Ministry During the Disruption

[8] An Easter Meditation

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Season 1 Episode 8

The first Easter found Jesus' disciples locked in a fear-filled room. Life had been disrupted. That's when Jesus showed up. 

Take a few minutes to reflect on John 20:19-21.

May you experience the presence and peace of Christ this Easter!

Steve Tamayo:   0:00
I want to tell you a story. A story about people locked in a room. A story about people who were afraid. A story about Easter. You're listening to "Ministry During the Disruption."  

Steve Tamayo:   0:26
You aren't the only one engaged in ministry during this disruption.  

Steve Tamayo:   0:30
God is at work.  

Steve Tamayo:   0:32
Whether we see it or not, this is the most important thing to know right now.  

Steve Tamayo:   0:39
On the first Easter, Jesus's disciples started the day in fear. They were afraid of the religious authorities because those authorities had just recently put Jesus to death. Their entire plans for the future were disrupted. They were disoriented, confused and ... over and over again ... we're told that they were much afraid.  

Steve Tamayo:   1:03
At some point on that Easter day those disciples of Jesus, those 11 men, heard a story. Women returned from the tomb telling them that Jesus had risen from the dead. Now. these men didn't believe the women. They went to go see with their own eyes and they couldn't believe their own eyes. They didn't know what to make of it.  

Steve Tamayo:   1:27
That's where we pick up the story in John Chapter 20 and Verse 19. We're told that on the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders. Picture that scene. In some ways, it's not that different from the scenes that we see around us today. We're locked in our homes. Caution, fear, wisdom ... is keeping us inside. We know that there's a risk of death. There's a risk of danger out there. This pandemic has disrupted our ability to move about freely. As we're locked in our homes this Easter Sunday. Some of us are afraid well.

Steve Tamayo:   2:15
Those disciples who were together in that room, Jesus came in and stood among them. And he said to them ... Now pause here ... What do you think he would say to them? Would he chide them for being slow to believe that he's risen from the dead? Would you give them a hard time for being afraid? No, he says to them, "Peace be with you." Peace. He is the one who comes to bring peace. Peace to you this Easter Sunday, Jesus said it to his first disciples, and he says it to us today. Peace be with you twice in the passage in John 20. He repeats this phrase "Peace be with you." We need peace right now. Desperately. Jesus gives it to us. He shares it with us. He sends it to us.  

Steve Tamayo:   3:13
After he says this, he shows them his hands and his side. He reveals to them the scars that he continues to bear on the other side of death. He continues to have the scars that he earned on the cross. Some of us will have scars from this Easter Sunday, from this pandemic, from this disruption ... griefs that will last for the rest of our lives. It's okay to carry some scars with you. Jesus did it. So can you. It won't keep life from going on. There is life on the other side of this. This isn't just some belief that life will find a way. This is a demonstration that we see in Jesus ... life on the other side of death. Life on the other side of pandemic. Life on the other side of social distancing. Life on the other side of disruption.  

Steve Tamayo:   4:15
We're told that the disciples were over-joyed when they saw the Lord. I've been wrestling over the last several weeks: "What's the place of joy in the midst of this disruption?" Is it okay to feel joy? Is it okay to feel joy when I'm riding my bike with my kids? Is it okay to feel joy when I hear a story about a young person who came to faith or a faculty person who shared the gospel? Is it okay to feel joy in the midst of this disruption?  The disciples, on one of their most challenging days felt tremendous joy because, although the dangers outside their door were still really were still present, so was Jesus. He was real and he was present with them and for them, for them and for their salvation.  

Steve Tamayo:   5:09
The passage and John 20 continues. Jesus repeats peace be with you And then he says this phrase "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." Perhaps this is the blessing we need this Easter Sunday. But just as Jesus was sent into the world, he sends us. Peace is with us because Jesus is with us and we are sent because we are with Jesus. How is Jesus sending you today, this Easter Sunday? How is he giving you peace? How is he showing up in your life? Take some time today to ask him to give you eyes to see and ears to hear. Friends, have a great Easter Sunday.