What Then Must We Do?

The Tenth Amendment Center's Michael Boldin: How do we do this?

April 13, 2021 Bretigne

I start off asking Michael Boldin, of the Tenth Amendment Center, how we can use the principle of nullification to put an end to the lockdown insanity and create free societies... and we end up talking about everything from the legal foundations of nullification, how crappy most sheriffs are on constitutional rights, Freedom Cells, Vermin Supreme, and how very very important mutual aid is.

I even tell the story of my grandmother's experience with her amazing care home, provided by her mutual-aid society, and how the state has worked to shut these down across the country.

Michael works tirelessly for the Tenth Amendment Center.

The book I mentioned is "From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State", and you can find it here.

This Cato publication has some good stuff on mutual aid too, including an essay on the book above.

The Fully Informed Jury Association is here.

The Institute for Justice is here.

You can learn more about Freedom Cells here and here.

Read about the battle of Tinhorn Flats here.

And of course the Vermin Supreme Institute can be found here.