Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Self-worth, self-care, & skincare with founder, Jesse Golden, of the Golden Secrets

Jaclyn Steele Season 3 Episode 102

Jesse Golden is a devoted mother, holistic health practitioner, Hatha yoga teacher, author, model, and founder of the holistic skincare line, The Golden Secrets. Since she was a child, she has always gravitated towards mother nature, spirituality, and holistic healing - searching and striving for authentic, alternative ways to live.

In today's episode, we chat self-worth, holistic health, autoimmune disease, incorporating more sacred rituals into our daily routines, and Jesse's INCREDIBLE skincare line, The Golden Secrets.

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The Golden Secrets to Optimal Health by Jesse Golden

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay


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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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I was like weird, like, because I just it was just so far fetched from what anything that I thought I would do. But, you know, I think that that's part of our path is like, you know, our paths are kind of laid out for us. And this just kept coming up organically. So I was like, You know what, I guess I'll go with it. And then all of a sudden, I have the golden secret skincare line.

Jaclyn Steele:

Hi, I am Jaclyn Steele, and welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive? And go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That my friends is what self discovery is all where that man Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's episode of self discovery soon to be self worth with Jaclyn Steele. I'm so excited about today's guest. My goodness, I have just fallen in love with her since our interview. I have known about her for many, many, many months, probably since like 2020, maybe 2019 But got the chance to speak with her personally through this podcast. And before sharing our amazing interview, I wanted to do a little bit of a deep dive into Jessie golden so you guys could understand how absolutely luminous educated what a wealth of information she is for holistic health, and so many other things including skincare. She developed the most incredible skincare line called the Golden secrets. If I sound a little under the weather, it's because I am but life goes on. We got to move on. Sorry, my voice is a little scratchy, but here we go. So Jessie golden is a devoted mother, a holistic health practitioner, a hatha yoga teacher and an author. And she's also been modeling for over 30 years. 30 years this woman is 43 but she looks like she's about 23. So definitely try. Try her skincare line if you want to stop the process of aging. Since she was a young child. She has gravitated toward Mother Nature, spirituality and holistic healing. And that shows for sure in this episode, she has always searched and strive for authentic alternative ways to live, which is totally my jam and totally the jam of this podcast. Jesse has experienced many life challenges, including continuing to thrive with a debilitating disease rheumatoid arthritis. She has harnessed many alternative natural modalities that have helped her along the way. And the importance of organic skincare and positive rituals became a huge part of her healing. They're a huge part of her skincare line the golden secrets. So through her personally formulated products based on ancient recipes, she began to use them as tools to not only nourish heal, and rejuvenate her skin, but to retrain her brain toward a more positive mindset. So each product comes with an affirmation and she has said that reciting positive affirmations while applying these beautiful products became a self love remedy that enhanced the already powerful transformative products and the effects of her formulations. Plus the daily practice of these affirmations have been the fountain of her youth. She says at 43 years young and again guys she does just look absolutely incredible. Not that everything is based on looks but if you want to see some incredible skin at 43 years old look no further than Jessie golden. Also a personal testament I have been using the golden secrets products now for a couple of months I have the body guasha tool I have the face quassia tool. I have the youth beauty face oil and I also have the aura mist. They are they feel like a deep breath. They smell beautiful but because they are so pure and so clean. They absorb into the skin immediately and I mean instantaneously give you this gorgeous youthful. Do we plumped up skin gloves. So we're going to talk about skincare. Today, we're going to talk about alternative ways of healing. We're going to talk a little bit about rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disease. And y'all just know you're going to fall in love with Jessie golden, she is someone everyone should be following her heart is so her heart is even more beautiful than she is, which is hard to comprehend. So without further ado, I am so excited to introduce you to today's guest, the founder of the Golden secrets, Jessie golden. Alright, listeners. Today on the podcast, we have the privilege of having founder of golden secrets. Jesse golden, thank you so much for being here.


Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. Me too.

Jaclyn Steele:

So I love your skincare. And I went, I went to get a massage the other day at a spa. And the therapist actually asked me what I was doing for my skincare. And I was able to tell her the golden secrets. And so for those listeners who aren't familiar with you, can you give us a little bit of your background and why you created this clean skincare line, the golden secrets.


I love that story. Because that's actually how it all started, I had no plan to become a skincare owner, I have been making my own skincare and essential oils since high school. And all these, you know, products that I was making for myself were just like, sacred to me. And everybody would always they literally gave me the name, they would say what's your golden secret? And I kind of was very protective over like these formulas. And I never wanted to share, but everybody was always asking me what I was using on my skin. And what was that scent. And literally, I mean, finally 15 years later, I had this website, where I created a blog called The Golden secrets where I was just sharing things that had worked for me whether it was holistic health or yoga, you know, spirituality, parenting, all different things. And eventually that started going into beauty. And a friend of mine who I really admire in business, he said, Honey, why don't you bottle that stuff that everybody's always asking you about? Because we would go out all the time. And all my friends like this is getting ridiculous. Like everybody wants this. Everybody wants the glow? Yes. Like this is so weird. I just thought it was like weird, like, because I just it was just so far fetched from what anything that I thought I would do. But, you know, I think that that's part of our path is like, you know, our paths are kind of laid out for us. And this just kept coming up organically. So I was like, You know what, I guess I'll go with it. And then all of a sudden, I have the golden secret skincare line.

Jaclyn Steele:

Well, it's you're so effervescent. And I can tell from I've been following you for a year or so now. And you so beautifully combine the holistic side of wellness and yoga and the humaneness of just being here on this planet with skincare, which I think sets you apart so beautifully. But what got you into the holistic part of it in the first place, because so many people approach skincare with without that tone.


First of all, thank you so much. It's such an essay. Thank you. Um, you know, I noticed, first of all, I grew up in the modeling industry, I made a living as a model basically my entire life. And I noticed being around, you know, some of the most successful models and makeup artists and stuff that I was kind of always doing things against the grain and what everyone else was doing. Everybody was using, you know, the designer, whatever. And I was going to the health food store and making little concoctions at the time literally finding like corner markets because there was no Whole Foods, there was no Erawan you know, in Miami, I used to go this place called Wild Oats. I wasn't using sunscreen, I wasn't using retinol. I wasn't doing like all the standard things that I felt like a lot of people around me, but at the same time, everybody would always ask me what I was doing. And I was like, this is like interesting. And it kind of was this similar path in my life period where I felt like if you just aligned with nature, things can can actually work out for us. Yeah, and I was on a path of just, you know, it just felt it just felt right for me. And, you know, like many paths that I've taken in my life, just the natural way of doing things. Mm hmm. No, no,

Jaclyn Steele:

I so no and I so relate to that. Yeah, and I feel like, for me, it's so life affirming, because I have taken that same approach of like, okay, I want to be healthy, I want to take care of my skin from the inside out. But I also want to be using products that are good for me, I want to stop the aging process and as much as possible, right. And I just think it's so neat how you have created these products that are so good for us, from the inside out.


Thank you. What I was gonna say is I it was really important for me, when I decided I was going to do this, to make it go beyond the skin, because having been on the other side of marketing, and, you know, I was the face of many skincare brands for products that I never used in my life would not stand behind at this point in my life. But it was so important for me to make it go beyond the skin. And I thought how could I do this. And one of the things that I noticed right away was one of the first products that I created was my signature blend, which is what's called the signature blend now and it's just an organic essential oil blend. But what I noticed was throughout the years, every time I would pull it out of my purse, put it on my pulse points, tune in with myself and check in and kind of like see where I was at maybe say some positive affirmations some intention. And that became so powerful. So the product became the pool to do the work. And I was like, How can I encourage people that are already going to wash their face are already going to put stuff on their face, do these self care practices to make it even deeper? And especially women, you know, when we look in the mirror, and we put our creams on and stuff, we're usually pointing out what is wrong with us? Mm hmm. And I thought what if we, you know, rewired our brain and said, I am beautiful, I'm radiant, I'm useful. I am worthy. And in kind of rewire the brain take that opportunity.

Jaclyn Steele:

And it works. It works, you know, and everything in the world. Yeah, everything in the world is energy. And to me, I believe our minds are so powerful that we actually can reconstruct and re integrate ourselves in a way that changes the way that we look.


Yeah. And the universe always says yes, and I tell people, if you feel ridiculous saying these things to yourself, it's a sure sign that you need to. I remember when I first started practicing affirmations, I felt ridiculous. I felt you know, I mean, saronite live made skit jokes about this back in the day, like I am worthy, I viewable but it's so true. Because unfortunately, we're wired for the negative and we have this net, a lot of us have this negative thought pattern, internal dialogue that's running all the time. And we have to kind of nip it in the bud and then reset it. And that's where the real inner light and youthfulness and radiance I feel like comes from and you can spot these people a mile away, you know, you can spot them a mile away. And it's they're not the ones that are, you know, spending 1000s on skincare, they're probably using like soap that they use on their body, and they're putting olive oil and but they're living a radiant life, and they feel really good about themselves. And so that's what's really important to me is basically teaching people about self love, because I think that's the foundation for everything.

Jaclyn Steele:

Same here. I am here. And for me, I feel like part of my mission on earth is to educate people about self worth, because I feel like that's the foundation of so much and it it dictates the trajectory of our lives. How we see ourselves dictate dictates so much. So on that note, I think another point of really cool differentiation with the golden secrets is that you have affirmations that accompany every product. And on the box, you've got a QR code that directly takes you to more information about the product, which I find to be so helpful. I am a skincare geek. I love knowing everything about every product that I'm putting on my face. But for the listeners who haven't seen your brand yet, what is your hero product? What is the one thing you would want people to start off with?


This is so hard for me but because you've made all these gorgeous creations Yeah, like oh, they're all my babies. Um, you know, but my best seller which is the youth beauty face oil. It is, you know, incredible. Yeah, I'm like it's a it's 10 organic plant botanicals. It's zero toxins. It's got rose hip seed, which has natural retinoic acid so it gives you all the benefits have like a chemical retinoid without the toxic side effects or the sun sensitivity or anything like that. Um, it's loaded with vitamin A vitamin E antioxidants. And the greatest thing is it has tons of beta carotene in it. So it's this beautiful golden color. So as soon as anybody puts it on their skin, whatever your skin tone is, it just instantly brings it back to life. And a lot of us, you know, especially people that have are prone to acne are scared of oils, because they think it's going to make them break, you know, break them out. And unfortunately, that's another myth that we've been sold by the beauty industry, you know. And people think if they dry their skin out, it's going to solve their problem actually going to create a vicious bad,

Jaclyn Steele:

I healed my skin through oils. I used to have horrible acne in high school. And my mom who is such a hippie at heart was like, you know, I think you should start using olive oil. And I started oil cleansing and using oils and it healed my skin on like every layer, it was incredible the transformation that took place.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize, but people with who are acne prone are usually deficient in line ik acid. And that's a fatty acid in you know, really good oils. So as soon as you start integrating that and healing, your sebum and the skin barrier, everything just kind of starts to flourish, and then you're not in this vicious cycle of drying it out and then trying to moisturize it. And, you know, unfortunately, there's so like, I'm a skincare junkie too. But we do have to be careful with how many products we use, because we could do more damage than good. So I always say if you're going to change you know your skincare, at least give it a couple weeks a month and let it like fully, you know, work for you before you start integrating like other things.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, which makes so much sense. Going back to


what I feel like is your hero product and what you agreed is your hero product, the

Jaclyn Steele:

youth beauty face oil, which I have right here. This is a product I was wearing when I went into the spa and they asked me what do you have on your face and I literally had no other makeup on, I think maybe like a touch of eye cream. But it truly is. What I noticed right away was definitely the tint to it. And so it does bring your face alive, but also how it pumped my skin so immediately to it just felt juicy and dewy and glowy and I live in Scottsdale, Arizona where the air is so dry. So I love it here but transitioning to this climate is frustrated


and putting it on just Laird.

Jaclyn Steele:

Exactly, and I've been using it under my clean makeup too. And it is such a beautiful primer, my gosh, I feel like the makeup lays better. It stays on longer and it doesn't get like dry and cracky like how some makeup can so


you know that's what there's some of the you know best makeup artists in the world. I'm so grateful because up until this month was the first time I started dabbling with like paid marketing or any kind of advertising. With some of the best makeup artists in the world choose youth beauty, you know to put on their client's skin before they put their makeup so a lot of makeup artists love to use that with foundation and stuff like that

Jaclyn Steele:

understandably Whoa,


it's just Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

it's so yummy. It is so yummy. Love it. Yes, yes. Today's episode is powered by the golden secrets. This incredible skincare line was birthed from the heart and soul of Jessie golden, who if you don't know who she is yet, you should listen to episode 102 of this podcast because I interviewed her and you're going to absolutely fall in love with her I'm telling you. But this line the golden secrets is a holistic, sustainable, Fairtrade wild harvested and cruelty free skincare and wellness line that wants to inspire rituals of self love, and unveil a natural ageless golden glow. It's rooted in nature, ancient wisdom and organic beauty. The Golden secrets is committed to giving back and providing tools for the conscious consumer to live a more balanced, fulfilled beautiful and purposeful life. sound like something you want to be a part of. Yep, me too. The Golden secrets thrives on making skincare and wellness products that benefit everybody. all ethnicities, sexual orientations and specific skincare needs skincare that doesn't harm you or the environment but instead works in harmony to awaken it Ah, yes, yes, yes. Also every product comes with an affirmation and a QR code so you can quickly learn how to use the product. I love combining affirmations with things we do every day. It transforms something as mundane as putting onto your moisturizer into a sacred moment. And if you've been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you know, I'm all about that this line is it's just next level, I have their youth beauty face oil, their aura beauty mist, Sorcerer's Stone guasha beauty tool, gold pulse firming, phase one and this sculpting stone guasha body tool. I've also heard rave reviews about the golden secrets heal all oil. So that's next on my list. I use these products pretty much daily. And my gosh, I could go on for days about the benefits of guasha. Which if you buy any of their guasha tools, you get a giant ebook chock full of info on how to use it, and why it's so transformative. And why the stone specifically, the composition of the stone is so important. It's not like other guasha tools at all. I'm also so in awe of the youth beauty face oil, it immediately absorbs into your skin, it plumps it up it gives you this golden glow, and the aura mist penetrates your skin and locks in moisture five times better than hyaluronic acid. Guys, it's a total game changer, especially if you live in the desert like me. And in addition, this might be my favorite product. Although it's really hard to say the gold pulse firming face one not only feels amazing, it helps erase the tiny Forehead Wrinkles I have I've watched in all multiple times in the mirror as those little bad boys disappear as I use this tool. I cannot recommend this line enough it is next level on every level. So do yourself a favor and go to the Golden or follow the link in the show notes and use code. Jaclyn 10 for 10% off your order. Again, code Jaclyn 10 will get you 10% off your order all the information is in the show notes. You are going to love every product you try from the golden secrets, I just know it going back to the affirmations because you do pair an affirmation with each of your products. Why do you think affirmations are so powerful? And what role do you think they have to play an elevating our self worth?


Yeah, I mean, kind of like I was saying before, to give you a little bit deeper backstory for me, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 29. I just turned 43. And

Jaclyn Steele:

you look like you're still 29. By the way, I don't mean to interrupt you. But I think that's important for the listeners to know that.


This is my favorite beauty trick is just pull the pony as tight as you possibly can, you don't need it. You don't need it. You're so sweet. But when I was going through this healing crisis, one of the things that I noticed I was actually bedridden for almost a year of my life. And that's the first time in my life, that I noticed that I had a horrible inner dialogue, a critic that was just constantly beating myself up. And this is something that I still battle. You know, I think I always find it interesting what people tend to teach is what they're struggling with themselves. And there's no, there's no, there's no like, there's no like, I'm surprised that I have a skincare line. That's all based on self care, because that is like my biggest work. And, and I just noticed that I was having this really negative self talk. And that's when I really started practicing practicing mindfulness and the other limbs of yoga. I was a yoga teacher at the time. But my main focus was like the asana practice, and there's seven other limbs that like usually aren't spoken about. And I really because I couldn't use my body, I was really having to do the internal work. So every time I noticed that I was having this negative self talk, I would catch myself and replace it with something positive. And it's not. It's not that you're ignoring the negative, you acknowledge it, and then you replace it. And like I said before, I think it's so important because through studying about affirmations, and how many negative thoughts we actually have throughout a day, we're wired for the negative as like a survival mechanism. So we have to rework the brain and like work out our neurons just like we're working on our biceps or any other part of our body. So the more you do Do it, the easier it becomes. And one of my favorite things I just thought of, because during the same time, my son was like, three and a half, four years old,

Jaclyn Steele:

oh my gosh,


what would he say when he would say, you know, oh, I can't do that. Or he would say something negative, I would say replace it with three positives. And it was like, both of us together, we're kind of going through this process of learning how to, you know, switch that negative thought pattern through through being read through being his parent, you know. But affirmations are so important, and I think it's one of the quickest ways to to do the work most. It's very tangible, you know?

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, it is. Have you read Louise Hays, you can heal your life. Oh, sure. Yeah.


I talked about her in my book, actually, yes, yes. impact on me

Jaclyn Steele:

for sure. Same, same, I have an autoimmune disorder as well. Hashimotos, which has to do with the thyroid, and I, and that's rooted in expression, and not expressing yourself. You know, I grew up being somebody who was known for my music, what I did on stage, and I thought, how on earth is it? That I'm not actually expressing myself, but what I realized was, I was intellectualizing everything, and not actually feeling it, processing it, and letting it go. And so I had all of these blockages in my body. And I feel like Louise Hay and Louise Hay is all about affirmations. She literally says, you can heal your physical body through these affirmations that you say in your mind or say out loud, and it goes into our very cells, and can heal us.


Yeah. Yeah, it's so amazing. Powerful. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

It's so powerful. So the theme of the podcast in January when this episode is going to air is owning our worth. And I personally want to do this on every level, just like you said, you we so often teach what we are working on ourselves, and self worth has been my biggest battle. Why do you think self care and skincare are such important aspects of self worth?


Yeah, just like the affirmations, I think it's a tangible way for us to do the work. It's so like, any time, I mean, the reason why we do self care or anything, whether it's skincare or taking a yoga class, or meditating, it's because it makes us feel better about ourselves. And for me, I'm sure a lot of people can relate. If I'm, if I'm feeling down about myself or something, I need to do something like an action and be proactive, in order to feel better I need that's how I empower myself. So so doing these acts of self care, and skincare is just like any immediate way to give yourself some love and instantly feel better. But the self worth sign of things. I mean, I could go down a rabbit hole with this because, again, being a mom, I've learned more about the self worth and self love than than anything else has ever taught me. Because I want my son to know that he's valuable by just being that it's not by anything he's doing or not doing. And I think that that's such an important message for people to hear, especially nowadays with social media. Every time we go on social media, it's like everyone's doing all these amazing things are bombarded yet that we think that you know makes them valuable or better than us and we're constantly comparing ourselves but at the core essence of our spirit, like we are valuable and we are worthy, just as we are without doing anything.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, I have tears in my eyes because that hits so close to home. I am support guess my 30 Weeks Pregnant I so. So in February as of February, I will have a child and hearing you talk about self worth and imparting this essential wisdom into our children. It just touches that like heart string in me, that resonates to my very core because I don't want my child to struggle with that internal dialogue that I struggled with for so much of my life that negatively affected so many areas of my life to the point where I contracted in autoimmune disease. And fortunately, I am of the mindset that we can scale back and reconstruct ourselves. And now very fortunately, I've done a lot of the work and I'm feeling great and healthy. But I don't ever want my kid to have to go through something like that.


I get goosebumps when we talk about stuff like this, but like, you're gonna be the most amazing mom, I can already tell you, that's the coolest thing about being a mom is they become our greatest teachers, because everything that you're talking about, it's going to be amped up even more, because you're going to have little eyes watching you. And so it's going to just raise you to a new level where you because you have to be, you just have to, like raise up, you know, know that they're watching you, and you want them to rise to the occasion.

Jaclyn Steele:

You know, it's so interesting. Again, I'm tearing up and it's not just pregnancy hormones. Yeah, but the first trimester, I was pregnant, I was so sick. And my hormones were so all over the place. I just, I started praying and having a conversation with God. And I was like, God, you obviously allowed me to get pregnant. Why are you putting me through such a tumultuous process to bring this baby into the world. And what I heard back was, Jaclyn, this is your next level of understanding, you're gonna have to rise to the occasion. And essentially, this is a portal for your growth. So to hear you say that it just, I feel so blessed. And I also feel so excited to meet this child and to be able to learn along side. Does that make sense?


It's the most amazing. I always tell people I came into my own when I became a mother. Like, it was like it was just it's the most magical thing on the planet. I mean, so many of my friends had kids after me because I spoke about it's amazing. Like, I don't want to have a kid but now I have again, they all kid.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, that makes me that just makes my heart sing.


I'm so excited for you.

Jaclyn Steele:

Thank you. I am I'm too I'm nervous. But I'm definitely totally normal. Yeah. So I want to talk GWAS shot with you, because you have this incredible tool. And I have full transparency done guasha ng before. But your sorceress goddess guasha tool is next level. So can we chat like why you created this why you created this shape? And for listeners who aren't familiar with this facial massage technique, why it's important?


Yeah. So what I didn't mention before is all my formulas. Alt my entire line is based on ancient formulas that have stood the test of time, including guasha. So guasha is an ancient self care practice that works with the body's own innate system to bring Qi or vital life force back to the body. So wherever we have like stagnant energy, stagnant Qi, or blood flow, that's usually where we'll get wrinkles or dark spots are puffiness or, you know, on the face on the body, it could show up in aches and pains or, you know, varicose veins, anything like that cellulite stretch marks. So it's usually where there's stagnant energy. So you want to keep the blood flow and the QI moving throughout the body, but it also can help with like collagen and brightening the skin, anti aging, bringing nutrients to the skin, lymphatic flow with certain strokes. And the reason why I chose this stone is because this stone being stone is the original stone used in ancient times. It was it was the stone that was originated for body scraping and acupuncture back in ancient China. So it's a crazy story. A meteor actually hit ancient China I think 60 million years ago, and this mountain of this precious stone was created and

Jaclyn Steele:

like the dragon glass and Game of Thrones,


everybody living near this place was living longer and healthier. And they thought what is going on? So they discovered that this stone has like 40 trace elements, like 20 of them are anti aging and has electric pulses that are like generated way higher than any other stone like just to give you an idea. It's like 3800 compared to Jade that's like 1800 So the stone alone is So healing and anti aging. So if you're gonna do guasha use what was it was originally created for, you know?

Jaclyn Steele:

Amen to that? Yeah, yeah, for real. And yours is so unique because it's got for people who aren't watching the video. It's got several very soft, curvy ridges. And then it's got two other, it's got several flat areas. And then it's got a couple of more intricate ridges. So can you go over like what each part of this does? And I know you did such an incredible tutorial video that I watched and loved. And that's how I learned how to do it. But for people who are listening who are like, on the fence, should I get this product? Should I not? Why is this so unique, because I've never seen it in this shape before.


Well, so first of all, with purchase, you get a 40 page ebook, it sounds overwhelming, but it's not I made

Jaclyn Steele:

it very so cool. The


history of being stone and guasha and all the things that it does all the different things. And then there's two video tutorials that breaks down the stone. And then the other one I just give you like a basic ritual that you can go through. But I tell people use your own, you know, instinct, like you can just listen to your body as well. But the different shapes, you know, go with different curves of the body or of the face, like if you want to do you know the jawline, or underneath the eye around the eye like I do, I love doing her hair, the small find comb is great to break a crow's feet, little tiny rules, the big comb, I love doing like big facial strokes, it just feels really good on the comb versus the smooth side. The big column is my favorite edge to do

Jaclyn Steele:

feels, it feels so good. For me, I'm 35 now and I'm starting to notice just like little tiny lines and little tiny lines on my neck. What are your recommendations for those because I don't want to hate them. I want to embrace them. But I also want to prevent the deepening if possible. Yeah, I mean,


guasha is probably my favorite thing. The thing with natural, holistic beauty rituals is consistency is key. So anything that we're doing, that's a repetitive movement throughout the day. Like for example, the way that I have my computer set up is how I work, I have it propped up on pillows. And like I mean, I break time, because you don't want to be if you're on your computer all the time, you don't want to be creating those tech lines, and you want to be able to have your neck long. But then doing guasha consistently, I mean, if you're first starting guasha, I would do it every single day for the first two weeks. And then you can kind of taper off like, you know, two to three times a week. But it literally smooths out the wrinkles and the fine lines and it can retrain your face. So again, it's just that repetitive movements that we're doing all the time, like I have a really expressive face. So when I smile, I get a ton of wrinkles. And I'm like, I've had that since I was 15 like my son has it, you know, and that's just how it's gonna be. So

Jaclyn Steele:

I did a beautiful, it's so beautiful. And I think embracing those things that make us uniquely us. We don't need to freeze them. We don't need to change them. We don't need to deny them. Yeah, embrace them.


Well, that's the other thing too, that I talk about in this book that a lot of people don't know. And I didn't know until I started doing a lot of research through guasha is the difference between hatia the natural holistic route and Botox is Botox is a quick fix. It's going to get rid of your wrinkles instantly. You know, nowadays, I feel like everybody is doing it, but they don't tell you what it actually does. which scares me. What it actually does, in case you guys don't know is it atrophies the muscles. And that's why you don't get any wrinkles. So when atrophies the muscles over time your face is going to fall even more. You're going to need Botox more consistently it's not going to work as good and your face is gonna fall more over time because you're not working the muscles. So with wash off face yoga things that actually like you want to be expressive with your face. You want to like smile and lift up your cheekbones and and do all these things because over time that's what's gonna hold your face together. I mean, yeah, oh yes. Like if you want to do a little Botox just be mindful. Sure. And and also do holistic beauty rituals. I think you know, there's like a nice balance where you can do both

Jaclyn Steele:

Sure, yeah, and I don't have any I don't pass any judgment for people who want to get Botox at for me at this point in my life, I would rather use guasha tools. Affirmations go the holistic route because I naturally feel more attuned and aligned to that. What I think is so interesting and cool. And I'm sure you're aware of this, but I kind of wonder if you are aware of this as you are creating this products, these products is that you are making mundane daily tasks into rituals. And I'm finding that in the morning when I put on the oil, and I guasha I like listen to bossa nova or French music or a podcast. And I stand in front of the mirror and I'm like, I am loving this. I'm taking a few minutes to myself, This just feels so beautiful. It's a ritual instead of one more thing I have to do wash my face, put on my makeup, get ready for my day.


I love that I even before the skincare I used to tell people and I learned this through yoga, is you can turn anything into a mindful, mindful practice. Just by bringing attention and mindfulness into it. You could wash the dishes and practice your breath and say a positive affirmation like you could do anything. But my tool happens to be you know, skincare, because I think so many of us are already doing it, but just by you doing that, and that's the thing. It's, I don't have a lot of time left. People don't have a lot of time, but five minutes of juiciness for yourself can shift your entire day. Your entire day. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

lievable Well, and again, you it's not just part of your daily skincare routine. It's inviting ourselves to come back into the moment to be present, to change if we are in a negative mindset to flip the script and change it into something positive while doing something that is so good for our skin and for our faces. It's beautiful.


Yeah, I love it. Good.

Jaclyn Steele:

This episode of self discovery is supported by Parker clay. Parker clay creates premium leather bags and goods that provide stable and dignified work for at risk women in Ethiopia. Every item on their site shows how many hours of empowerment your purchase will create freakin love this company as evidenced by all the items I have from them, which I'm going to share right now. I own the Mercado signature tote the Miramar backpack the Eden carry out the squares, wallet cord tacos for organizing the topo mini bucket bag the Abby drawstring backpack the ring con tote the bizarro and my friends the list goes on. I've also purchased many gifts from their site for my friends and family. My husband wears the A zash bandana and mask combo which has been great during this pandemic. And he loves it because it's stylish and also provides protection. Every single thing I have from them, I'm impressed by you know the quality as soon as you touch the leather, it's so buttery soft and thick and gorgeous. I wear my Parker clay pieces with pride, knowing they are stylish and providing dignified employment for some incredible and deserving people in Ethiopia. And as a side note, these items just get better with time because of the way that they are made. Visit Parker clay calm to purchase your next favorite bag, I'm telling you, you'll be hooked and use code PC dash, Jacqueline s 20 for 20% off your order again, that's PC dash, Jaclyn s 20 for 20% off your order, you can find the link in the details in the show notes below. Okay, now back to the episode.



Jaclyn Steele:

you also wrote a book The Golden secrets to optimal health? Can you share a few of your daily habits that have changed your life? You're so stunning, and I know that so many of our listeners will be interested in knowing some of the most important things you do on a daily basis.


So sweet. Thank you. I share there's so much information in this book you guys and and there's reflection pages throughout so that way you can find your own path to optimal health. Like I don't say you have to eat this way. You have to eat that way. I say what's your ancestry? What's your blood type? What's your dough show? Let's find out what? Oh, wow, your blood type is let's take you through this path so you can find out what works for you. And and then I share I share a lot of modalities still yet talked about like through macrobiotics tons of nature. I mean, every single day I get out into nature. I'm a known solar Sun worshipper. I've been a sun worshiper my whole life. I love the sun, I think the sun has gotten a bad rap.

Jaclyn Steele:

We need it. Yeah, we


need this energy and our immune system and happiness and health, like literally everything. And I mean, I could go down a whole rabbit hole with that whole thing with skincare. But a lot of people just have have it all confused with how what sunscreen actually does even the mineral sunscreens. Unfortunately, a lot of the natural non toxic mineral sunscreens are using high poopoo oils, which actually age and oxidize your skin the second you get into the sun. So it's there's this whole rabbit hole people aren't taking into consideration. Blue light blue light is affecting our skin like way worse than you know, having the full spectrum of light. Most people that get skin cancer, it's not. It's in places that the sun never even sees, you know. So there's like a whole thing on that. If I had to tell you like a couple things that I do, no matter what throughout my day that I swear by is staying as close to nature as possible. In everything that you do, whether it's opening your eyes to the sky, I mean, because we're looking at technology, we're looking at blue light, open your eyes to the sky in the morning, let your feet touch the ground, eat close to nature, be close to nature, put skin on your you know nature on your body. There's tons of things in the book, very unconventional sound therapy, color therapy, I talk about custom jewelry, jewelry responds to your body all different ways that you can empower yourself to feel better, like you were talking about earlier, being able to express yourself. So expressing yourself is associated with the fifth chakra, which is your throat. So I would recommend that you wear blue crystal necklace, wear blue, anything blue, that's going to help you express yourself, I would stay away from the color black that doesn't really that kind of mutes you. It's why people wear black, we just kind of want to hide away. So there's certain things that you can do that can empower yourself, you know, in your environment, have lots of plants create an environment that allows you to be playful, like I have a swing in my yoga swing in my kitchen. Like I do things, you know, to keep yourself moving. But in general, I would say just trying to be as close to nature as possible. And

Jaclyn Steele:

I love the simplicity of that. Yeah, like what you're eating, make it as close to nature as possible, the way that you're thinking about life. You know, I feel like sleep cycles, gosh, getting getting geared down or gearing down. When the sun starts to go down. I naturally when I follow nature's rhythms feel so aligned and so energetic. It's when I'm trying to manipulate those things like Western culture encourages us to do drink coffee all day, take a Red Bull, whatever. It just, we're not meant to be machines. We're human.


Yeah. And we are

Jaclyn Steele:

part of nature. Yeah,


yeah. And I think that's just it. Like, it's interesting, because I do love a lot of these biohacking tools and stuff. But a lot of them are just trying to mimic what nature already does so, so beautifully. And they're great for if you nature isn't available, like if you're living the freezing cold and you don't want to go outside or whatever it is and scrape us red light therapy and stuff like that. But we used to spend 90% of our days outdoors, and with our hands in the dirt and growing our own food and everything. And now we're spending 90% of our time indoors. And so the simplest thing like you said, like rising with the sun, allowing your body to see that first red light. That's actually a way if you tend to burn midday if you allow your body and your eyes to see the first light you're less likely to burn between 10 and 12. A lot of people don't know that. I didn't know that your body up so if you were to wake up with a sun and allow your body and your eyes to receive as much as that red light as possible. You're less likely to burn but we spayed stay indoors and then we go outside we have toxic sunscreen on go and burn. And it's like what the Sun is the devil

Jaclyn Steele:

we're just oh it's life giving. It is literally life giving my gosh okay, so I have a couple more questions for you. Before I go into those, you said something really interesting earlier about how different concerns that come up on our body, whether it's like a pain point, or a wrinkle or cellulite. It's due to stagnant energy. And I, I love the empowerment of that, because it allows us to then say, hey, whatever it is that's going on in my body, I have power to shift and move that energy. So can you just touch on a couple of tactics for how you shift energy, or release energy or move it within your body?


Yeah, I mean, traditional Chinese medicine is what they have mastered this through to see you know, they're talking about vital life force and moving things. And, you know, when I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, that's the first time I was introduced to guasha is, my doctor would practice squash on my knuckles, and she would rub vigorously, you know, until it was bright red, but they will, that would bring the blood and the oxygen to the surface and get it out of the body. But I believe that we hold on to trauma and all different things in the body. And again, nature does this so perfectly. And if any of you have an animal, you can watch them do this all the time. If an animal a dog is scared, and their fight and flight is responds to something, you will see them shake it off, they will shake it off, they innately do it. And so that's one of the easiest ways is to get it out of the body. Like through tantric dancing, or yoga or movement, people run like, you know, just getting it out of the body, of course, guasha through the golden secrets, we also have a sculpting stone, which is designed just for the body, so that you can really get in there and just keep everything moving. And give yourself love to areas that you don't necessarily give yourself love to like, rubbing their inner thigh on a daily basis, you know, we have no beautiful tool and you lube your body up and you just, you know, go through this sequence, which my sequence is different than a lot of sequences out there, I stay very traditional to traditional body scraping, a lot of people get body scraping confused with dry brushing, dry brush, and you're told to go towards the heart. So you go limbs towards the heart, with traditional body scraping, you follow the lines, the 12 meridians of the body. So it's a little bit of a different movement, but I teach it all with purchase, you get the whole ritual, and it kind of just takes you through this whole little sequence. And, and then of course, you know, if you have a problem area that you want to focus on, then use Listen to your intuition and work through it. And, you know, I think it's so important. I mean, for me, this has been one of my biggest practices living with rheumatoid arthritis. I mean, I've been a dance, I was a dancer before I was diagnosed. My movement has been a way for me to transmute energy my entire life. So when I couldn't move for a while, I really, really noticed it. And, and I have to stay on top of it like now I have

Jaclyn Steele:

everything Mm hmm. Oh, that is so powerful. And what came to mind as you were speaking is you do such a great job of going in to the efficacy of your products and how to truly use them. You're not just selling somebody something and it's a one off and like, Hey, thanks, bye. You're providing these really in depth resources. So you're not just a skincare brand founder, you're really a healer, who founded a skincare brand.


Thank you. Well, I'm a holistic health practitioner, too. But I never practiced I only I only helped a couple people with rheumatoid arthritis. And I was like, this isn't really my thing. I want to be able to help on a bigger scale. Yeah,

Jaclyn Steele:

yeah, I relate to that. I relate to that. I think our paths have been similar in some areas. So before I let you go, are there any product launches that you have coming up or anything you want to share with the audience about


what you're doing next? You know what, I'm not ready to share, but I have two things. That one thing I have literally been working on longer than my book. Oh, wow. Like it's just been on my back and other things have come up and I finally dedicated this past year to completing it and I'm probably like three months out. And really, this is like, Oh, this is something like I'm just so excited about it. And then I have one more product too for the golden secrets like an actual skincare product that I'm really excited about that a lot of people have been wanting and that is Can't find. So it's something that has yet to be out there. And I'm so disappointed. I do research all the time. I'm like a research freak. And it doesn't exist. So I'm

Jaclyn Steele:

like, wow, this is so exciting. Yeah, yeah. Well, if I can help you in any way, get the word out for whatever endeavor you have going on, please let me know. Thank you so much. Oh, my pleasure. I believe in what you're doing, truly. So before we sign off, where can people find you online? Where can they buy your products?


Yeah, so I'm most active on Instagram, Jesse golden. And then of course, the golden secrets has their own. We're also on tick tock and Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest. And then the golden secrets calm is where you can buy the products. Yeah,

Jaclyn Steele:

and your website is so beautiful. But again, it is jam packed with information on why these products work, you know, the affirmations that go along with them. It's so beautiful and such a holistic approach to skincare.


Thank you so much.

Jaclyn Steele:

You're so welcome. Thank you for being here and sharing your voice and your spirit


with my audience. Oh, thanks, girl. I'm so excited for you. Thank you