Shift by Alberta Innovates

Innovating in Alberta's healthcare system

Shift Season 2 Episode 5

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Building a robust digital health ecosystem in Alberta needs health delivery partners willing to challenge the status quo in clinical care, and partners that are willing to take the risk of implementing new technologies and involve the patients in the process.

In this episode we talk with Dr. Aly Nanji, CEO and founder of C-health, an Alberta-based healthcare organization. Aly provides insight into how C-health, one of Canada's largest multi-specialty practices, is innovating to improve patient care and create a multispecialty research facility.

Dr. Alykhan Nanji started C-health as a single division, known as C-era Medical Clinic, about 16 years ago in Calgary, Alberta. Driven by a desire to make the maximum impact on society, Aly found himself drawn to the medical field in the form of Internal Medicine, building a career as a General Internal Medicine specialist. 

Considering himself a “Health Care Entrepreneur,” Aly wanted to open a clinic that was solely focused on patient care and research. To do this, he got his MBA from Wharton Business School and Master of Public Health from Harvard. With those qualifications, his dream of building a successful patient-centered clinic was on its way.

Shift by Alberta Innovates focuses on the people, businesses and organizations that are contributing to Alberta's strong tech ecosystem.

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