28 Summers - Find Your Adventure

Season 2, Ep 47 - Keith Burnet On Finding An Outlet for Restlessness

Jay Worthy Season 2 Episode 47

My guest today is Keith Burnet (@keithaurnet).  Keith is a father, husband, executive and former colleague from the fitness industry - a place where I spent more than two decades of my working life.  Since beginning this wonderful 28 Summers journey I have discovered some incredibly rich stories of everyday folks doing amazing things all around the world.  The deeper I get into this world the more I realise that incredible stories exist all around us, we just need to look for them.  Keith is someone that I have admired from afar for many years but never had a deep relationship with.  Professional interactions never made way for more meaningful connection and yet, in chatting to Keith recently I realised just how much we are kindred spirits.  We share a similar journey and mindset on life and adventure and I feel so grateful to have found this new level of connection with him.  Keith has completed the Marathon des sables, rowed the Atlantic Ocean and, later this year, plans to cycle across North America.  He has a calm, thoughtful view of the world and I absolutely loved reconnecting with him for this chat