Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Linda's Corner - Things you never knew about the founding of the United States

Linda Bjork Season 1 Episode 37

Currently there is a popular tendency to disregard history or to revise it in order to support more modern ideas.  There is particularly a tendency to revise the history of the founding of the United States of America.  Where, at one time, the founders of our country were honored and revered, they are now belittled and condemned.  Most people are no longer aware of the greatness they accomplished because they are only taught about their flaws and weaknesses.  People also often assume that the way things are, is the way things have always been, and we are losing a sense of wonder and gratitude for the people and circumstances who struggled and sacrificed to create something beautiful and amazing.  

In today’s episode I’m going to compare and contrast the American and French revolutions to share some insight about the wisdom and integrity of some of our founding fathers and also the connection between following God’s laws and political freedom.  It is intended particularly for members of my faith, which is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but anyone is welcome to listen. 

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