Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Linda's Corner - How to unplug, unwind, and think clearly in the digital age with Daniel Sih

July 14, 2022 Linda Bjork/Daniel Sih Season 3 Episode 56

Welcome to Linda’s Corner.  In this episode, Daniel Sih talks about making space in our lives for the things that really matter.   Daniel is the co-founder of Spacemakers, a productivity consulting group for busy leaders.  His book “Spacemaker- how to unplug, unwind and think clearly in the digital age.”  won the Australian Business Books award for the best personal development book.  You can reach Daniel at his website

Some of the highlights Daniel shares:

  • Loving technology and ensuring that it remains a tool rather than a taskmaster
  • How overuse of technology negatively affects productivity
  • How overuse of technology negatively affects the neuroplasticity of the brain
  • Some practical tips to help us disconnect from our devices
  • How practicing a "digital Sabbath" can help us find balance and greater joy
  • How social media affects children and teenagers
  • Tips for raising children in a digital age
  • How creating boundaries for our technology use increases our joy and improves our relationships
  • And more

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