Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Transforming your health through water programming with Robert Black - Part 2

November 04, 2021 Jaclyn Steele Season 2 Episode 93

In part 2 of this short series on water with Robert Black, we chat how frequencies - when infused in water - can actually heal your body. Frequency therapy is no longer a thing of the past or the future... it's NOW. And today, we chat just how easily you can program your water and increase your health.




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You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD
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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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If you are allowing your body to open up its pathways. And that's what I tried to really keep it simple. I said, Think of it this way, if we can open up the pathways to the functionality of all of the cellular operation in our body, to allow it to Excel into work the way it's supposed to, you have now just simplified the ability to stay healthy. Hi,

Jaclyn Steele:

I am Jaclyn Steele. And welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That my friends, is what self discovery is all. Where that man? All right, today on self discovery, we have Mr. Robert black, he has been on the show before talking about natural action water and high quality water. And today, I have you on and I'm so excited to have you on to talk about InfoPath easy, and programming water. So thank you so much for being here, Mr. Black.


Oh, it's my pleasure, Jacqueline. I mean, it's just, you know, water is so essential for basically everything. And the adage that I like to use all the time is that structured water makes everything else better. Mm hmm. And, you know, full, you know, when we think of water, people don't really understand that not all water is the same. And this is, again, what's excited about what natural action technologies have to do with how they are able to structure water. And again, the difference with them is we're mimicking what Mother Nature does. And so the more you can have yourself in balance with really how we, ourselves were actually developed, you know, because we are from Mother Earth, you know, through the grace of the Lord and everything you know, with what he's blessed us with. So the more you can be in balance with that, the better you're going to feel,

Jaclyn Steele:

you know, yeah. So for the listeners, I highly recommend listening to part one of this podcast series on water if you haven't already. But essentially, natural action is a company that sells what could be called filters or tumblers that take water, ideally purified water or reverse osmosis water, not just tap water, and they tumble it in a way that mimics Mother Nature, so that when water enters our body that way, it allows our cells to be hydrated faster, and allows our body to come back into homeostasis a lot faster. Am I missing anything there? You think that's pretty accurate?


You're spot on, because again, we everything about what natural action does is bringing us back into the same magnetic coherence frequency that our cells in our body are designed to operate on in water is so essential for that as long as the water is in the right price. And this is where a lot of people don't realize just because you're drinking water doesn't mean your body can really use it.

Jaclyn Steele:

No, and some water can be really toxic to us. And if we think about especially for those of us that live in a city, you and I both are in the Phoenix area, if we think about how water is transported to our houses, it's an all of these pipes, that who knows how sanitary they are, and they're straight, and they're built in all of these lines. And that is the farthest thing from nature that we could possibly have water in nature tumbles over rocks, it goes down waterfalls, it goes through streams, and rivers and oceans and all of the things and so it's picking up minerals, it's picking up nutrients, it's picking up oxygen, and natural action restores a lot of those elements back into the water, and so we can hydrate ourselves properly. I am somebody I mean I'm pregnant. So obviously I need to hydrate anyway, I'm somebody who has been very focused on hydration for a large majority of my life. And I feel like since using the natural action filter, I've had it for probably four or five months now. I've definitely noticed a difference in the way I'm hydrated and in my skin but it also tastes so much better. I'm so surprised by that. In addition, I give it to my animals I put it in their food because they have dehydrated food that I rehydrate with how hot water and then I have it in their water bill and I've noticed they they're drinking more water. Sure. And I I find that to be so amazing. I mean, I feel like mother nature always knows. And dogs are so in tune with Mother Nature. And so even they are drinking more water. In


fact, one of the fun things I do when I go to see clients that have pets, is as we start to talk about what natural actions can be to provide from us. And so let's, let's see what your animals think. And so we'll take two bowls of water and we'll take whatever water they've been given their animals, and then we'll run it through our portable unit a couple times, and then put that water in the other bowl, they always go to destruction, water, they they don't even I mean, it's not like they go and check this out and go back and forth. The animals are able to recognize immediately the magnetic field, the frequency that's coming from the water, and they know it's better for

Jaclyn Steele:

that is, it's so amazing how intelligent our physical bodies are dogs, of course, but I feel like humans as well. And I'm excited to have you back on the show today. Because in the last episode, you left us on a bit of a cliffhanger, in that you're talking about the ability to program water. So step one is getting a natural action portable filter so that you can tumble the water properly. And then step two now is programming the water. And from my research, I just want to set this up for the listeners InfoPath he has these devices that put out ICS that are essentially electromagnetic currents, that program and tune the water to a specific frequency that then when it enters our bodies is able to heal whatever ailment it is that that frequency is tuned to. Is that right?


Well, we don't really make any medical claims.

Jaclyn Steele:

Of course not.


But one of the things I like to tell people about what's unique about what the philosophy does, in See, here's, here's what people have to understand. For you to be able to program water, the water has to have a clear memory. Right. And so like as you were talking about what happens to water when it goes through the municipality and it gets brought to your homes and people even bottled water is you actually have a water now that is unfortunately become almost really dysfunctional, because it has been taken away from its natural flow energy form. So you literally have a dead water that does not have the proper electrical charge that now is not really a living, beneficial water. So when the water is being able to be restructured, What is exciting about that process is we now are restoring the water back to its natural pure form, where it now has a clear memory, you no longer have the impact of the influences of what was previously destroying that water from being a living water that has beneficial. So with the water now being able to be programmed, just like with music, you know, when someone sits down and they write a song, they have to put the right notes together and everything for there to be the proper frequency for the sound properly. You know, we know if all of a sudden if you are like if you're on the piano and if all of a sudden you change some notes on what was previously written all of a sudden, what might have sounded really smooth and fluid, and just phenomenal canal all of a sudden have like an app to it. Yeah, Tara says the notes wrong, which again, would be the frequency. And think of that as like our body because our body is a massive energy. And our body does rely on us being in a proper frequency for us to resonate and be in our best, best health and best performance. So if all of a sudden we get out of whack, we're gonna have a problem because we're out of frequency. So that's what's exciting about what this company called Philosophy and everything has done is they've now given us healing modalities that now can be programmed to go into the water to make it much simpler for us to bring ourselves back into balance, and to have the body be able to function more in harmony, just like with a great sound a great song. You know, we all know what it's like. Isn't it interesting? And how when you walk into a room that just because there's a certain vibration that you're getting from that music, how the body just resonates from it.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, totally. It's palpable. And I think of for people who are listeners who are not familiar with what we mean by frequency and energy and how the body is just frequency, I mean, every single cell is vibrating and so it's vibrating at a frequency


into cells in that body exists. Yes, and I believe.

Jaclyn Steele:

I mean truly I believe that frequency healing is the healing of the future versus traditional medicines. But beyond that, even if you don't buy in yet to the body being frequency, I think of walking into a crowded room. Let's say you're going into a mixer, there are people that you are naturally drawn to, and people that you are naturally, as rude as this sounds kind of repelled by, and all frequency like attracts like, if you are coming in in a depressed sad state, you're probably going to gravitate toward people who are in a depressed sad state. If you are walking in a high vibrational high frequency state, you are going to attract like, so more high vibrational frequency, people. And the same is in life. I mean, I think about when people talk about social media or their friendships or their relationships with their family, sometimes things are beyond our control. However, so much of what we experience in life is just being reflected back to us, due to however we're showing up in the world. So if we want better if we want higher vibrational frequency, if we show up that way, then we will attract more of that


you're 100% Spot on, you know, think think about the athletes and the professional teams that you watch. And And isn't it interesting how there's always those certain athletes in those certain teams that always just seem to be good all the time? Yeah. And a lot of that is because of the frequency of the belief that they have in themselves to perform. And I mean, how many times when we think back to the Olympics, and I was thinking about when I forget what her name was, but she had the busted up ankle? Yes, yeah. And she was still able to perform at another level, and land spot on, and, you know, helped the US team win the Olympic title. Because again, the frequency that she was generating for herself, was reflected in her performance. And again, think about Michael Jordan, where there were those two games that I can recall where he had the flu. And everybody say, like, you know, how's it going to make it through the game? And they were some of the best games he ever played?

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, it's, it's, it's so much about how we show up spiritually and mentally. And I believe our body follows suit. I think our body takes the lead from the thoughts that we feed it. Now in relation. Well, actually, I'll tell a quick story. A few years ago, my husband and I were visiting some friends in Florida, and we decided to do this really fun water activity called flyboarding. I don't know if you've ever seen it. Really? Yeah,


I did that for a birthday. And I had so much fun problem. They weren't giving me enough energy to get me up high enough.

Jaclyn Steele:

Got it is it's so much fun. But essentially, you're behind this jetski and you're in like a snowboard kind of contraption. And they pump up a bunch of water underneath you. So you're literally hovering above the water, and you can do tricks. And I remember a few of our friends went, and they were having real they're having a lot of trouble just staying on the board without flopping right into the water. And I went out there and I said to myself, I remember I remember this distinctly I was like, trust your body. Your body knows what to do. Right? And as soon as I did that, and I turned off on overanalyzing, like, I need to adjust my weight here, and I need to do this. How do I look? Do I look like a fool? And I just trusted my body and allowed my body to do it. I got up immediately. Yeah, again, it's so much about training our thoughts and allowing our body to follow suit. So when it comes to in pharmacy, is that how you pronounce it? Yes, it is. When it comes to in pharmacy, can you give us a little rundown of how to use these devices and maybe an example of somebody you've worked with that has seen some of these results? Because I'm thinking about our listeners who are like, how does this work? Is it real, etc?


Well, I'll use my mom was a perfect example. Okay. She has an autoimmune disease, and has to have fusions because of that. And by getting her on the structured water, you know, we were able to get phenomenal results. In fact, the quality of her blood, you know, just went to another level, which was phenomenal. Her doctor was blown away because when she went in six months after she had her pacemaker put in, she's 85. Now the doctor when we did our first blood tests like this can't be right. So he did a second and then he finally did a third time and then he just came back to my mom because she's getting concerned. He says Your blood is too good for someone your age. This is the blood that I see that people that are 35 years old, 40 years old, not someone who's 85, you know. And so they actually took her off of bunch of the meds that they had retaken. So that was a neat thing. Now, as I became more aware of the benefits of the orthopedic everything I was telling my mother, I said, mama said, this is something that I think could really assist you, you know, not only with the DHH thing, but also I think with your autoimmune situation. One of the problems with our auto immune system disease that she has is it attacks the nerve? What do you want to call it the nerve endings in her muscles, so she could never get a full night's sleep because you still get those arc shooting pains at different times. So as we are putting together what is called a complex where you can use multiple icees. Okay, we found one of the eye sees that said nerve repair. And we thought, okay, let's give this a shot. So we took that I see and made it part of our complex and her complexes got, I think 12 different ICs in it, okay. And she only drank two glasses of water that day, you know, that she put on her, what is called the icy glowing pad and put the, you know, the transformation of the information, the frequencies into the water. When she went to bed that night, she slept eight hours, pain free. And she has had that ongoing

Jaclyn Steele:

glass, it was a warm first the


first day or first day.

Jaclyn Steele:

Wow, that is amazing.


Well think about it, though. Okay, so there definitely was a frequency relative to her having that nerve pain to be created and to be consistent on a current. So now all of a sudden, we brought in a frequency that now is stabilizing, where she had that out of frequency balance that was causing those nerves to do that. And all of a sudden now you've made a correction in that neurotransmitter transmission to where now instead of it shooting a signal it saying you know, you're still not functioning properly here. So we have to let your body know. Now all of a sudden the frequencies come in, and it has balanced itself.

Jaclyn Steele:

If you have been listening to this podcast for any length of time, than you know how vitally important wellness is, to me, it affects every area of our lives. And I'm a firm believer that our bodies want to be healthy. That health is homeostasis. But in a world with so much stress, toxic gunk and nutrient depleted food. Sometimes we need a little help. Today's episode is supported by enfant Bothy. This is a revolutionary company that creates at home devices that program Healing frequencies into water. Yeah, you heard me right, you can program water with what are called eye sees. And those are electromagnetic signals that stimulate our body's own healing. So essentially, you program the water, the water enters our body and it stimulates our body's own healing devices to heal ourselves. How beautiful is that? Maybe you suffer from allergies or ADHD or you have digestive issues or mineral deficiencies. Or maybe you have mental health issues or reproductive issues or like me, maybe you have hypothyroidism. There are 1000s of ICs and complexes you can choose from to program your water with Healing frequencies. Robert black and I did an in depth podcast episode on this episode 93 as well as an episode on the vital importance of structured water. And all of that information is in Episode 92. In FAPA, he has several devices you can choose from to program your water, the starter device is $65. So it's very affordable. And then you subscribe to their monthly membership for $10 A month or $8 a month if you want to pay a yearly subscription. And that will give you access to literally 1000s of ICs and complexes or to simplify Healing frequencies to program their water for optimal health. I personally have all three of their programming devices. You can learn more and read testimonials at WWW dot info And that's and then use code Jacqueline 10 for 10% off your order. All of that information is in the show notes. But again, you're going to head to InfoPath and use code Jaclyn 10 for 10% off your order. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I believe frequency healing is the future of healthcare this is another segment of these are a few of my favorite things and buy favorite things. I mean companies. Yes, I am an affiliate for these companies so I get a little kickback when you purchase from them and that allows me to continue to make this podcast and pay my bills. So today I want to introduce you to be k r. And they are by far my favorite reusable water bottle company. I've been using their bottles since 2017. So you do the math, it's been a long time. Here's why I love them so much the shape of the water bottle and the loop lid make it so easy to carry them from yoga to the grocery store to work, whatever. They're super portable. Next, the specialty lid that holds weight for it. Lip Balm. So in this Arizona dryness, my lips can get some much needed moisture, always right at my fingertips. Next, the silicone shell that makes it grippy and easy to drink from and then the colors. Oh my gosh, admittedly, I'm someone who's very picky about what I purchase. I want it sustainable, ethical and I want the colors to be on brand. I'm not a hot pink in your face kind of gal and BKR gets it they have the most beautiful selection of colors that in my opinion will not hurt your eyes. Also, the water bottles are easy, easy to clean or pop in the dishwasher. I love that they don't take a lot of time to keep sanitary. I got my first BKR bottle like I mentioned in 2017. And it still looks brand new. And that's something I wish wasn't so important to me. But it is it's in perfect condition. And I have dropped it traveled with it taking it to music, performances, et cetera, taking it to work. Oh my gosh, this thing has seen some life my friends and it looks fantastic for its age. You can see my little family of BKR bottles on Jaclyn Steele calm slash BKR. My favorite colors are Teddy and Brooklyn. Trust me, they are so freaking beautiful. And they are an item that will last and last. And last again, that's Jaclyn For my favorite pics. Now back to the episode. I think what I find so beautiful too is the intelligence of our bodies and how badly they want to be in homeostasis, and how badly they want to be healthy. But we live in a world and in a culture in the West. That is like if you have an ailment, take a pill, don't need to change your diet, you don't need to exercise more, you don't need to worry about the quality of the water that you're putting in your body. And it to me it's the opposite. If we're experiencing any kind of ailment, I feel like that is our body's beautiful way of saying to us, Hey, we're out of homeostasis, and we need you to pay attention. It doesn't mean you don't need to go to the doctor, you need to ignore the doctor's advice. But I know for me when I have taken a holistic approach or a more natural non shocking your body back into you're trying to shock your body back into balance. I have seen results so fast and felt differently so quickly that I am hesitant to trust the Western way of approaching health because I've experienced such amazing results on the opposite end of the spectrum, or at least combining the two.


Sure, let me and I can't remember the exact Chinese herbalist doctor's name but there was a Chinese herbalist and you can find him on Google or on DuckDuckGo depending on which search engine you want to use I productive go myself, but he lived 200 And it's either 20 or 32 years or 252 years. And it's documented. Yeah, you can find it. And he died in 1932, if I remember correctly, and from if I remember on reading, he was the herbalist that introduce the herbs from China to Marco Polo. Wow. Okay. But again, the reason why I'm bringing that up is here's somebody who became so imbalanced with what Mother Nature has to give us that he was able to prolong his life over that period of time. Okay, and and all that occurs because see we age due to there being cellular damage. All right. So if we have a way of being able to help reverse that cellular damage, and we can have our cells firing with the least amount of energy and stress being put on the body through the simplicity of just drinking water. Right that is now hydrating that is given the nutrients that is removing the toxins in the waste, and now has the frequencies to help keep the body in balance. It only makes sense that your functionality is going to become much simpler.

Jaclyn Steele:

Mm hmm. And harmony,


right. And using myself as an example, I used to take a lot of supplementation, I used to spend PLO close to probably about anywhere between 350 to$400 a month on supplementation, because, you know, I knew that I'm not the foods that we get, now the soil has been depleted. I mean, we could go on and on, you know, talking about the same. So, what I found for myself, I pretty much eliminated, close to 90% of what I was buying supplementation, because I'm now able to do the same thing through the programming in my water.

Jaclyn Steele:

And it's probably so much easier for your body to process everything to


you. When we're dealing with frequencies, you can have no adverse reaction from frequencies. Yeah, right.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, which is so cool. And which is what gets me so excited about the future. I mean, I know, we know a little bit about it now. But there's a company that's releasing a frequency bed next year, I already pre ordered it, because I'm like, this is, this is how we are going to heal.


energy healing is the future. You know, there's no doubt about it. We are gonna, I think, here in a very short period of time, become aware of patents that have been purposely suppressed. Because of the healing benefits that they provide. And for the for the medical field, as we know it now, it's going to be completely turned upside down.

Jaclyn Steele:

Well, the thing about frequency is, it's cheap. Like, once you buy it, like the device that I have from infant and father fee was $65. I think the one that you have is less than $200 192 $192.50.



Jaclyn Steele:

$192. And then you subscribe to The App, which is like eight bucks a month. And then you have all of these, like, aren't there hundreds of Healing frequencies available to you 1000s of Healing frequencies available to you, for less than$300. Right? I mean, from what I understand, is a drop in the bucket compared to like medicine costs. Now,


you know, what would you say if all of a sudden you could start to grow self healing modalities?

Jaclyn Steele:

I mean, I believe it so wholeheartedly because I've seen my body change when I give it what it needs, right. But for people who may be skeptics, if you think about$200, or $65, for the base model. And I am NOT an affiliate for this company. So I have no benefit in saying this. I'm just saying this, because I think it's an interesting concept to marinate on. We could waste $65 on anything. But even if you're a skeptic with something like this, try it. Try it for seven days and see what happens. And if you experience improvement, isn't that worth, you know, taking that $65 and putting it toward that versus, I mean, going to the doctor now and even insurance, it is wildly expensive. I can't tell you how many times just for Nat, like normal yearly checkups. Three or four months later, I'll get a bill for several $100 That is so unclear why I'm being charged that money. It's like IRS taxes, they tax you 10 years after you pay your taxes. And they're like you didn't pay this, but I know you did. But the state of California is like we're broke. So we're going to tax you anyway.


This again gets back to why the quality of water that you put into your body is so important. Because if you are allowing your body to open up its pathways, and that's what I tried to really keep it simple. I said Think of it this way if we can open up the pathways to the functionality of all of the cellular operation in our body to allow it to Excel into work the way it's supposed to. You have now just simplified the ability to stay healthy. And that's exactly structured water does because it is actually the structure of water that your cells have to have for your body to operate properly. Most people don't realize that because of the water that they're drinking, they're always in a constant state of dehydration, because the water they're drinking is not able to be completely converted into the structured water that the cells need. So your body is now dealing with inflammation, which we know is the root cause of

Jaclyn Steele:

disease. Yeah. Yeah, it leads to so many things. I mean, I think about that I got into holistic medicine, short tangent from my dogs. And it, this book was talking about how over the last few decades, disease in dogs has skyrocketed. And it's because we're feeding our dogs, this dry dehydrated kibble. So they are in a constant state of dehydration, their organs are under functioning, because they're not getting enough water. And we're the same way, we're in a constant state of dehydration, our bodies are struggling to function properly, properly, eliminate toxins, and also when we're dehydrated, our brain suffers. So we have brain fog, we are able to think properly. I mean, hydration is such a key component to health to energy to vibrance, um, if you would, can you walk us through, start to finish how you program your water so that our listeners if they want to buy one of these, they'll have a little insider like scoop on how to use it. I mean, step one to me. And these are two separate companies. So natural action technology is a separate company, that's where we get the water tumbler and create the structured water, which is this high quality, high frequency water. And then in fact, apathy is where you take the ICS or the electromagnetic currents and program the water to whatever frequency you want. So let's assume people have the natural action tumbler, they go to info apathy calm, and then what needs to happen.


Okay, well, when you go to and one of the things that I do, you know, for anybody who is interested, you know, I would recommend for them without hesitation, contact me, because I'll be more than happy to talk to them more to help give them a proper explanation, because there is a little bit of a process that you have to go through to be able to set up yourself properly to use the philosophy program. And that's in understanding how to build your complex, and then how to put the I season. And just that, you know, like, for my parents, for my brother, I basically walk them through it. And once I walked in through it a couple times, you're like, Okay, I understand now what to do. So that's the first thing that I would tell anybody who is interested on this, without hesitation contact me, they can get me via my email, which is waters Living

Jaclyn Steele:

And I'll link that in the show notes too. So people beyond a shadow of a doubt habit,


because I've had a few friends that tried to do it on their own. And it gets so confused, and it wasn't working. Right. And you know, they said, Robert, we should have gotten to you for so that's really the first thing I'd recommend anybody but let's say. So we're we're getting your you set up with how to basically build your own program. And what you're looking at is, again, is you know, what is your lifestyle right now, what are some of the aspirations you might have on wanting to see improvements, because really, we are, I would almost say unlimited on what we can do with this programming provided by a father. Right. And that's what's great about it. For an athlete, there are things that you can add to, to accelerate your ability to perform better, recuperate, better, get stronger, so on and so forth. For someone who's been struggling with certain health challenges, there's probably going to be recommendations there that we now through the frequency can help the body assist itself on balancing itself out. Because really, that's all all's we're doing. I mean, God has blessed us with an amazing mechanism. So if we can help bring in some of the needed parts that right now are missing, we get to get everything operating again. So with the follow up, what I basically do is you know, I get my structured water setup, and depending on which device you get, there's three different devices you can get. You can do as much as two litres of water at the same time. Okay, so like a half gallon of water. So I take my gallon jug that I have filled up halfway, that water then I then put on what and I use what's called the icy glowing pad which is around circular pad that has really unique designs to it. And then blue lights turn on when you're operating it so

Jaclyn Steele:

and does it matter if it's a glass carafe or a plastic craft for no thing,


it could be stainless steel, it could be plastic, it can be glass, because the frequencies will be able to go through whatever container is being used. Okay. So, you then basically are setting your your complex up. Now the complex is where you can put Multiple seats. So, for example, I've got a total of 16 different eye seats on my complex. And these are covering everything for enhancement of physical performance to mental concentration to assisting, you know, my body for natural functionality benefits for because of what's going on right now, because of COVID. And everything, there's certain things in there that I have, that made me in my personal opinion is bulletproof as you can be. I've been around people that have had the COVID. And, you know, I've been able to help them in a system by getting a better hybrid and everything like that. And today, I've never picked anything up from anybody. Amazing. Well, I think it makes sense. If I have a strong immune system, okay, then that means my body's going to be less subject to be affected by bacteria and viruses. What's really neat, and this is why I like to work with people on the philosophy because once I'm talking with them, I can find out what some of their concerns are. And then we get to have fun like going to school because I say, well, let's check this out. This is what you're concerned about. So we put it in the search bar, information comes up, and then we read what the IC is telling us what it's all about. And then we decide whether that's got properties that we think would be beneficial for us to use. So as I start to stack this up, it's sort of like Legos. So then we finally start to build it up to where we put it where we think we want to be, we get everything set up there, you then have a certain title that you're putting in into this complex to signify what you've developed and everything and you got to submit certain stages, get all that set up. Then once that completed, you now have basically your own profile. And so now when I go to use my profile, I basically go to a follow up, I hit I see complexes, I then hit imprint, and then I go down and I select one of the other boxes. And normally it's skeletal, muscular. And then I hit what looks like a little beaker that says created because I have created a complex for myself, I click that it brings up my profile, I then click on my profile, which now is sitting right there in front of me with the list of all my ICs. When I click on that, it then brings up the start box where it's pushed the start, let it go. Now, depending on what your ICs are, there are certain timeframes for each separate IC. And so you can have a timeframe to have all of this done at once, that could be only maybe 10 minutes, or it could be as much as an hour. It all depends on what the ICs are that you're putting in. And so that kind of becomes part of what you're selecting. Also, you know, because, for me, if I had to sit around and wait for an hour, I'd go nuts. I'm not the most patient of people. Yeah. And so what I what I found myself is I was looking because there is timeframes that show you what it takes for these frequencies to be downloaded into the water. My when I do my 16 ICs. That'll happens in just nine minutes.

Jaclyn Steele:

Wow. Okay, so it's fast. And then the water in a certain window, or is it just programmed and you can program to go all day, good to go


all day, you know. So and that's another thing that's great about structured bar is the structured water is not going to lose its properties unless somehow you have done something to alter it, such as putting it in front of a magnetic field or put it in front of a huge electric field. Okay, because that will disrupt the structuring, but like you could, I mean, I've got two five gallon jugs of water filled up right now, just in case we have a blackout sometime in the near future. While the power right. That structured water has been sitting there for a month and it's still just as good as a month ago.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, and for those listeners who could maybe be skeptical about that, if you go to natural action, is it natural action, technology calm?


That's your action? Techno Yes,

Jaclyn Steele:

natural action, technology calm. There are studies showing under a microscope, the difference between structured water and regular water and the the cellular level and the way that it's shaped. It's totally different. It's, it will it blew my mind.


Yeah, well, you know, and that's why for me, I use my domain name waters living as a reference, you know, for people to go to natural action technologies because as I'm talking to people about water when they hear natural action technologies that there's nothing there that to them resonates with water. I realized that for me to have more of a domain name that and that's really what structure water is. It is a living force. Yeah, it is literally water that is a living force. And that's why I selected that domain name waters. Perfect. Because when you go there, it takes you right to natural acts and technology. And now you have access to all of this great information. And then the other thing too is that, you know, I'm here to help people. I mean, this is why, like yourself, Jacqueline that you know, you have a purpose with the information you share to people, you know, and when we can help people understand, whether it's through things that we've learned or things that we become educated on how they can improve their own health and their well being. That is the greatest reward in the world. I mean, there's nothing I enjoy more when I get feedback from clients that I've worked with, and they're telling me how much their water their water has helped them change their life.

Jaclyn Steele:

You know, what's so cool? Yeah, so cool. And I love the beauty of the simplicity of it as well, right? I mean, yeah, you know, not this crazy, complicated regimen. It's water in programming water,


I mean, drinking, like I tell my friends, how hard is it for you to pick up a water container and drink? All right. And yet, at the same time, I'm not putting some of the best team and modalities I possibly can in to the operation of my body. Hmm. I mean, I couldn't you cannot ask for a simpler way to stay healthy. And that's why I it's almost like, it's, it's like, I like challenging myself, like, I want to be around sick people, you know, because I know, I'm not going to get sick, and maybe I can help. You know. And again, I have a simple way now that we can provide information that has and I'm not sure if you took much of the time to see the science behind everything on a follow up. But the technology and the and the aka cell claims is amazing.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, it really is. It's it's, it's mind blowing. And it's again, it's so exciting. Yeah, this is not something that's going to cost people 1000s and 1000s of dollars to buy in. It's not a super complicated process. And there are so many different healing modalities within this umbrella that people now are going to have access to. This week's episode is supported by natural action water technology, my friends, not all water was created equally, and some water assimilates better in our bodies, and other water. And because our bodies are comprised primarily of water, I'm so pumped to introduce you to natural action water technology and specifically, their portable unit. The portable unit is the easiest way to revitalize water at home and on the go. You can enjoy the benefits of an energy infusion of structured water when you're out and about whether in town at a local restaurant or on the road traveling. Simply pour water through the top the large end of the portable unit and point the small spout into any container to get the benefits of structured water. In episodes 92 and 93 of self discovery we do an in depth review of what structured water is and how important it is for our hydration but essentially structured water mimics the way water is found in nature after it tumbles down a stream. It changes the molecular structure and allows it to assimilate in our bodies better so that we stay hydrated longer and faster. It is absolutely incredible. My husband and I have been using it for about five months. I've noticed a big difference in my hydration especially being pregnant so important that I stay hydrated. I also use the structured water for our dogs and I've noticed my dogs are drinking a lot more water so they've noticed a difference. Again episodes 92 and 93 go into depth on what structured water is. But I highly highly, highly recommend this portable unit. You can find it at natural And if you use code Jaclyn dash 10 You will get 10% off your order. Again you're going to go to natural action calm and use code Jaclyn J AC li N dash 10 for 10% off your order you will notice a huge difference in the way the water tastes and goes down and a difference in your overall health. It is absolutely awesome. I love this unit. I cannot recommend it enough. Okay, now back to the episode.


The way I got introduced to follow up is when I flew out to Ohio and I was staying with the owner of natural action technology John butts and we just relocated their larger manufacturing facility, we have a new headquarters being set up. So I came out to help get some things set up. And I saw him programming this water and I'm watching this, I'm like, what do you do? Let me tell you about this. And the minute he told me about it, I just went, why didn't you let me know about this before this is amazing. And he uses his primarily for his animals, that three dogs and a cat, and two of the dogs, you know, have got some health challenges. And by him being able to program the structured water, he's been able to assist his dogs live in a healthier and a better life. You know, cool. Yeah. And so, you know, for me, this is something that I'm looking forward to being able to share more, you know, to not only the public, but also to, you know, the natural path doctors out there others, because you cannot provide a simpler way to help bring people into balance with better health, better performance, a better lifestyle.

Jaclyn Steele:

Mm hm. And during a pandemic protection, I think, you know, with all of and I've spoken on this podcast, a lot about fear, because I feel like mass media, and so many other entities are just pushing fear on us fear, fear, fear, so that they can have some semblance of control. We don't make good decisions when we're in a state of fear. But also, I want to let people know, obviously, I'm not a medical doctor, I can't make medical claims. But in my experience, when we treat our bodies well, we give our bodies the nutrients that it needs high quality, high vibrational nutrients, lots of fruits and veggies. Yep. And we are hydrated. Our bodies are not good vessels for viruses. Now, we are just not a good match. It's again, going back to frequency, if we're operating at a high frequency, and COVID is at this low frequency, we're not going to be a match. And so we may come into contact with COVID. But just because we come into contact with COVID does not mean we're going to contract it. So again, this is just to me another way of increasing our insurance policies, so to speak, to protect ourselves against anything that is going to be harmful to our bodies, if we can be proactive about our health. That, to me is the most important thing. And that is also what I want the wellness portion of this podcast to be about is being proactive, not retroactive. And as much as we can help it.


Yeah, well, you know, and again, when we talk about frequency, is this is what resonates so much because of what structured water is the bio magnetic field that is created by the structured water, the frequency that that has, is such a life giving force. And that's why when I have fun, I'll do water parties, that client's home sometimes and we'll take, for example, some strawberries or apples, and we'll cut them in half. And we'll take say two tap water. And we put that in a bowl and then these part of the slices going into the tap water. And then we seen that take that same tap water, we structure it a couple times to our portable unit, and then put the other halves in the other and then we'll let it sit there and soak in the water for about five or 10 minutes. Then we come back and we taste them. And you cannot believe the taste and the structure that you literally can tell has been changed in the cellular structure of those fruits or vegetables that we just ate. All due to the frequency Yeah. being created.

Jaclyn Steele:

My mom is the one who introduced me to natural action technologies. She has the portable unit. And she was so pumped when she first got it. She was like you have to taste my regular reverse osmosis water now tasted after it's been through the tumbler. So I did that taste test. And then she was like, now I want you to taste my white wine and I want you to taste my red wine. After it's been through the tumbler. She's not wrong. They taste. They go from being like the wines in particular go from tasting acidic to being so smooth. You can't deny it. It's like two totally separate drinks.


Yeah. And on the side with the wine. Yeah, you won't get a wine handle.

Jaclyn Steele:

It's so cool. I mean, I'm pregnant right now. So I can't take advantage of that. But that's good to know for the future. So for people who are curious, how can they get ahold of you and where can they find more information if they want to go online? for both natural to natural action and in pharmacy


are the best ways for them to reach out, you know, my website was living Okay, and that will take them to natural action technology reach me via email waters Living Now one of the things that I've done to help people as I say, I have a video that shows how I program my water through the fall flippy. And I point out all the different things that I've put together on the ICS. And that's really helped many of the people that you know, have taken the step to wanting to do that, because now they understand a little bit more on how it's going. Plus, you know, when you actually you haven't been able to get yours up going yet. Once your your tune it on, you actually see on your screen the frequencies, so you're literally going to see these frequencies going and changing in their levels. That's so cool. I literally see what actually is going on. And you know, it's like, you know, for me, it's like being a kid in a science class, you're seeing this activity going on, you're seeing this water literally, in a way kind of vibrate. Because it you know, it all makes sense that oh, wow, I can see that something is happening to this water. You know, yeah, especially myself being an athlete as I am, the difference that I saw in the gym, from drinking the structured water, and then programming, it was just off the scale. Oh, I

Jaclyn Steele:

cannot wait, I'm so excited to use this. So for that video, if you send me a link to that video, I'll make sure that gets in the show notes too. So if people are curious, they can have your email, I'll have your website in there. And then a link to this video.


And remember to we've got for the people with natural action technology product, you know, when they go to my website, waters, living forest calm, we've got that 10% discount, perfect, we'll have available for him to you know where it's Robert be in caps, Dash 10. And by using that, you know, we can not only save them 10%. But we also are no shipping charges, and no tax.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, amazing. So I'll make sure that that code gets in the show notes as well. And then for people who are economically conscious, if you were to get the natural action portable unit, and what you would recommend from in pharmacy, how much are people all in like what kind of investment


on not including the 10% discount that you get on the natural action product, that portable unit retails for 299. And then we also have the blue cobalt one that goes for 349 Blue cobalt provides an additional energy benefits, you know with it, but you know, they could pick up the portable unit for 299. And then on the follow up, depending on what device you decide you want to use. And this is where a lot of times I like to talk to the customers too, because I'm able to give them a little bit better some insight on what might be the better choice for them. So based on what I did myself when I got my icy glowing pair that that ran me $192.50 Okay. And then I signed up for the annual membership, like you said, that unit when you pay for the annual membership up front

Jaclyn Steele:

bucks a month or something. It's like


892 it comes out to like $98 Yeah, yeah. And you actually get a 30 day free trial on that also. Okay, well, 18 months. Yeah. So, okay, if after 30 days, you know, you didn't feel like you benefited from it, everything, you know, you can say, yeah, you can.

Jaclyn Steele:

All in. It's around $600 ish. So that's not an insignificant amount of cash. However, when it comes to our health, I feel like that's a drop in the bucket.


Well, here's the interesting thing. Some of my clients, literally, by using our structured water program, by using the FATA P have literally already saved themselves 1000s of dollars.

Jaclyn Steele:

I believe it other


you know, applications and everything, you know, through meds and things of that nature and in you know, the one thing I tell everybody about this is that, you know, I'm not a doctor. You know, we don't make any medical recommendations. But what has been very interesting is that people that we now have that are using our natural action technology system, they're using the ability for the follow up when they go back, you know, to go see their doctor, they're doing so much better than a lot of things are changing. And so they put themselves in a better, healthier environment. Their body is responding. Ah, and it's not uncommon for me to get calls from doctors, and they start asking me questions.

Jaclyn Steele:

What the heck is going


on with my body? They say like, How can water you know, I mean, my mother again, using my mother's example, when her blood was so good. Her doctor just couldn't figure this out. So when she told her doctor how I got them on this water protocol program, Dr. Jung called me up. And it just was hard for him to believe that water could be this much of an influence on bringing the body back into proper health. But it's interesting because two books that really made me aware about how important water was, were written by Dr. Batman gelt. His first book was, you're not thirsty, you're sick. His second book was medicine kills water cures. And literally when you read through his books here is a practicing doctor, an MD, that has 1000s and 1000s of patients that he's been able to document how by using the proper water protocol and everything, he was able to address their health problems, he brought all that information to the NIH to the MA, you know, to the CDC, and what did they do they just move that off to the shelves just go play because they knew that they

Jaclyn Steele:

want people to know, no, water is inexpensive. And these treatments compared to regular medicine are totally inexpensive. So I'll we'll link those books as well, for sure. Yeah, I


mean, those are, those are some great references people can go to, you know, where you can really understand. And you know, again, he just basically says, Here's what the patients are suffering from. Another great doctor that I really enjoyed. Well, there's actually two others. Dr. Hisa, talking to jemaa, cancer specialist in Japan. And literally by him using structured water with these amazing trace minerals, he calls it his super mineral water, he was able to address his cancer patients. And from what I've been told to date, he's got over 50,000 cancer patients that are cancer free,

Jaclyn Steele:

oh my gosh, you know, wow. Body, it's


bringing the body back into balance. And again, I've got, I've got the ebooks, I mean, I've got information that I can share that this is information coming from doctors, this is their validation on what they've been able to do. And this is what I like to share with people because it gets me away from them thinking I'm trying to do a sales pitch to them, I just learn, this is how I learned. This is why I live my lifestyle the way I do now. And this is why I know I can give validated information from doctors that will make you more aware of how we really can enable our body to be able to really self heal itself.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yes, absolutely. Oh, goodness gracious. Well, I know we could keep going for another hour. But I want to respect your time. Mr. Robert black, thank you so much for sharing this information with us. And I'll make sure everything's linked in the show notes so people can get a hold of you readily.


Jacqueline, thank you very much. You know, really, you know, God bless you and your husband and your new new addition to the family as you're coming in everything. And you know, I just, you know, the one thing I want to comment to you is, you know, I'm very proud of what you're doing. Because I'm in the effort that you are putting in, to be able to bring information like this to your followers, I think is important. Because it's it's information like this that can make a difference. And I know that you do this because you know you are making a difference.

Jaclyn Steele:

I care I really genuinely care. I feel like we are all so deeply and universally connected, that when one of us gets better, the ability for all of us to get better becomes available. And so to me, it's just full circle and it's doing what's right. But I appreciate so much that compliment Thank you.


Well you're welcome.