Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

What if it doesn't work out?

December 02, 2020 Jaclyn Steele Season 1 Episode 50

What if it doesn’t work out? This is a question we often ask ourselves. It cultivates anxiety and that sweaty feeling that we might be making the wrong decision. What if there is a better perspective though? Or a question that is a more empowering one to ask when it comes to making big life decisions. Today’s episode centers around a listener question, and hopefully, some insight on how to take the pressure off yourself to “get it right” in life.

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Where that man? Hello loves and Happy Wednesday to you. Oh, I'm so glad to be sitting here in front of the microphone thinking about you my gorgeous listener, and just hoping that this episode will permeate your heart and bring you so much hope and levity. And take the pressure off because we do not need any more pressure in our lives right now. Especially not this year, and especially not going into the holidays. So today's episode is a question. It's a q&a episode. And the question that I received was, what if it doesn't work out? And it's a great question, and one I definitely want to dive into. But before I do, I want to do a self discovery spotlight. This is the part of the show where I highlight my amazing listeners who have read who have read, who have written five star reviews on Apple podcasts. And this one comes from a just somebody who is such a light in the world and one of my favorite friends on Instagram. Her name is Terry. And she gave the podcast a five star review and said amazingly genuine and heartfelt, amazing podcast. You can feel Jacqueline's beautiful heart in her every word, it's like a friend is having a conversation with you. If this introductory episode, was this amazing, then the following episodes will be even better. I can't wait to uncover who I am with her help. Terry, I adore you and your beautiful heart. Thank you for always being so encouraging and wonderful. And for those of you that are listening, I do feel this way I want to help I want to love on you guys. And if you haven't left a review, please do. Okay. So next thing I want to talk about is the meat and potatoes of this episode, which is like I said, a q&a. And it comes from Jessica James, who lives in Australia. And she's an amazing artist, go check her out on Instagram. And I put out a post an Instagram story that was one of those asked me anything posts about rvng. And I had shared that, you know, my husband, and I made this decision to live the RV lifestyle, sell our house, sell most of our belongings and live, you know, fairly minimally. And so what she asked was, could you talk more about how you're navigating around the after, like how you were able to let go so freely of the things and your house without attachment. Or that feeling of we might need this when we finish exploring in the RV? Or if it doesn't work out, dot dot dot. And I thought this question was somewhat universal. I think we so often ask ourselves, especially when we're on the cusp of making a life decision decision, a major life decision, whether that be professional or personal. We ask ourselves, what if it doesn't work out? And I have several things that I want to touch on in this episode related to that question that will hopefully help you and me completely take the pressure off. So I think one of the most important things that I want to touch on is a core belief that I have for my life. And this core belief is that we are supported. And things will work out as they are supposed to be. I have this genuine cellular belief that my life is happening for me and not to me. And what I mean by that is everything is happening to either expand or grow. force me into a new way of being. And I want to give you an example of that. I think of my high school boyfriend versus my husband, and how in high school I thought this was going to be my forever person, right? And he was a wonderful guy. And when things didn't work out, I was devastated and I thought my life was gonna be over. And then several years later, I met my husband and my husband is the best thing to ever have happened to me. He's the most wonderful man and had I held on Are tried to make that first boyfriend work out. I wouldn't be the person I am today. And I wouldn't be living the life that I have right now. Paolo suela, who is my favorite author, he wrote the alchemist, he says, and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. And what I take from that is this, decide what you want to do. And then stop worrying about the how plans are not laid out for our lives, they are unfurled Little by little, as we continue to take one step at a time. Also, in his book visit here, which I highly recommend, along with the alchemist, Paolo says, all you have to do is pay attention. Lessons always arrive when you are ready. And if you can read the signs, you will learn everything you need to know, in order to take the next step. I love that quote so much that I made it into a giant graphic, and in my house, hung it above my bed. And it was one of the few possessions that I kept after we sold our house and sold most of our belongings because it means so much to me, because I really believe in that quote. And this is how I feel like I'm truly living. I decide something, I try not to worry about the how, which isn't always possible, but I try. And then I pay attention as life happens around me. What Paolo said is absolutely true. If we pay attention, the lessons will arrive. And if we can read those signs, which really just means letting your gut lead, and then watching as the universe drops hints, you will learn everything you need. In order to take that next step. I want to give you a real life example of this, okay. Um, I guess it was about 10 years ago, now a little bit less. But I was miserable in my corporate job, just absolutely miserable. And I felt like I was shrinking away into a version of myself that I didn't recognize. And I was praying for something different. And wanting to do music, I wanted to do something creative. I had to get out of this desk job that I just felt like was sucking the life out of me. And on my way home from work, I heard this radio commercial. And it was one of those cheesy radio commercials that was like, do you have talent? Can you sing Can you act bla bla bla, bla bla, if you can call this number. And I was like, okay, God, if I hear this commercial three more times today, than I will call. Well, I heard it three more times that day. And I ended up calling the number and I ended up going to this local audition, which then led to me performing at an event called the International presentation of performers in Los Angeles. And I ended up winning Female Vocalist of the Year at that. And then that led to a record deal. And that record deal didn't work out. But I met a songwriter in that process, who taught me how to write songs, which led to my first EP and the other singles that I've done. And all of the performances that I've done over the last decade. Again, life is happening for us, it's not always going to look the way that we think we want it to. But it is going to look the way that is best for our greater good. Next thing I want to talk about when it comes to the question of what if it doesn't work out? is a decision is a decision. We put far too much pressure on ourselves to quote get it right. But what does getting it right even mean? our decisions will either lead us toward where we truly want to go. Or they will teach us a lesson that we need on the road to where we really want to go. And to me, this perspective allows us to stay in a headspace that makes decision making a win win. It takes the wrong out of the equation will either be moving toward our goal, or we will hit some kind of roadblock that will teach us how to get back on the road toward our goal. Next thing and this this really pertains to the part of the question where Jessica is asking me how I was able to so freely let go of that. And my house without attachment. And I will say this. It wasn't all without attachment. You know, I am human. And there are certain things that mean a lot to me. But I also believe that there is a time and a place for everything. And while I loved my house, and I loved living there, and my husband and I really made it a home, I knew as we were packing things up and letting go that it was time, I still shed tears over it, it was still hard to say goodbye. But I knew in my bones, that it was time. And as far as my possessions go, I kept things that meant something to me, like my grandmother's Bible, like that graphic that I made of palo suelos quote, above. I kept my bed and my nightstands and a couple of rugs. But everything else I felt like I had outgrown. And I was just feeling so ready to let it go. And I think bottom line here is everything is replaceable, except a heartbeat. Meaning everything that I own or did own is replaceable, except my husband and my dogs. I kept the super important things like I said, but none of the other stuff really mattered. Next thing I want to say is, if it doesn't work out, and I mean this for me and for you, then we will pivot. Life is full of pivots just like that friends episode where Ross is taking the couch is it up or down to his apartment on it, remember, and he keeps going pivot pivot pivot. Anyway, that's hilarious episode but life is full of pivots. I believe again, that we are eternally supported by a force greater than ourselves. So ultimately, we are moving in the right direction for us, no matter what, and want to wrap up by saying this. take the pressure off to get life right. Right is an illusion. And the longer you hold on to that limiting belief that you have to get it right. The longer you will limit yourself in every area in which you are trying to expand. You have been listening to self discovery with Jaclyn Steele. For more information or to submit a question please visit Jaclyn slash self discovery pod. On Instagram I am at Jaclyn Steele and that's j AC Li n s t e l e and on YouTube you can find slash official Jaclyn Steele. If you haven't already, please sign up for my high vibe Thursday newsletter where I send one email a week aimed at inspiring and elevating your day because you freaking deserve it. You can sign up in the show notes or by visiting my website Jaclyn May you go and be big and brave and bold today. Remember that life gets easier when we know who we are, as always. And until next time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening