. And we just have a course of questions do that initial comment Yeah, where people are like, Oh, yeah, me that that's it right and most Doc's are having those conversations because it's like, no did everything into a box.