Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Linda's Corner - Solutions for emotional eating and hormone imbalance for women 45+ with Cassie Christopher

Linda Bjork/Cassie Christopher, MS RD CD Season 2 Episode 78

Cassie Christopher is a Registered Dietitian, emotional eating expert, and the founder of Stress Less Weight Mastery.   She is passionate about helping women love themselves better by overcoming barriers to self-care and healing emotional overeating.  Cassie specializes in helping women 45+ manage stress hormone imbalances and develop specific self-care routines to heal overeating, closet/secretive eating, and emotional eating.   Today she shares the 4 pillars of self-care that lead to peace in our relationship with food. 

You can reach Cassie at her website, is an online resource that helps women find accurate and helpful solutions to menopause related issues.  You can schedule a 30 minute online appointment with a menopause specific doctor who can answer questions about hormone replacement therapy, medication management, herbs, and more.  Use the code cassie20 for a discount on services.

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