Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Linda's Corner - How to feel emotionally SAFE with Poonam Bhuchar

March 03, 2022 Linda Bjork/Poonam Bhuchar Season 3 Episode 18

"Forgiveness is not for the other person, it's for myself.  It's so that I'm not held captive by what has happened to me, and I'm able to move forward." - Poonam Bhuchar

Welcome to Linda's Corner, a top-rated, positive, encouraging, self-improvement podcast.  In his episode Poonam Bhuchar shares tips on how to overcome emotional pain, how to feel emotionally safe, and how to overcome a victim mentality.  Poonam is a successful lawyer and the  author of “Safe from the Pain,” She is also a speaker on overcoming trauma and emotional pain in order to live a happy, fulfilled life.  She has personally experienced a multitude of painful challenges such as sexual assault, abuse, divorce, attempted suicide, and cultural humiliation. Throughout her journey, she developed the SAFE Method to help others acknowledge, discuss, and grow from their emotional pain.  You can learn more about Poonam at her website

Some highlights from Poonam:

  • Surviving sexual assault, attempted suicide, and an abusive arranged marriage is one thing.; but processing all that pain so you can live a full and happy life is something entirely different.
  • Stress from emotional pain affects every aspect of life, including your family, body, and self worth.
  • Reclaiming your power
  • How to overcome your victim mindset
  • Ownership leads to action
  •  The SAFE method of healing and feeling emotionally safe
    • Stop and acknowledge that you're in pain
    • Accept responsibility for where you are and the decisions you've made
    • Forgiveness (3 types)
    • Embrace your journey

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Also please visit the Hope for Healing website at for free resources to increase happiness, build confidence and self esteem, improve relationships, manage stress, and calm feelings of depression and anxiety.