28 Summers - Find Your Adventure

Season 2, Ep 34 - Natalia Cohen on Losing Sight of The Shore

Season 2

My guest today is Natalia Cohen.  In 2016, with absolutely no rowing experience, Natalia was part of the first all-female team to row unsupported across the Pacific Ocean - the epic journey spotlighted in the very special documentary Losing Sight of Shore which is now on Amazon Prime!  That's 9,000 miles from San Francisco to Cairns in a 29ft ocean rowing boat for over 250 days! The expedition was not only a challenge of extreme conditions and perseverance but also a journey of mental resilience and exploration of human endeavour.   Natalia’s vision is to empower others to reach their potential, push through their self-limiting mental boundaries and meet and overcome the challenges that life throws at them.   This is a must-listen episode for so many reasons!