The Quarterback DadCast

Jeff Miller - A Father's Journey through Neurodiversity

Casey Jacox Season 2 Episode 116

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Our next guest, Jeff Miller, is the CEO of Potentia Workforce, a company focused on delivering solutions to the neurodiverse population.    Despite being highly qualified, over 80% of neurodiverse candidates remain unemployed.  Jeff and his team are committed to addressing this need and delivering outstanding bottom-line results.  However, today we talked to Jeff about being a dad!  

He and his wife, Samantha, have a son named Charlie, who lights up their world.  Jeff grew up in the Boston area and was huge into sports.  He credits those years of competing in so many different sports in dealing with his mother's mental health challenges.  As a young man, there were many difficult days where he saw his mother enter mental health facilities and even have suicidal thoughts.   She would later pass after battling Parkinson's.  

You will hear in this episode the deep dive that Samanth and Jeff took in supporting Charlie and learning more about the opportunities they can provide for their son.  Additionally, you will hear how Potentia was formed through the experience of raising a child with autism.   For any parent who is raising a neurodiverse candidate, this is a MUST listen as Jeff provides critical takeaways for fathers:

  • Always ask for help!
  • Learn the definition of neurodiverse - but lose the label!
  • Be Humble!  You don't have all of the answers.

To learn more about Jeff, you can find him on LinkedIn or visit his Potentia Workforce website.

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