LatinX Can
A bi-weekly interview series showcasing latinx professionals sharing the tips and tricks that helped them turn their dreams into reality. This podcast provides inspiration, support, and actionable advice that can help you too, achieve your goals.
LatinX Can
005: The Power of a LatinX Network, Part 2 with Dr. Wilmarie Marrero Ortiz
This is the second part of a 2-part episode in which Dr. Wilmarie shares with us her experience preparing to apply for fellowships that gave her a financial freedom that any grad-student would dream of, and which took her to represent her beloved island of Puerto Rico, and the United States at the Paris Climate Change Conference COP21.Some of the opportunities mentioned during our conversation: Graduate Diversity Fellowship at Texas A&M University (TAMU, Likely available at other Universities in the USA): https://ogaps.tamu.edu/Buttons/Funding-Opportunities/Graduate-Diversity-Excellence-FellowshipsBridge to the Doctorate from the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) at TAMU (National fellowship available at other Universities): https://tamuslsamp.org/bridge-to-the-doctorate-btd/#:~:text=The%20Texas%20A%26M%20University%20System,to%20meet%20the%20challenges%20ofResources to learn how to ask for feedback: Coaching for Learders Ep 442: The Way to Be More Self-Aware, with Tasha Eurichhttps://coachingforleaders.com/podcast/be-more-self-aware-tasha-eurich/