Earthkeepers: A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality

38. Everyday Earthkeeping: Ideas for Greener Living, with Courtney Christenson of Sparks&Matches

Courtney Christenson Season 2 Episode 38

In this special episode we get very practical, focusing on five easy lifestyle changes that can help us to live more sustainably. We are in conversation with Courtney Christenson, founder of Sparks & Matches—a nonprofit organization committed to inspiring people to be changemakers in the realms of social and environmental justice. We hope this episode will help our listeners see that all of us have countless opportunities in our everyday lives to make simple, doable changes that benefit the health of the planet. 

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Guest: Courtney Christenson - founder of Sparks and Matches 

Five Easy Switches:
Laundry detergent - eliminate shipping, plastic bottles
          Brands: Dropps ; Tru Earth
Toilet Paper - eliminate plastic wrap, switch to sustainable sources
          Brands: or
(un)Paper Towels
          Brand: Unpaper towels
           make your own from cotton flannel sheets. make a gift set. (find on Etsy)
Reusable bags for produce/groceries
          make your own from anything that doesn't add weight.
          a no-sew tutorial to make your own  (find on Etsy)
Shampoo/conditioner, body soap bars
          eliminate plastic bottles and shipping and switch to safer ingredients. 
          Brands: Motive (find on Etsy)
Resources for eco-friendly shopping:

  • Apartment composting - countertop models, worm bin composting, yard waste bins may accept food waste as well, contribute to local community garden compost.  
  • Dishes vs. paper plates: less shipping, dishwashers are highly water efficient. Idea: collect dishes at local thrift stores  
  • Plastic waste associated with buying meat - ask if you can bring in a reusable glass counter to buy meat in from your store. If they say no, find another store or local butcher shop. 

 Keywords: Greener living, sustainability, environmental impact, eco-friendly, compostable, environmentally friendly, carbon footprint, paper alternatives, plastic alternatives, plastic-free packaging, sparksandmatches, Sparks and Matches

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