Earthkeepers: A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality

53. Better Together: The Multifaith Network for Climate Justice

Bellingham Multifaith Network for Climate Justice Season 3 Episode 53

In this episode, we are in conversation with members of the Multifaith Network for Climate Justice in Bellingham, a small city in the north of Washington State. We hear from Deb Cruz from the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, Steve Hansen—a Buddhist from the Insight Meditation Society, and Andrea Shupack from Congregation Beth Israel.  Rooted in a sense of spiritual and moral responsibility to protect the Earth, the mission of the Multifaith Network for Climate Justice is to engage and connect different faith and wisdom traditions in responsive, collaborative community.

Upcoming event:
Free live webinar with Brian McLaren, hosted by Forrest Inslee, Victoria Loorz (Wild Church Network) & Kate Davis (Center for Transforming Engagement) on May 17th, 7pm PST. 
Brian McLaren's new book: Do I Stay a Christian?

Guests: Deb Cruz - Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship
Steve Hansen - Bellingham Insight Meditation Society
Andrea Shupack - Congregation Beth Israel
Multifaith Network for Climate Justice 

Theravada Buddhism
JUUstice Washington - a Unitarian Universalist State Action Network
The 7 Principles of Unitarian Universalism
Joanna Macy - deep ecology - definition
Bhikku Bodhi - 2019 UN address
b'tzelem Elohim - made in the image of God
Paul Ehrlich - author of The Population Bomb
1st Earth Day - 1970
Green Sanctuary process
MNCJ legislative review for WA state legislature - Jan. 2022
Earth Ministry
Year of the Shmita - 7th year
Lummi Nation
BIPOC = Black, Indigenous & People of Color
Dan Jones aka SaSuWeh - former chair of the Ponca tribe in Oklahoma, U.S. 
Ethics of Our Fathers - "it's not incumbent on us to finish the work, but we must do our part."

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